Getting your child involved in his or her own dental health could be a challenge initially. You might struggle with getting them to understand the importance of brushing their teeth or even trying to make them care. Beginning your child’s dental health education early can help get them involved and... Read more » Traditional braces have come a long way when it comes to straightening crooked teeth. In fact, they are ideal for a variety of tooth issues, not just crooked teeth. They can effectively close gaps for crowded or overlapping teeth, fix misaligned or protruding teeth, align a bad bite, and match... Read more » Our team strongly encourages everyone to floss daily, but do you ever wonder why? Well, flossing is vital for top-notch oral health and smiles. It can help you and your oral health in more ways than you might realize. This means that if you forget to floss, your smile can... Read more » Building up a good sweat, running that extra mile and making wise nutritional choices is not only invigorating, but it can also be an essential first step toward becoming your best self. With consistency, most people who embrace a healthy diet with regular exercise notice improvements in their health, appearance... Read more » Our periodontist commonly performs frenectomies on patients of a variety of ages, and this minor surgical procedure alters the oral structure for the better. The frenum is connective tissue in the mouth that has three main categories. These include the buccal frenum connecting the gum tissue to the inside of... Read more » There is no tooth substitute that looks, feels or functions exactly like your own teeth. This is why the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) is committed to creating awareness for saving your natural teeth, dedicating the month of May to root canal awareness as well as recognizing endodontists, the people... Read more » Did you know that people suffering from sleep apnea are up to five times at greater risk of having traffic accidents? Untreated obstructive sleep apnea doesn't just affect one's breathing and sleep quality but their quality of life with potential health risks. With obstructive sleep apnea (or upper airway resistance... Read more » If you have jaw pain when you open and close your mouth, or feel a chronic dull ache around your ears and temple, you may have a TMJ/TMD disorder. This is especially possible if you also regularly grind your teeth while you sleep (a condition known as bruxism). Problems with... Read more » This is the month where we recognize our mothers for all their efforts and take the opportunity to thank them for all they have done, which may also include them teaching us how to brush and floss. As a mother, your oral health is important to both you and your... Read more » Summer is almost here and with it the start of fun recreational activities coupled with a slower pace. For teens today, braces are pretty much a rite of passage. The end result? A straightened smile they can flash proudly! Especially since a smile is one of the first things people... Read more » Are you missing one or more permanent teeth? Do you have unsightly gaps in your mouth from tooth loss? If so, our denturist is pleased to offer full and partial dentures for patients who have one or more missing permanent teeth. It's important to replace lost teeth, for several reasons.... Read more » If you struggled with chronic acne during your adolescent years, you may have lingering scars on your face or another visible part of your body. Some individuals who suffer a burn or a significant wound that becomes infected can also develop a noticeable scar. These dermal imperfections can leave you... Read more » The size of a woman’s breasts is largely influenced by genetics. However, body composition can also affect breast size by increasing the amount of fatty tissue around the mammary glands and other breast tissues. Some women also experience a long-term change in the size and profile of their breasts after... Read more » Do you regularly experience grinding or clenching of your teeth, or have a sore throat or laryngitis without an infection? Are your back teeth feeling sore or loose? Do you often have trouble swallowing? If you experience chronic pain in the jaw joints (the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, made of... Read more » Did you know that one of the leading causes of bruxism (teeth grinding) is sleep apnea? When you reach the deep sleep stage, your body's muscles relax, and that includes your neck, throat and the jaw muscles, which keep your airways open as you sleep. It isn't a problem as... Read more » Summer will be here soon with more and more people heading outdoors, increasing the risk of dental injuries. Although our team is at the ready to assist you in the event of an emergency, oral injuries can often be avoided and are preventable with good dental habits. Habits to Avoid... Read more » A healthy smile is not just about your teeth. In fact, without your gums to keep your teeth in place, your smile would be, well, toothless. Periodontal disease (also known as gum disease) affects not only your oral health but your overall health, and research increasingly shows that the two... Read more » Teens can often have poor oral hygiene or crowded/crooked teeth, leaving them more prone to cavities or other dental problems. There’s no doubt a lot is going on for teens, and sometimes their oral health is put on the back burner while they handle all of the other things going... Read more » Spotting and treating tooth alignment issues early on is very beneficial for your teeth. This allows time to make repairs and align the teeth into their correct position. Your teeth are something you use to eat, smile and communicate with others, so it's important to take care of them as... Read more » Spring has sprung, and summer is almost here! The sun shouldn't be the only thing shining bright this season. Your smile is a great feature to show off to friends, family, coworkers, social media, a date and everyone else! Need help to show off your smile confidently? Our team can... Read more » When it comes to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ or TMJD), over 10 million Americans have it at one time or another, and 90 percent of those seeking treatment are women 30-50 years old. Still, the causes and symptoms of this facial pain are not completely understood, and it can be... Read more » It's a bad idea to ignore persistent snoring, and not just because it stops those around you (as well as yourself) from getting a restful night's sleep. But while others may complain when you are loudly sawing logs every night, snoring throughout the night can harm your health, quality of... Read more » Oral surgical procedures, whether dental, endodontic or periodontic are routinely done to help patients receive the care they need. One of the most common procedures for patients between 16-24 years old is wisdom tooth removal. For this and other oral treatments, pain management will be used to keep the patient... Read more » When patients come in with damaged or missing teeth, dental implants are often an excellent solution. But sometimes implants aren't an option for those with insufficient bone height in the top jaw, or if the sinuses are too close to the jaw. For these patients to receive successful dental implantation,... Read more » Does your child need a root canal treatment, called a pulpotomy, to save a damaged primary tooth? Are you wondering why children even get root canals? The truth is root canals - which save teeth that have a bacterial infection or inflammation in the tooth pulp - prevent primary teeth... Read more » Ever since YouTube began helping people learn and execute do-it-yourself (DIY) projects with accuracy and success, it's become tempting to take on more challenging projects to save money. While this strategy works for learning how to crochet or paint your home, straightening your teeth should not be on that list... Read more » Although we are turning back the clock for daylight savings, you can't turn back time on your teeth. Studies have shown that one in five Americans has untreated cavities, which is decay that has damaged a tooth's hard, outer enamel layer and created small holes. Cavities can arise in people... Read more » Pregnancy and parenting can each be a special blessing in your life. The changes in your lifestyle and body are also often profound. For some women, carrying one or more children in her lifetime can stretch the abdominal skin, lead to muscle separation and cause excess fatty deposits to remain... Read more » If you have lost multiple teeth and are wearing or will be wearing dentures, you might be a good candidate to restore your smile with a modern dental restoration known as dental implant-supported dentures. These custom-made dentures are like traditional dentures except they use surgically placed dental implants to act... Read more » Did you know that sleep apnea is actually one of the most common sleep disorders today, affecting about 20 million Americans alone? Sleep apnea is a condition where you experience frequent pauses in breathing while you sleep. It's also one of the most undiagnosed conditions, which can be a problem... Read more » Do you find yourself grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw? Are people around you telling you that you are loudly grinding your teeth, even in your sleep? This habit is known as bruxism, where you grind your teeth, basically rubbing or sliding them across one another, and when you... Read more » If you've ever experienced a persistent toothache, you know how unpleasant they can be. Sometimes, even if you are diligent about your daily brushing and flossing routine, you may still end up with a painful toothache and natural tooth decay. Usually, when this happens, it's because of a cavity, but... Read more » There are times when a permanent adult tooth may need to be pulled whether it's due to a severely decayed tooth, infected tooth pulp, severe gum disease or to make room for braces (to prevent overcrowding). A tooth might also be extracted if someone is going to have an organ... Read more » When it comes to caring for your teeth in or out of braces, you already know how important it is to brush twice a day. Cleaning your teeth daily helps get rid of harmful bacteria or plaque in the mouth that can cause gum disease and tooth decay. But brushing... Read more » February brings National Children's Dental Health Month! This is brought to you by the American Dental Association to create child awareness of the benefits of good oral health. This year's month-long campaign is, "Brush and clean in between to build a healthy smile." First Dental Visit Around their first birthday,... Read more » Alert eyes and eyebrows help to capture people’s attention when you speak. However, some people have an overly prominent brow line, which can start to soften with age. As the years go by, gently sagging skin on the forehead and brow ridge can leave you with eyes that have a... Read more » Are you experiencing discomfort or pain with ill-fitting dentures? You shouldn't have to! Our team focuses not only on creating great-fitting dentures but fixing them as well. Every smile is different, and because we want you to have comfortable dentures, we want to help you understand when it’s time to... Read more » Jaw pain can arise for a variety of reasons such as dental issues from gum disease, poor fitting bridges or dentures, temporomandibular disorder (TMD), an abscessed tooth, stress and anxiety, teeth grinding, sinus issues, osteomyelitis (an infection in the bloodstream, which affects the jaw joint, facial swelling and fever, heart... Read more » Did you know that sleep is as vital for your health as are diet and exercise? Considering that humans spend one-third of their lives sleeping, you want to make sure that you schedule the hours of sleep you need every single day to stay on top of your game. Making... Read more » Did you know that the bacteria in a cavity can cause the nerves to die and kill the tooth? Unlike other areas of your body, the teeth can't regenerate, so if you don't remove the diseased parts of a tooth being destroyed by plaque and bacteria, it will continue to... Read more » Crown lengthening is a common procedure done under local anesthesia to remove or reshape gum tissue, bone (or both) to expose more of the remaining tooth or teeth. It can be performed on one or more teeth on the gum line. This treatment is often recommended if you have a... Read more » Babies sucking their thumb, finger, or pacifier is a natural reflex that helps them feel secure and happy. This is often used to help them relax and fall asleep, and they even do this in the womb! If your child is still doing this, the hope is they lose interest... Read more » When your child comes in for early orthodontic treatment, it's usually not just because their teeth are not aligned. Because of this misalignment, this can lead to poor facial development or other health problems. If your child's developing jaws and face don't grow correctly, there may be health issues that... Read more » Have you been waiting for the right time to get teeth whitening treatment? There’s no better time than the New Year! In 2019, you are setting all kinds of new goals, and one goal you can shoot for is a whiter and brighter smile. Teeth whitening lightens teeth, helping remove... Read more » A woman’s natural endowments are often tied to genetics as well as her general body composition. A woman with a low percentage of body fat may have smaller breasts for her frame. Some women with small breasts or a bust profile that has changed with age and certain lifestyle factors... Read more » When it comes to caring for your dentures, cleaning is a vital component for how they will continue to function best in your mouth. This is true for both partial or full dentures. Keeping them free from bacteria and oral debris protects your oral health and appearance. The first thing... Read more » The human psyche is a complex thing. Topics like body image, social phobia, depression and body dysmorphia can spark polarizing debates throughout our culture. It’s also worth noting that many individuals who seek out cosmetic services are dealing with serious medical or cosmetic issues that impact their quality of life.... Read more » If you have been diagnosed with TMJ disorder, you may be experiencing discomfort, functional issues with the jaw, pain in the jaw joints when you bite down or simply have a dull aching sensation in the jaw muscles. If TMJ disorder goes on long enough, it can damage the internal... Read more » Finding ourselves immersed in the festive holiday season, it's important to still keep an eye on our health during this busy time. If you are displaying symptoms of a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, it's important to address it right away. Whether you are giving gifts to celebrate Hanukkah,... Read more » Winter recreation and sports, such as snowmobiling, skiing and snowboarding are popular pastimes for individuals and families this time of year. Wearing a helmet and a mouthguard can go a long way to protecting yourself from oral injury when engaging in these activities, but still, accidents do happen, and when... Read more » What happens when facial trauma from winter sports and snow accidents lead to facial and maxillary trauma to the hard parts (bones and teeth) and soft tissue (skin and gums) of your body? Whether you are injured from snowmobiling, skiing or snowboarding, or have an accidental fall on the ice... Read more » When it comes to taking care of the oral tissues, one of the things that often comes up is a frenectomy. This dental surgical procedure is done to remove a section of the frenulum, that small fold of mucous membrane which joins the floor of the mouth to the midline... Read more » Santa and his elves aren't the only ones giving gifts to children to reward good behavior throughout the year. The Tooth Fairy is another children's favorite as she bestows gifts in exchange for their lost teeth year-round. Considering they can lose up to 20 baby teeth, children can get to... Read more » The number one goal for your oral health is maintaining healthy teeth and gums. This means practicing diligent daily oral hygiene habits; specifically, brushing and flossing to remove plaque along with routine dental visits to remove tartar (hardened plaque), polish your teeth and have your gums checked. When you opt... Read more » Your daily brushing and flossing routine is crucial to thwarting dreaded cavities and gum disease from invading your smile, but by itself, it's still not enough to maintain top-notch oral health. There is a reason we recommend regular dental cleanings and exams! Seeing our dental team for routine dental checkups... Read more » The human face comes equipped with a vast number of facial muscles and connective tissues. Some play a physical role in the functions of your face and jaw, while others are primarily tasked with helping you make facial expressions. While you might not always think about it, your forehead and... Read more » Did you know that over 10 million Americans suffer the effects of TMJ disorders or TMD? Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders also affect women between the ages of 20 and 40 more than men. November is TMJ Awareness Month, a time of creating awareness around the nation for those with... Read more » According to the National Sleep Foundation, did you know that over 18 million Americans have sleep apnea? Sleep apnea happens while you sleep and can involuntarily and intermittently stop your breathing. If you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, you essentially have a mechanical problem, according to... Read more » If you have a cracked or damaged tooth that needs repairing, our team is here to help! We know that with the right treatment, you can get back to your daily routine without the worries of a damaged smile interrupting your day. Who wants a damaged tooth to prevent keep... Read more » Periodontal (gum) disease is the number one cause of bone loss in the mouth. If you are experiencing gum disease, you can have chronic bacterial infections that impact your gum tissue as well as the supportive bone material underneath. Once plaque (the sticky bacterial film in the mouth) reaches beneath... Read more » Do you have questions about your child's developing smile? If so, today we're going to talk about their teeth. Your infant's primary teeth can appear as early as five months, and by the time they are one year old, they usually have sprouted six baby teeth (typically the top four... Read more » Now that you have undergone orthodontic treatment and your teeth are finally aligned, you will want to make sure they don't slip back into their previous positions. To prevent this from happening, retainers are used to anchor your teeth into place. Retainers are fashioned to fit your mouth with the... Read more » Do you know the important differences between full and partial dentures? Our team is happy to review both versions for optimal tooth replacement to help you better understand how they can restore your smile. Below we will review the main types of dentures, which are full and partial dentures, and... Read more » Your toothy smile isn't just the pretty white crowns that you see when you look in a mirror. Underneath that enamel lives a network of little canals that comprise the living tissue of the tooth, complete with blood vessels and nerves to nourish it and keep it alive. This inner... Read more » If your dentist or orthodontist has suggested to you that you might benefit from jaw surgery, you are not alone. Misalignment of the jaw can range from mild to severe, and sometimes orthognathic surgery may be needed. While your orthodontist can correct bite problems involving your teeth, surgery may be... Read more » A habit of poor oral hygiene often leads to dangerous amounts of tartar on your gum line, which is a common cause of gum disease. This periodontal infection needs to be treated early on to reduce inflammation before it causes your gums to recede from the teeth and create harmful... Read more » Are you having a hard time getting your child to take care of their smile? With the holidays fast approaching, you want them to take even better care of their pearly whites with so many sweets and treats coming at them. We want your children to have great dental care,... Read more » Straightening your teeth with orthodontics can help you achieve a more healthy, aligned and attractive smile. With the upcoming holidays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, the month of December and New Year's (to name a few), around the corner, your orthodontics treatment won't take a holiday, so it's up to you to remember... Read more » October is here and fall has officially begun, bringing with it Breast Cancer Awareness Month as well as National Dental Hygiene Month. This is a time to raise awareness for both and help to prevent problems by monitoring your health and being mindful of your lifestyle choices. Whether you are... Read more » Your partial or complete denture represents a functional and aesthetic solution for addressing missing or compromised teeth. When they were originally produced by our contracted denturist the base of the removable oral appliance was designed to comfortably conform to your remaining oral structure. The teeth founded in place have been... Read more » The muscles and joints of your musculoskeletal system are intended to work together dynamically. Not only does this provide you with a fluidity of motion when you walk, but the relationship between all these components as well as the associated connective tissues can also impact your quality of life. When... Read more » When it comes to temporomandibular joint disorder (or TMJ), most patients believe this only affects their oral health. But the sad truth is it can actually impact your overall health as well. With TMJ, you would expect pain and sore muscles in the jaw when you talk, chew and swallow,... Read more » Our goal is to save your natural teeth so that you can keep them for as long as possible. This not only benefits you functionally but aesthetically as well. Keeping your smile intact means your smile stays natural, so you can still eat all your favorite foods, instead of having... Read more » "The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life." is a quote from sleep expert and neuroscientist, Matthew Walker. Getting a good night's sleep is vital for people of all ages, and while needs may vary, adults should be getting seven to nine hours a night for good health. Sleep deprivation... Read more » With so many concerns surrounding your teen's healthy development, one important factor to manage is their oral health. During this time in their life, they are exposed to new situations and fads with their peers. You can help them navigate this stage to build healthy habits for a lifetime of... Read more » By now you are likely aware that keeping your teeth and gums free from tooth decay and gum disease should top your list of oral health priorities when it comes to maintaining your healthy smile. But did you know that a malocclusion is another common dental issue that often needs... Read more » If you have ever lost a tooth, you might have more than just a gap between your teeth. If a lost tooth is not replaced, the bone in the jaw that supported the lost tooth starts to deteriorate. That's because when you chew your food, there's no more stimulation to... Read more » If you have lost one or more front teeth to a dental injury or untreated tooth decay, the missing tooth has likely done more than just hamper your ability to eat properly. Indeed, many people who are missing teeth also experience issues related to their outward appearance, which leads them... Read more » Chiropractic care and the holistic principles associated with many of our treatments continue to grow in popularity, with individuals struggling to deal with joint, back and musculoskeletal discomfort. Without effective treatment, even a seemingly minor or acute problem can gradually worsen into a chronic condition that impacts your overall quality... Read more » When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which... Read more » When we perform a root canal, you will have had an X-ray to see the shape of the root canals, and we check for infection in the nearby bone. You will receive a local anesthetic and a dam will be placed in the area surrounding the tooth to keep it... Read more » If you find yourself experiencing TMJ symptoms that are mild and infrequent, they often go away on their own. This sometimes can take weeks or months depending on what you do to help it dissipate. This is a good time to help alleviate symptoms by temporarily sticking to a soft... Read more » Our team can help you manage sleep apnea with the help of an oral appliance or mouthpiece. We specialize in correcting teeth or jaw problems and will ensure that your oral appliance is custom fit to your mouth and jaw so it will stay in place while you sleep. This... Read more » As their primary caregiver, one of the most important aspects of bringing your child in for their first dental visit is learning how best to care for their teeth. We are happy to show you how to clean their mouth daily and answer any questions or concerns you may have... Read more » Your smile is the first thing people notice when they see you. Crooked, crowded teeth or a misaligned bite can make you feel self-conscious no matter what your age. The good news is, with today's advances in orthodontics, straighter teeth aren't just for kids and teens anymore. Now more than... Read more » When it comes to protecting your teeth, your first line of defense against tooth decay and cavities is tooth enamel, as it is the outermost covering that protects the more vulnerable dentin and tooth pulp below. Your enamel comes equipped for the job as the hardest substance in your body.... Read more » If you find yourself experiencing TMJ symptoms that are mild and infrequent, they may go away on their own. This sometimes can take weeks or months depending on what you do to help your jaw find relief. Of course, this is a good time to alleviate symptoms by temporarily sticking... Read more » What can you do to avoid periodontal disease and the increased risks to your health? Here are some answers for you: Step 1. At-home Care This part is simple and easy to follow. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice each day for two minutes with a soft-bristled... Read more » Getting braces at a younger age has proved most effective in preventing dental problems in the future. Permanent teeth start to typically come in about the ages of six to eight, and because the bones are still growing, it’s best to evaluate their tooth alignment at a young age to... Read more » Bringing your child in for their first dental visit early in their life is so they get used to being in a dental office and won't get nervous. Once your child is older than two, depending on their temperament and personality, they might experience anxiety at the different sights and... Read more » While everyone is vulnerable to gum disease--men, women, and children--research has shown that men tend to have a higher risk of gum disease. Why? Perhaps because they are not seeing a dentist regularly or are not as consistent with good oral hygiene habits. Let's take a closer look at periodontitis... Read more » An increasingly common medical condition in the U.S. is sleep apnea, and those most susceptible are the following demographics--African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanics. With sleep apnea, your chest and diaphragm muscles have to work harder to open up blocked airways so they can bring air into the lungs. You... Read more » Are you constantly having problems pain or difficulty opening and closing your jaw? If you are constantly dealing with problems with your TMJs, or temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder, you are not alone. Millions of your fellow Americans are also dealing with some form of chronic facial pain, which is... Read more » As endodontic specialists, our job is saving your natural teeth. When you come to us for treatment, you have a greater chance of keeping your teeth and avoiding having to wear false teeth or tooth replacements, such as bridges, implants, or a removable partial denture. If an infected tooth is... Read more » Do you have questions concerning your recovery post-op? We have answers to the most common questions we get. Read on for more: How can I prepare for oral surgery? Make sure you have a comfortable recovery place set up at home. Having extra pillows can help you rest more comfortably,... Read more » Posted on July 10, 2018. Providing free, comprehensive dental care to children in need around the world is no small feat. With such a big job to do, we have to be detail-oriented and incredibly organized. Each trip leader, volunteer and in-country partner plays a vital role in ensuring the... Read more » We wouldn’t be surprised if you questioned if security systems actually work, and we hope to change your mind. With a home security system in place, you can better protect your home against intruders. Studies have shown that by simply even having visible signs of a security system prevents burglars... Read more »