Wearing dentures today is an excellent way to restore lost teeth for a healthy, beautiful smile. One of the ways you will need to care for your dentures includes having a denture reline done regularly. This is a way of adding a new lining to your dentures so that they... Read more » If you have developed healthier habits during this time of being homebound, your skin and appearance will continue to improve. Along with regular exercise and nutrition, your body, skin, and facial appearance will benefit immeasurably from a good night's sleep. Beauty Sleep Did you know that when you sleep, your... Read more » People with sleep apnea who cannot tolerate wearing CPAP masks to help them breathe while they sleep often have excellent results with corrective jaw surgery (such as orthognathic surgery). This surgical treatment for sleep apnea repositions the upper or lower jaw (or both) and helps those whose jaws don't meet... Read more » Healthy teeth aren't damaged, decayed or infected. To keep your teeth healthy means practicing good daily oral hygiene habits and seeing your dentist twice a year for cleanings and exams. But what if a tooth is infected? In most cases, it is best to save a tooth rather than replace... Read more » Oral pathology involves diagnosing and treating dental diseases, including tooth decay and gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss and even impact your general health. These diseases can arise in the teeth, the supportive bone, the temporomandibular joints and other soft tissue like the tongue, gums and salivary glands.... Read more » A healthy, beautiful smile begins with healthy teeth and gums. The only way to keep them that way is to brush and floss them at least twice every day. Being lax with your oral hygiene care invites gum disease, which can potentially cause tooth loss and loss of facial structure... Read more » Your toothbrush is one of the most important tools you have in your home to keep your pearly whites healthy and beautiful. Used properly twice a day, your toothbrush will help you ward off tooth decay, gum disease and even bad breath. Its job in your daily oral hygiene kit... Read more » With school out early for the year, now may be a good time for your child to be evaluated for braces. Braces are often recommended to improve one's smile (or orofacial appearance) by correcting crooked or crowded teeth. Braces can also fix problems with the bite, including overbites, underbites, incorrect... Read more » Did you know that tooth decay can develop as soon as your baby's first tooth comes in? Your baby's tiny chompers are important to their oral development. Losing their teeth to decay prematurely can cause the rest of their teeth to shift out of place by taking up space needed... Read more » With the pandemic in full force, people are self-isolating to protect themselves, their families, friends, and neighbors. Now might be a good time to boost your beauty regimen in the comfort of your own home! Beauty comes from within, and your skin is no exception. If you want beautiful looking... Read more » If you find yourself experiencing tenderness around your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that connects your jaw to your skull, you join the ranks of millions of your fellow Americans. TMJ disorders can bring with them facial pain and problems moving the joint. These disorders can arise from trauma to the jaw,... Read more » If you have trouble breathing while you sleep, you may have a type of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea comes in several forms: - Central sleep apnea (CSA) - Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - Mixed sleep apnea (a combination of both central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea) Sleep Apnea Causes... Read more » As you age and your oral health declines, you may start to have problems with teeth and gums that result in tooth loss. The good news is, dentures can restore your smile's function and appearance so you can talk, chew, and eat normally again. Even better, today's dentures are nothing... Read more » If you need to have a root canal treatment done on a damaged tooth, you are not alone! Millions of people have a root canal done every year. Dentists who focus their work on a patient's tooth pulp and the surrounding tissues are called endodontists. It means we take a... Read more » When it comes to your smile, no matter whether you are 5 or 55, you need to be brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes at a time. Teaching your child the importance of cleaning their teeth daily for the rest of their lives will help them keep... Read more » Straightening your teeth for a healthy, properly aligned and beautiful smile takes time and effort and is worth every second! So is taking good care of your teeth along the way so that when the braces come off, your teeth are as healthy as they were when you began! This... Read more » Good oral health is essential for a healthy smile. The mouth is home to colonies of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, and when controlled by daily brushing and flossing, your oral health can thrive. Conversely, consuming a high sugar diet that feeds the bad bacteria creates harmful acids that erode... Read more » Dentures are excellent solutions to replacing multiple lost teeth as they can restore your smile back to full function. Providing the most stability for dentures may be accomplished by wearing implant-supported dentures for long-lasting results. Unlike traditional dentures, they are anchored by dental implants in your jaw bone. This gives... Read more » If you have been frustrated with the wrinkles on your forehead, you are not alone. Over time, the brows tend to shift downward as the soft tissues gradually lose elasticity and shorten the space between your eyebrows and eyelashes. The result? As the facial muscles and connective tissue controlling your... Read more » If you find yourself with ongoing jaw pain you're already familiar with how uncomfortable it can be. Jaw pain has a variety of causes, including an abscessed tooth, gum infection or biting down on hard candy or ice. Another common culprit is temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. TMJ can crop up... Read more » Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can impact your day-to-day activities and even cause health issues. Let's review some sleep apnea facts that can help you if you have it or so you can seek a diagnosis if you recognize some of the symptoms. Fun Fact: Sleep apnea used... Read more » Even though your teeth are the hardest substances in your body, even harder than bone, a tooth can become cracked. This arises because of trauma or injury but it can also happen from daily wear and tear from the pressure of chewing and biting down. If a tooth does crack,... Read more » When your baby's first tooth starts to make its debut, you will likely know. This milestone can be simultaneously exciting and worrisome if your baby experiences discomfort as the tooth breaks through the gums. And when your baby is uncomfortable, chances are you will be, too! If your baby is... Read more » Braces provide orthodontists the tool to help fix teeth and jaw alignment. These can occur due to a bad bite (overbite, underbite, crossbite, or just crowding in the mouth). Abnormal bite patterns may become noticeable in children when they are anywhere from six to 12 years old, and for them,... Read more » More and more people are keeping their natural teeth healthy for a lifetime of beautiful smiles. At any age, a healthy mouth is a valuable asset when it comes to looking and feeling your best. Getting older means taking care of yourself to continue feeling great. Like your body, your... Read more » When it comes to missing teeth, dentures are often recommended as an all-around great solution to restore your smile. Teeth can be lost or extracted for a variety of reasons, including extensively decayed teeth that can't be saved with a root canal, later-stage periodontal disease or having fractures in a... Read more » When it comes to your appearance, sleep is essential if you want to look - and feel - your best. In fact, it's probably the closest thing to partaking in the "fountain of youth." Sleep is nature's most powerful beauty treatment (there's a reason it's called beauty sleep). Getting enough... Read more » One of the more modern, non-surgical treatments used for TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders is BOTOX® injections. They are often used when other treatments have not worked or when you don't want an invasive treatment such as jaw surgery. Typical TMJ treatments may include taking pain relievers, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants.... Read more » Do you find your days filled with chronic sleepiness or fatigue? When you wake up, do you have a dry mouth, sore throat, or headache? Does your sleep partner mention that you snore? If so, you may have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the most common form of sleep apnea. You... Read more » February traditionally rings in Valentine's Day with hearts, chocolate, candy, flowers, and stuffed animals, but it is also National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM)! Long after Valentine's goodies are gone, your child's healthy smile can last a lifetime. NCDHM is sponsored by the American Dental Association, and each year the... Read more » Congratulations on deciding to wear braces this year! You can expect to wear your braces anywhere from 1-3 years depending on your growth, how complex the problem is, and of course, how well you care for your braces with your daily oral hygiene routine. Your Specific Treatment Plan Modern methods... Read more » In honor of February's Gum Disease Awareness Month – a global public awareness campaign for preventing gum disease – our practice wants to help spread the word about this insidious disease. That's because it can destroy your smile if it is left untreated. Fortunately, you can take action to help... Read more » On a functional level, your nose serves the simple purpose of helping to pass air from the outside world into your respiratory tract. Special cells inside your nose also provide you with a sense of smell as well as certain aspects of your sense of taste. Natural deviations and injuries... Read more » The hair follicles on your body play a variety of roles. Things like eyelashes, nose hair and eyebrows help protect sensitive parts of your face. Hair on the head as well as other parts of the body was once critical during the process of human evolution. Genetics and certain hormones... Read more » The natural process of aging gradually starts to affect the facial skin. Reduced exfoliation and collagen production, as well as other natural processes, can also affect your eyelids and the skin surrounding your eyes. As time goes on, both the upper and lower eyelids can start to sag and droop.... Read more » Your facial features not only play a critical role in your non-verbal communications, but they can also often impact your self-esteem when you look in the mirror. Time and genetics can also combine to soften the facial features of certain individuals which could leave you looking older than you really... Read more » Collagen is a special type of protein structure manufactured by your body to be incorporated into certain types of connective tissues as well as your skin. As you grow older, your body gradually decreases collagen production, which can have a significant impact on the health and elasticity of your skin.... Read more » Time, genetics and certain lifestyle factors can potentially combine to have a profound effect on the health and appearance of your skin. The effects of skin aging brought on by slower exfoliation, decreased collagen production, nutritional choices and unprotected sun exposure are often most pronounced on the face and neck... Read more » Perky breasts and a high bustline are typical hallmarks of a youthful bust profile. However, human breast tissue is made up of a complex amalgam of healthy fat tissues, mammary glands and various connective tissues held in shape by the skin. It’s an unfortunate fact that time and gravity are... Read more » We are pleased to offer quality, custom dentures for our patients needing to replace lost teeth, and even more happy that we can create them right here in our office! Our dentures are designed to fit comfortably and look natural so you can smile without feeling self-conscious. We can also... Read more » Did you know that sleep apnea can be related to Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder, particularly if you have been suffering from symptoms such as chronic headaches? TMJ affects your jaw joints where the lower jaw connects to the upper jaw and can leave you with jaw pain along with pain... Read more » When it comes to your oral health, saving your natural tooth is usually the most desirable option whenever possible. That is why preventing tooth decay and cavities is the goal of your daily brushing and flossing oral hygiene care. Still, there are times when a root canal is needed to... Read more » Facial trauma (or maxillofacial trauma) can happen when you are involved in an injury to your face or jawbone. Such injuries may arise from being in a car accident, a fall, sports injury or work, for example. These may be categorized as soft tissue injuries of your skin or gums,... Read more » While your teeth seem like the "stars" of your smile, if your gums are in poor health they can weaken your teeth and their stability. The new year is the perfect time to take stock of your oral health, especially your gums. The easiest way to monitor your gum health... Read more » When your child's permanent (adult) teeth begin emerging around the age of six, you can expect these teeth to last them for their lifetime. Protecting their adult teeth becomes a priority, and that's why they need to be brushed and flossed as their teeth erupt so they don't succumb to... Read more » Whether you live in an area that gets snow and ice, or you travel to vacation spots to engage in winter sports, you need to be mindful of oral injuries, particularly when you are wearing braces! It's always important to wear a mouth guard when engaging in potentially hazardous sports... Read more » If you find yourself with bad breath or have had someone remark on your breath, you might be experiencing halitosis. Bad breath may come and go depending on what food you are eating or if you have "morning breath," common in those who tend to breathe through the mouth. Still,... Read more » Orthognathic surgery, or corrective jaw surgery, is a surgical procedure that fixes abnormalities in the jawbones by realigning them correctly and enabling the teeth to function properly. This surgery involves aligning the upper jaw, lower jaw and chin to improve their form and function with the help of wires, screws... Read more » This time of year, your child is likely consuming lots of sugary treats like candy canes, cookies, cupcakes and more. While you know sugar is bad for your child's smile, convincing them of that might be a little harder. Instead, focus on teaching them how taking good care of their... Read more » With the new year around the corner, why not consider taking the next step to create a more beautiful smile? Orthodontics was initially a treatment that folks considered to be limited to children and teens, but today it is increasingly popular with adults. No matter what your age, orthodontic treatments... Read more » Winter is here and if you are exposed to the harsher weather, you could find yourself experiencing more cold and canker sores, chapped lips and dry mouth from the colder, drier conditions of the season. The good news is, there are steps you can take to protect your mouth, teeth,... Read more » Time tends to catch up to all of us. As the calendar pages peel away, many people experience a gradual decrease in their metabolism, which increases the likelihood of gaining fat. As you continue to age, a slow reduction in muscle mass can further slow your metabolic rate, making it... Read more » If you take good care of your dentures, they will not only fit better but last longer too! They will feel better in your mouth and your smile will look its best. You'll also be able to speak, chew and eat more easily. To make sure your dentures get the... Read more » Metabolic changes associated with aging, as well as certain lifestyle and nutrition choices, can lead to a gradual buildup of body fat. While increased exercise and healthy food choices can certainly help improve your overall body composition, stubborn areas of fat may yet remain. There are several ways to address... Read more » November is National TMJ Month, a time when we create awareness around this common oral health issue and offer solutions. If you find yourself constantly feeling pain and tenderness in your jaw muscles, hear clicking and popping noises when you move your jaw joints, or have a hard time opening... Read more » If you suffer from mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), you may be a candidate for wearing an oral appliance to help you breathe better as you sleep. Known as oral appliance therapy, a mandibular advancement device or splint can help you with snoring and apnea issues. With over... Read more » Did you know that only about half of Americans floss their teeth every day? And nearly 20 percent don't floss at all. If you want a healthy smile, we encourage you to floss once a day, every day. You probably already know that the American Dental Association advises flossing your... Read more » There are times when a patient needs oral surgery to reshape, smooth, and polish the jawbone when teeth are extracted or lost. Known as an alveoloplasty, this bone leveling is a surgical smoothing and recontouring of the jawbone ridge. Leveling Jawbone for Dentures This bone reshaping can be performed as... Read more » Dentists who concentrate in the areas of the mouth specific to the gum, bone, and tissues that protect and support your teeth are called periodontists. Periodontists immerse themselves in an additional three or more years of in-depth, graduate studies after dental school. It allows them to graduate with knowledge of... Read more » As a parent, it is an exciting time when your child's first baby teeth erupt, signaling that their smiles are developing right on time. Even though these primary teeth will eventually fall out to make room for their permanent adult teeth, these baby teeth are important to your child's dental... Read more » Once the hard work of straightening your teeth is completed, the next phase of your orthodontic treatment begins: keeping your teeth aligned with a retainer! You don't want any setbacks after taking the time to get them straightened. This means wearing your retainer as prescribed by our orthodontist. It will... Read more » When it comes to your dentures, you may over time require adjustments to keep them fitting their best. Our denture experts offer hard, soft and temporary denture relines to make sure your appliance continues to serve you well so you can smile with confidence. If you're wondering why this is... Read more » Upcoming holidays are around the corner, and you're probably already thinking of all the foodie goodness coming your way. November is Good Nutrition Month, so you might want to consider adding healthy options to your meals to maintain good oral and general health and wellbeing. The goal of our dental... Read more » When you first start wearing dentures, it will feel strange having them in your mouth. Initial soreness and problems with talking and chewing is common in the beginning. Eventually, they will feel so comfortable that you won't even notice them anymore. So if you notice that your dentures are suddenly... Read more » Did you know that breast cancer is one of the most prevalent types of cancers impacting women today? In the U.S. alone, approximately 1 in 8 women who are born now will have breast cancer at some point in their lives. Thankfully, early detection and treatment increase a woman's chances... Read more » Patients suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ/TMD) will have issues stemming from the joint that connects the jaw to the temporal bones in the skull. When it comes to temporomandibular joint disorder (and its accompanying pain, soreness and stiffness in your neck, face and jaw), a common treatment might include... Read more » General health is a result of all the body systems working together, so when one area is suffering, it affects others. People with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have trouble getting a good night from blocked airways collapsing and end up with disrupted breathing and snoring excessively. OSA affects anywhere from... Read more » Did you know that wisdom teeth are actually not needed? Much like an appendix, these third molars are superfluous, and some people don't even develop them. Because of this, and because they often lead to problems over time, it is common to remove them before they can cause trouble. These... Read more » Good oral hygiene is essential to healthy gums. When gum problems arise, such as gum recession, it can affect your oral health and your appearance. Receding gums result in the gum tissue wearing away and leaving your tooth roots exposed and vulnerable to root decay. These nerve endings often leave... Read more » October brings visions of ghosts, ghouls and goblins for children, but for adults, it is also National Orthodontic Health Month. Orthodontists around the country (including us) like to celebrate this time by spreading awareness about the benefits of straight teeth and an aligned bite. Orthodontic Fun Facts - There are... Read more » Happy October, everyone! It's one of the spookiest seasons of the year, and one of the scariest things we can think of is having problems with our teeth and gums. Since October is National Dental Hygiene Month, we want to promote a healthy mouth for everyone by acknowledging the importance... Read more » If you have broken or lost teeth from decay or injury, today's dentures are a great tooth replacement if you don't want dental implants. Dentures can provide you with a fully functioning set of teeth that look and feel natural. They can keep you looking younger by giving your cheeks... Read more » The human body is a biological marvel rich with dynamic processes that integrate tissues, organs and systems that allow you to live a hopefully long life. However, the vicissitudes of growing older can start to affect its function as well as appearance. Changes in body composition, skin health and developing... Read more » Approximately 10 million people in America have experienced or currently have TMJD (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) with a higher percentage of women than men. This disorder often involves pain in the jaw and the muscles in the face that control it and are known as temporomandibular disorders (or TMD). This discomfort... Read more » Did you know that approximately one in five Americans experience sleep apnea in either it's mild or severe form and that another 80% of Americans go undiagnosed with this condition? Not only that, but those with the severe form of sleep apnea can wake up hundreds of times a night!... Read more » What do your child and a crocodile have in common? Both grow new teeth when the old ones fall out! Okay, your child's permanent teeth come in when their baby teeth fall out, so technically they only grow new teeth once. And after their 20 baby teeth fall out, 32... Read more » When you are wearing braces, nothing feels quite as important as what kinds of food you can eat. The wrong food can damage your braces or stain your teeth, particularly berries, curry sauce or grape juice. Protecting your new bands, archwires and brackets along with your teeth and gums quickly... Read more » September brings the month of National Gum Care, a time to raise awareness for healthy gums everywhere. No matter your age, you should always be striving for great oral care, and this doesn't just mean your teeth. Your gums are just as important when it comes to maintaining a great... Read more » The American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that 300,000 breast augmentation procedures are performed every year. The size of the breast implants can vary from one individual to the next. Different fluids such as saline and silicone are often used to fill breast implant membranes that can vary in shape... Read more » Did you know that having a sleep disorder – known as obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, where the airway becomes blocked while you sleep – may result in issues with your temporomandibular joints (TMJ/TMD)? This is especially relevant if you have been having a lot of headaches. Breaking It Down... Read more » Endodontists have one essential goal – to save teeth. One method we use to save a distressed tooth is called pulp capping. If our endodontist determines that your damaged tooth requires a pulp capping, this root canal alternative isolates the decay from attacking the tooth's pulp chamber to keep the... Read more » Tooth decay resulting in cavities should be treated as early as possible to prevent complications like dental infections. This is why regularly seeing your dentist is so vital, as cavities can be detected before they grow and damage teeth. Symptoms that might indicate having an infected tooth include intense toothaches,... Read more » Have you been diagnosed with gum disease or periodontal disease? If so, you are not alone. A 2015 study affirmed that chronic periodontitis afflicted 47.2% of adults who were over 30 years old in the U.S. This oral condition, which is a result of the harmful effects of plaque –... Read more » As your children and teenagers are headed back to school, you might be giving them a pep talk concerning the choices they make and avoiding influences like alcohol, drugs and tobacco. We all know there are multiple reasons why these items are not good for your children, but how does... Read more » It is that time of year again where your children are headed back to school with their new backpacks, notepads and pencils! If they have braces, they will need some extra items in their backpack and locker. Our team wants to make sure your children are equipped with the tools... Read more » We learn at a young age that brushing and flossing are vital to keeping your smile healthy. We need to continue these daily habits in our ongoing quest to maintain healthy smiles for strong teeth and gums. Seeing your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups at least twice a... Read more » When you wear dentures as a tooth replacement option, the appliance can shift as your mouth adjusts to them. Even after you have been wearing your dentures for some time, as the gum tissues and jawbone supporting them changes, the denture can loosen and shift. When this happens, you will... Read more » When you look into the mirror each morning, do you recognize or see your younger self? Many people struggle with the sagging skin, lines and wrinkles that come with the appearance of skin aging. While potent skin creams and professionally administered facials might help, they can help stave off the... Read more » If you are experiencing TMJ, a medical disorder in the temporomandibular joint which connects your jaw to your skull, you may be feeling pain in the chewing muscles and joints or have trouble opening and closing your mouth. You might also be hearing clicking, popping or grinding noises in your... Read more » Did you know that approximately 20 to 30 percent of adults have obstructive sleep apnea or OSA? This condition is marked by the airway closing continually in your sleep so that air can't normally flow in or out of your nose or mouth. OSA can be linked to heart disease,... Read more » Did you know that endodontic therapy could save your life? Studies have shown that an infection from an abscessed tooth can cause serious health problems. This problem is preventable with root canal treatment to prevent the abscess or a simple tooth extraction. When getting to the root of tooth decay,... Read more » For many years, dentures were considered the only solution for replacing multiple or all missing teeth. But thanks to modern technology and advances in the dental implant dentistry, you have the choice of having All-on-4™ or Teeth-in-a-Day® restorations. This surgical and prosthetic process gives you dental implants and replacement teeth... Read more » When it comes to your oral health, we want to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy so that you can preserve your natural teeth as long as possible. Although you do everything you can to keep up your smile, sometimes a tooth ends up needing to be extracted.... Read more » If your child has a badly decayed primary or "baby" tooth that can't be fixed using a dental filling, our pediatric dentist may recommend placing a dental crown. These are "caps" that are created to fit over the top of a tooth that has been damaged and will restore its... Read more » Did you know there is a lesser-known cause for headaches that can be attributed to malocclusion? Malocclusion occurs when the jaws and teeth are misaligned due to abnormal positioning of the teeth when the jaws close. This can cause an overbite, underbite, crossbite or teeth crowding. While people often try... Read more » Holistic dentistry is an option that is becoming more prominent in the dentistry world. What this means for our patients is forgoing mercury amalgam fillings and restorations which use mixed metals that might react negatively to the body. Mercury-silver amalgam dental fillings emit mercury vapor, which is then inhaled into... Read more » If you have recently learned that you have a badly broken, damaged, or infected tooth, our dentist may recommend having a dental crown placed. A crown or tooth-shaped "cap" is a fixed prosthetic cemented onto a tooth to restore its appearance, form and function as well as strengthen the tooth.... Read more » Wearing removable partial or full dentures effectively replace missing teeth to restore your smile beautifully. And while your dentures will never succumb to decay like your natural teeth, your new false teeth still need to get the care and attention they require to serve you properly. Well cared for dentures... Read more » When it comes to treating TMJ pain, a lot depends on the severity of the symptoms. If the symptoms are mild and come and go, most of the time they will just go away on their own in a few weeks or sometimes months. In the meantime, there are some... Read more » If you often find yourself waking up gasping for breath feeling like you can't breathe, or have been told you snore like a bear all night, you might have a common sleep disorder called sleep apnea. This happens when the throat tissues collapse and block your airways while you sleep.... Read more »