If you have ever experienced a dental abscess, you will likely know it. While not always painful, it often can be until the infection kills the pulp inside the root of the tooth, causing the tooth to lose sensation. Abscesses are an oral condition stemming from a bacterial infection in... Read more » When it comes to your gums, taking good care of them is vital if you want to keep them healthy so they can protect your pearly whites. Neglecting your gums can lead to periodontal (gum) disease, an infection of the oral tissues that anchor your teeth in their place. When... Read more » Summer is a busy time when active children love to get outside to run and play, ride their bikes, and swim. Along with this energetic season comes the potential for accidents or injuries to occur. But you can get your household ready so that you have what you need to... Read more » Did you know that braces can help people who are experiencing relentless jaw pain? Having a sore jaw is often a symptom of tooth problems that can benefit from orthodontics. Jaw pain can also arise from problems like headaches, sinus pain, and arthritis. For example, you might have pain from... Read more » Taking good care of teeth and gums is vital for keeping teeth in great shape, and the same is true for your dentures when they replace a missing arch! Tooth replacement options still require good oral care, because your mouth is still a place where oral bacteria can thrive. Proper... Read more »
Did you know that your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, leaving them with first impressions about your health, intelligence, societal status, and attractiveness? Making sure your smile looks its best is a quick way to boost your self-confidence and stand out from the crowd,... Read more » Having a cracked or broken tooth is no joke, especially if it leaves you with a painful toothache. Cracked or broken teeth can happen if the inner workings of your tooth pulp become exposed, whether from the tooth's nerves, blood vessels, or connective tissue. You will want to have it... Read more » For patients who have suffered from an injury to their teeth, skin, or bones of their face, our highly trained oral and maxillofacial surgeon can safely address your facial injuries so you can once again look and feel like yourself. It is crucial because facial injuries cause not just physical... Read more » When it comes to your gums and teeth, they can be in trouble if you don't brush and floss daily to get rid of tartar, bacteria, and oral debris that builds up on them quickly, even below your gum line. Without daily cleaning, you can end up with gingivitis, tooth... Read more » When it comes to your smile, you want the best possible tooth replacement option your money can buy. Your smile plays a big part in communication and socializing to convey your intent. In today's climate, dentures have gone from unattractive false teeth to beautiful and functionally effective tooth replacements. Why... Read more » This revolutionary body contouring/cosmetic surgery can help you get rid of unsightly fat that all your dieting and exercising couldn't budge. Whether you are looking to improve your hips, belly, thighs, buttocks, back, arms, under the chin, or face, liposuction can boost your efforts! It can also be combined with... Read more » When you visit the dentist, we always know when you have not been flossing your teeth regularly, and the same goes for your child's smile! It is because when your child neglects their daily oral care, harmful oral bacteria builds up around the gum line and adding insult to injury... Read more » When you or your child wear braces, you want to make sure you take good care of your teeth while they are in braces so that when they come off, your smile can be healthy and beautiful! You already know about needing to brush thoroughly daily to get rid of... Read more » Spring is officially here! Along with the shifting, warmer weather and blossoming trees and bushes (hello, allergies!), spring feels like a time of change, growth, and prosperity. Spring is a time when many of us are excited to clean out our closets, get rid of old clutter and cobwebs in... Read more » Sometimes women who have had breast augmentation or breast reconstruction surgery completed in the past decade need the implants removed or replaced. It can happen if the former implant or breast capsule leaked for some reason. For example, the implant's outside shell broke down, or the scar tissue resulting from... Read more » Do you frequently experience pain in your mouth? While sometimes jaw pain can feel like an infected tooth, often it is a result of jaw pain from problems with your temporomandibular joints (TMJs). These joints connect your lower jawbone (the mandible) located near your ear to the side of your... Read more » Do you often wake up during the night gasping for air? Does your partner swear that you constantly keep them up with your loud snoring while you sleep? If so, you may have a serious health condition known as sleep apnea. This breathing disorder makes you pause your breathing in... Read more » Were you aware that if you consistently take good care of your oral health, you can often keep a tooth that has been through a root canal treatment for the rest of your life? Most people envision themselves in dentures at some point, and while there are some pretty amazing... Read more » Are you having problems with the third molars in your mouth? Also known as wisdom teeth, these permanent adult teeth show up between the ages of 17-25, tucked away in the back of the mouth (both on the top and bottom). They are typically hard to reach with your toothbrush... Read more » You may not be familiar with the term "lingual frenectomy," but you might have heard of people being tongue-tied. Lingual frenectomy is a minor in-office oral surgery procedure performed by our periodontist to take out a band of tissue. Frena (which are small folds of oral tissue) attaches the bottom... Read more » Your child's developing smile depends on a variety of things: their diet, oral health habits and even their family tree. Their day-to-day habits can impact their smile if they develop problems because of thumb, finger, pacifier or lip sucking. This sucking is a natural reflex for babies as it helps... Read more » Teens who are happy with their smiles have more success socially with their peers as well as in their school work and other activities, thanks to their increased self-confidence. Conversely, teens who are self-conscious or embarrassed by their smiles tend to struggle as adolescence can be a challenging time. Orthodontic... Read more » When it comes to your natural teeth, they are your best version to have. That's why you want to brush and floss every day and see your dentist twice a year. But whether from the ravages of time, injury or genetics, some or all of your teeth may eventually need... Read more » March is the month for the dental community. Every year at this time, we honor National Dentist’s Day (March 6th) and Dental Assistants Recognition Week in the first full week in March (March 7-13, 2021). These days recognize and say thank you to our fellow dentists and dental assistants for... Read more » Are you thinking about getting some cosmetic surgery done to help you look your best this year? Many people like to start a new year by making themselves feel more confident. Sometimes that means losing weight and exercising more, while other times, it involves choosing a body contouring procedure to... Read more » Do you suffer from chronic facial or jaw pain? Since you use the hinges in your jaw to move your upper and lower jaw all day so you can eat, speak, swallow, you are likely looking for some relief. For those patients who have pain in their temporomandibular joint (TMJ),... Read more » Do you find yourself snoring loudly, according to the people in your home? Chronic snoring affects your sleep quality along with your partner and your family members. If so, you might be one of many who experience this sleep issue that potentially harms your energy levels, health, lifestyle, and work... Read more » If your dentures are beginning to feel loose while wearing them, the solution may not be using more adhesive. In fact, ensuring a consistent and proper fit is vital for a healthy, denture-wearing smile. This means getting your dentures relined periodically to make them fit best so you can eat,... Read more » Millions of Americans experience tooth loss at some point in their lives, whether from cavities, tooth decay, advanced gum disease, aging, or oral trauma. In the past, these lost teeth would be replaced with dentures or bridges. Thanks to technological advancements, dental implants are quickly becoming a popular tooth replacement... Read more » When it comes to your children's smile, there are many things you can do to help them develop healthier teeth and gums. We support the American Dental Association's (ADA) slogan for 2021's National Children’s Dental Health Month this February. The slogan is "Water, Nature's Drink" and encourages all to make... Read more » For people who are wanting to straighten their teeth, braces are a modern marvel that can make that happen for just about anyone under proper supervision. And while the cost of orthodontics makes some people hesitate, you wouldn't try a do-it-yourself gallbladder surgery or BOTOX injection, would you? Everything comes... Read more » February is National Gum Disease Awareness Month, and we are here for it! Working daily with gums makes us excited about creating awareness on how best to keep your gums healthy no matter what your age. When we say your smile thrives on good oral care, most patients typically think... Read more » More and more plastic surgery continues to rise in popularity. No longer do men and women need to live with their unwanted or embarrassing physical flaws, thanks to the latest advances in plastic surgery and our highly qualified doctors providing you with the successful outcomes you deserve. In fact, according... Read more » Even though bruxism and TMJ disorder are different medical conditions, they are related to each other, specifically in how they affect one's overall bite pattern. While TMJ disorder is a dysfunction in the jaw affecting the muscles and joints, with bruxism one repeatedly grinds their teeth together by sliding their... Read more » A new year has begun, and with it, resolutions to get healthier and happier. One thing that can help achieve both of those goals is making sure you get the good night's sleep your mind and body need to thrive! It's no secret that exhaustion can drag down one's mental... Read more » Your oral health is crucial to a healthy, beautiful smile. If you have a tooth that has been damaged (because of fracture, cracks or a deep cavity), harmful oral bacteria can access the inner tooth pulp where an infection can take place. Pain and swelling will likely occur, and over... Read more » You probably already know that your skeleton is made of bone, a hard material that makes your body strong. But did you know that inside of your bones there are actual living bone cells that keep your bone structure healthy? These cells also help fix your bones and help them... Read more » Did you know that detecting gum disease in the early stages makes it the most effectively and economically treated? This is true for many oral health issues. As a periodontist, our team specializes in the areas of the mouth that surround and support your teeth - your gums, bone and... Read more » Modern dentures are amazing, they look and feel natural more than ever before. To keep them safe, there are definite foods you can eat and others you want to stay away from if you want your dentures to last for you. You also want to make sure that you clean... Read more » Did you know that the earlier your child has regular dental checkups, the healthier their mouths will be as they grow? Just like you, they need routine dental checkups and cleanings to protect their developing smile from cavities and tooth decay. Not just for adults Even your child's baby teeth... Read more » January is a great time to start the new year with good intentions and healthy choices. It is also a great time to look at your mouth to make the changes you need to have a more aligned, beautiful smile. Crooked teeth and misaligned bite patterns can wreak havoc on... Read more » Whenever we begin a new year, we often feel like making resolutions for better habits and better health. Along with better general health, striving for better oral health can make a huge difference in our happiness. That is because the smile and the body are intricately linked, and a healthier... Read more » Are you unhappy with the shape of your breasts and wishing you could make improvements to their appearance? Having a breast lift is one popular option many women choose to perk up their breasts and appearance. A breast lift can be done to raise your breasts. It involves removing any... Read more » When it comes to dental conditions, TMJD is relatively new in being identified. It took until the 1950s for TMJ syndrome to get the attention it deserved from the healthcare community. And it took another 30 years after that for healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat this oral condition with... Read more » Unless you have a sleep partner, you might not be aware that you have a sleep problem and could very well be struggling with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and sleep-related bruxism. OSA affects your nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. It can arise because of your family tree, your environment, weight,... Read more » If you've never heard of the term "pulp-capping," you are not alone. Although related to endodontic treatment, it is the phrase "root canal" that most people recognize. In a nutshell, pulp capping is a dental procedure that is done to prevent a root canal later. By restoring a tooth that... Read more » With the holidays in full swing, many of us are making the season more festive for our children this year by indulging their sweet tooth in treats like mouth-watering pies, home-baked cookies, and decorated cupcakes! The problem is what our children eat will affect their oral health. A good rule... Read more » Orthodontics straighten your teeth to correct a bad bite, teeth that are crooked or protruding, misaligned jaws, and other malocclusions. Over time, untreated misaligned teeth can cause problems with talking, chewing food, becoming cavity-prone, inviting gum disease, and end up creating poor oral health overall. It is why orthodontic treatment... Read more » Winter is almost here, and sports activities can find a way to bring a dental emergency into your life during the busy holiday season. Whether you are skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, swimming, or surfing, accidents can happen. It can mean running into a tree while sledding, falling on your face... Read more » Dentures have long served people by replacing lost teeth to help them be able to talk and chew, getting the nutrients their bodies need to stay healthy. More and more are opting for implant-supported dentures now. People often choose implant-supported dentures to replace missing teeth if they have lost all... Read more » Fulfill your holiday wish list by treating yourself to a facelift for a "new you" this holiday season! Facelifts are a common cosmetic surgical treatment that helps restore facial skin to a former vivaciousness and combat the effects of aging. A good plastic surgeon can help you achieve your goals... Read more » TMJ awareness can help people struggling with TMJ problems and even those who may not even know it. While sometimes symptoms can go away on their own, you will likely need intervention to relieve the cause if they linger. Seeking an effective diagnosis can make all the difference when it... Read more » When it comes to sleep apnea, using a CPAP machine can help you finally get the sleep your body needs. But what if you're using a CPAP machine or other medical device to breathe easily in your sleep and still wake up with a sore neck or shoulder? Your neck... Read more » Having a root canal treatment performed is easier and better than ever before. You might need to have a root canal done to save a damaged tooth from extraction and replaced with a dental restoration. Your teeth are typically better than a tooth replacement option, which is why your dentist... Read more » Your teeth aren't the only things in your smile that can experience issues. Gum disease or periodontal disease can harm your smile and even your overall health. If your gums are diseased, harmful bacteria in the mouth can enter your bloodstream as they bond to the platelets in your blood,... Read more » As your child's smile develops, the last adult teeth to show up are the molars in the back of the mouth, aka the wisdom teeth. These teeth may erupt on the top and bottom of their mouth on both sides. They typically come in anytime between ages 17 and 21.... Read more » Wearing an orthodontic headgear (or extraoral orthodontic appliance) allows our orthodontist to correct your child's growing bite and support proper jaw alignment and growth. This appliance is usually recommended for children whose jawbones are still developing. A headgear can ensure symmetrical facial aesthetics by guiding their profile to grow in... Read more » When it comes to holistic and mercury-free dentistry, you can look at it as whole-body dentistry and call it mercury-safe dentistry. As holistic dentists, biological (or natural) dentistry is also apt because we focus on the link between your oral health and your overall health. It is important because the... Read more » Autumn is in full swing, and that means the cold weather is fast approaching (if it isn't already here)! You may be tempted to hunker down with holiday goodies and snacks, but you do not want to ignore your health or even your dental health. Even if you are busy... Read more » Taking good care of your dentures isn't only about keeping them in their best shape, but also to keep your mouth in its best shape! Take the time to learn how best to clean, handle and store your dentures when you remove them at night for optimal fit and comfort.... Read more » Did you know that while breast cancer is more common in American white women, African-American women are more likely to die from it? Did you know that scientists can't figure out why the left breast develops cancer more frequently than the right breast? Or that the first operation that used... Read more » Chronic headaches have a variety of causes, including TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorders. This joint is the part of your lower jaw (mandible) that connects it to your skull (temporal bone) in front of the ear. It is made of muscles, blood vessels, nerves and bones in the head. This... Read more » Sleeping and snoring often go together, but unfortunately, signs of sleep apnea can also include gasping for air and feeling exhausted day after day. If you suffer from chronic fatigue - even though you sleep eight hours a night - you might have a problem with sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep... Read more » If you have ever had a toothache, you already know how much it can hurt. But rather than ignoring the toothache and hoping it will go away on its own, it really should be seen to rule out the need for a root canal to restore a damaged tooth. Most... Read more » If you have lost teeth in the back of your mouth (whether from tooth loss from an extensive cavity, trauma, or periodontal disease), you should consider replacing them to keep your bite functioning properly and to preserve proper facial structure. It is because losing the molars in the upper jaw... Read more » Halloween starts off the busy holiday season where the nights get longer, the days grow cooler, and festivities begin. If you are wearing braces, Halloween may be a little tricky for you this year. Resist temptation by only keeping treats that are safe for you to eat and letting yourself... Read more » Halloween is lurking around the corner, but so is the coronavirus, making traditional Halloween parties trickier. This year, big parties and parades, creepy haunted houses, and gathering in crowds to trick-or-treat are off the table for many, or at the very least, downsized and held outdoors while social distancing. While... Read more » Sometimes dentures become loose as your jawbone deteriorates. Loose dentures can leave you with sore spots in your mouth and break your dentures if you eat big chunks of food, causing your denture to rock on your palate and then potentially crack. This is one of the main reasons you... Read more » Do you have acne scars on your face or other visible parts of your body leftover from when you were a teenager or pregnant? If your scars make you feel uncomfortable, self-conscious in social situations, and you are ready to do something about them, help is available! Acne Risk Factors... Read more » Do you find yourself with a painful jaw whenever you open your mouth to speak, bite, or chew? If so, you may be experiencing temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ). It can happen if you have an injury to the mouth and jaw, suffer from arthritis, or even when you're just trying... Read more » If you want to function optimally in your day-to-day responsibilities, you need a good night's sleep under your belt. People who don't get enough sleep may have poor dental health as one of the contributors. Your smile can affect the quality of your sleep as well as the quantity. For... Read more » With the summer of 2020 coming to a close, families have had to adapt to the coronavirus pandemic and conform with state and county regulations. Schooling has been one area where hard decisions have been made with new rules to keep others safe. Whether your child is attending classes in... Read more » Did your child receive braces this summer? If so, they will need to prepare themselves for the new school year by learning how to keep their teeth healthy while getting them straightened. The goal is to have a healthy, beautiful smile when their oral hardware comes off. Since they will... Read more » September is National Gum Care Month, so let's talk about everything related to gums. This month is a good time to reflect on your dental health and commit to taking better care of your gums. Sometimes, we forget your gums help keep your teeth in their place and functioning at... Read more » Congratulations on your new dentures! This oral appliance is one of the most popular oral prosthetics people turn to when they start to lose their teeth. Dentures have a solid history of restoring a smile when replacing lost teeth to eat and speak normally again. When you first wear your... Read more » A brow lift or forehead lift raises your sagging or deeply furrowed eyebrows that make you look chronically tired or affect your eyelids and vision. This lift fixes any sagging of the skin in the forehead, eyebrows, and upper eyelids, smoothing out wrinkle lines that show up across your forehead.... Read more » Do you have a few snorers in your family? Maybe they've heard one of these jokes: Snoring comes easily to me. In fact, I can do it in my sleep. . . Daddy brings his little son to bed. After a while, Mom quietly opens the door and whispers, "Has... Read more » What do you know about the difference between nonsurgical root canal treatments, surgical retreatments and dental implants? You are probably like most people and can maybe guess. We are here to answer your questions! Surgical vs. Nonsurgical Root Canal Therapy When our endodontist mentions root canals, a nonsurgical root canal... Read more » When it comes to your jaw, some things can go wrong that may necessitate medical intervention. Specifically, if you have temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), which is one of the most common pain disorders our oral surgeons see. This disorder affects millions of Americans, most often women, although anyone can have... Read more » If you have had a dental implant to replace a missing tooth, you are in good company. Dental implants are a popular choice for those seeking an effective tooth replacement option. Since dental implants handily replace one or more lost teeth by replicating both the tooth root and the crown... Read more » Your child's baby teeth usually and gradually fall out as their adult teeth come in. There are times when a baby tooth is so damaged that our dentist may recommend placing a dental crown (a protective cover) over the tooth to save and protect it. Our team would much rather... Read more » If you have been wanting to straighten your teeth for a healthier, more beautiful smile, you have come to the right place! We love straightening smiles and aligning bites to give our patients the smiles they have always wanted. It is a big investment in your oral health, time, energy,... Read more » The mouth is home to millions of bacteria, some of them good and some bad. In fact, half of the bacteria in your mouth can lead to bad breath! National Fresh Breath Day is observed every year on August 6th to create awareness of oral hygiene in the fight against... Read more » It's not uncommon for women who have large breasts to have painful physical symptoms stemming from the extra weight their breasts exert on their bodies. With the help of a plastic surgeon, breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammoplasty, lessens the size of breasts by removing extra fat, tissue, and skin... Read more » Do you suffer from jaw pain? Do you often hear clicking or popping noises when you move your jaw? These are symptoms of temporomandibular joint disease (TMD/TMJ disorder) that can cause parts of the jaw to malfunction. It can happen from misalignment of the jaw (malocclusion), a structural jaw deformity,... Read more » When talking about sleep apnea, you commonly hear about it affecting adults. But did you know that sleep apnea also impacts children? In fact, there are estimates that one to four percent of children experience sleep apnea, and they are often between 2 and 8 years old. Pediatric obstructive sleep... Read more » If you have ever had a toothache, you will likely remember the pain. It is typically located in or around a tooth and indicates that you have something wrong going on with your teeth or gums. It can also be "referred pain," meaning it's coming from somewhere else in your... Read more » If your dentist has recommended a crown lengthening procedure from a periodontist, you are not alone. While many people haven't heard of crown lengthening before, it is a common treatment and can sometimes be a pre-treatment to having a dental restoration done. Crown lengthening can take care of a problem... Read more » Losing one or more teeth can have serious consequences on your quality of life if you can't chew your food, leading to poor nutrition, altering your ability to speak properly, and affecting your facial profile. There are multiple factors that can lead to tooth loss: -Poor oral hygiene causing cavities... Read more » With summer in full swing, your family is likely busy with a new routine involving cookouts, sleepovers, camping, vacationing abroad, or even just hanging around the house and a staycation. What you're likely not doing is getting the kids up for school and keeping to an established oral hygiene routine.... Read more » Braces worn at any age takes up to two years to straighten on average. Designed to fit your mouth, they are customized to your mouth to place your teeth correctly. During your time in braces, many appointments and adjustments will need to take place. It's not always comfortable, but it... Read more » When it comes to your smile, taking care of your teeth is an investment in your oral health that pays many dividends. With tooth loss, missing teeth can affect you in multiple ways. Even losing just one tooth can cause problems. Some of that is emotional, as people often feel... Read more » Dentures today have come a long way! Older dentures were made from porcelain or plastic materials while today's dentures are typically made from a hard resin material. Dentures of the past used to break easily, but today's dentures allow us to make more durable dentures thanks to advancing denture technology.... Read more » Do you feel self-conscious about the size of your stomach when wearing figure-hugging clothes? How about when you are in a public place in a bathing suit? If you tend to stick to loose-fitting clothing to hide your protruding belly, you might be a candidate for a tummy tuck or... Read more » Body aches and pains can often show up and then go just as easily. f you have been exhibiting chronic jaw pain, you may have something more serious going on. Unusual jaw pain combined with headaches is a sign of TMJ/TMD, a dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint which connects your... Read more » If your partner or roommate complains that you snore when you sleep, you might feel embarrassed, but it should raise some concerns. If you get complaints about your snoring and experience excessive tiredness throughout your day, you may have a serious medical condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes your... Read more » Sedation dentistry uses medication to help you relax and sit still comfortably when you have dental work done. Sedation is especially helpful if you have oral surgery by relieving any anxiety and making you comfortable. There are varying degrees of medication sedation that can be used such as light or... Read more » Summer is a great time to encourage your child to eat better. Serving healthy meals and snacks provides needed nutrition while supporting healthy eating habits. Tooth-friendly snacks can help keep cavities, gum disease and other health conditions like obesity and diabetes from developing. Let's dive into a healthy summertime "menu"... Read more » Children, teens and adults alike need to take extra care with their daily oral hygiene when wearing braces to straighten their teeth. In honor of Oral Health Month in June, we have some tips to share for keeping braces clean and your teeth healthy. Whether you are a parent of... Read more » As humans, we are regularly developing habits throughout our lifetime, and they aren't always good ones. Bad habits are quite common, and a lot of them are formed unintentionally. Many times we develop habits that aren't good for us without being aware of it, but bad oral habits can cause... Read more »