As the summer season rolls around, we often find ourselves enjoying the warm weather, indulging in outdoor activities, and taking much-anticipated vacations. However, amidst all the fun and relaxation, it's essential to remember that seasonal factors can also affect our oral health, particularly when it comes to gum disease. Gum... Read more » Visiting the dentist can be a daunting experience for many children, often leading to dental anxiety. It's essential for parents to understand how to help their child navigate their fears to make dental visits a more positive and stress-free experience. In this blog, we will explore helpful strategies and resources... Read more » When it comes to orthodontic treatment, the misconception that it's only for children and teenagers is far from the truth. In actuality, more adults are investing in orthodontic treatment to enhance their smiles along with their overall oral health. Whether it's for aesthetic reasons or to address bite issues, adults... Read more » Summer vacations are a time to relax, explore new destinations and create lasting memories. While enjoying your break, it's essential not to neglect your oral hygiene routine. Ignoring dental care during vacations can potentially lead to oral health issues, which can put a damper on your well-deserved time off. To... Read more » Are you ready for the warm and sunny days of summer, bringing with them longer hours to enjoy the outdoors? This is the perfect time to get some essential vitamin D from the sun, but it is crucial to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. You can enjoy... Read more » Do you struggle with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain? If so, you are not alone. This condition affects millions of people around the world. The TMJ is the joint connecting your jawbone to your skull, and it can become painful or inflamed due to a variety of factors, including stress, teeth... Read more » How much do you know about sleep apnea? This common sleep disorder impacts millions of people globally. It is characterized by interruptions in breathing while you sleep, leading to poor quality sleep and other health complications. While sleep apnea is often associated with snoring and daytime fatigue, it can also... Read more » May is recognized as Root Canal Awareness month, highlighting the importance of good dental health and promoting awareness about root canal therapy. Root canal therapy is a common dental procedure that is often misunderstood. Our endodontic team can assure you that despite its negative reputation, a root canal treatment is... Read more » Oral surgery can be a nerve-wracking experience for many people. Whether it's a tooth extraction, dental implant placement or other dental procedure, knowing what to expect can help ease your anxiety and ensure a happy and successful outcome. Today, we will discuss the essential steps to help you prepare for... Read more » Did you know that periodontal disease (gum disease) affects millions of people globally? This chronic inflammatory condition impacts the tissues surrounding your teeth, including your gums, bone, and ligaments. While periodontal disease can cause significant damage to your mouth, research has also found a strong connection between this condition and... Read more » As a parent, you want the best for your child, and that includes their dental health. Unfortunately, thumb sucking is an all too common habit among children, and it can have negative effects on their teeth and jaw development if it continues for too long. Here are some tips to... Read more » Did you know that a straight and healthy smile not only looks good, but it also promotes better oral health? One of the most beneficial aspects of achieving a healthy smile is correcting your bite. A misaligned bite can lead to dental problems, including tooth decay, gum disease, and even... Read more » Summer is a time for fun, sun, and outdoor activities. However, it's also a time when people tend to neglect their oral health with all the distractions, like barbecues, ice cream treats, and chilled sugary drinks to stay cool, so it's all too easy to forget about taking care of... Read more » As the weather starts to warm up and swimsuit season is fast approaching, you may be one of the many people who start to look ahead and assess whether your body is ready for the beach! For some beach and pool fans, this may mean considering plastic surgery procedures, such... Read more » April is recognized as Stress Awareness Month. Stress is an inevitable part of life, so it is essential to understand the negative impacts it can have on your overall health. Stress affects your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and it can manifest itself in various ways, including harming your temporomandibular... Read more » April is Stress Awareness Month, which makes it an ideal time to examine the link between stress and sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by interruptions in breathing while you sleep. Unfortunately, this chronic condition leads to fragmented sleep and a host of health issues. Stress... Read more » When it comes to endodontic treatment, do you know the difference between a pulpotomy and a pulpectomy? When it comes to endodontic treatments, it can be easy to get confused by the technical terminology. When it comes to your young child’s smile, one common source of confusion for many parents... Read more » April is not only the beginning of spring but also marks the start of two important health awareness campaigns: Oral Cancer Awareness Month and Facial Protection Month. Oral Cancer Awareness Month aims to spread awareness about the risks and potential signs of oral cancer, which can affect the lips, tongue,... Read more » Oral cancer is a serious disease that affects millions of people around the world, and unfortunately, it often goes undetected until it has reached an advanced stage. As a periodontal practice, we believe it's essential to raise awareness about the importance of oral cancer screenings, which can help detect this... Read more » Spring is finally here, and April is National Facial Protection Month. This is a time to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the face during contact sports and high-impact recreational activities. With spring sports in full swing, it's important to remember that accidents can and often do happen, leaving... Read more » As the sun begins to shine brighter and the flowers start to bloom, we all know what time it is: spring cleaning! While you're busy decluttering your home and tidying up your living space, don't forget about another important task this time of year; taking care of your teeth. If... Read more » April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and it is the perfect time to bring attention to the dangers of oral cancer and the importance of having routine cancer screenings done. Oral cancer is one kind of cancer you can get in the mouth, throat, tongue, or lips, and if left... Read more » Putting your best face forward is made possible with the help of plastic surgery that carefully reshapes the structures in your head and neck, usually the nose, ears, chin, cheekbones, or neckline. You might want this surgery for various reasons, including getting facial reconstruction after experiencing an injury, disease, or... Read more » If you have been struggling with TMJ issues, we are here to help! There are things you can do from the comfort of your own home and treatment options we provide to resolve your TMJ pain. One way or another, we look forward to helping ease your jaw discomfort as... Read more » Since March is National Sleep Awareness Week (March 12-18), this is the perfect time to evaluate your sleep quality and find ways to catch more zzz's for better mental and physical health and well-being. Sleep Awareness Week officially starts at the beginning of daylight saving time (DST), which is when... Read more » Did you know that endodontists perform an average of 25 root canal treatments in a week, while your general dentist typically does two? Your dentist places dental fillings and cleans your pearly whites, while endodontists focus on diagnosing and treating any persistent problems and pain you are experiencing in your... Read more » As oral maxillofacial surgeons, we can perform a variety of oral surgery treatments focusing on reconstructive surgery of the face, facial trauma surgery, the oral cavity, head and neck, mouth, and jaws. We strive to help you regain your dental health and facial appearance. There are many reasons why a... Read more » You might need to see our periodontist if you have chronic bad breath, your gums bleed whenever you brush or floss, or your gums look swollen and feel tender when touched. Healthy gums are crucial for a healthy mouth, so please don't be tempted to ignore these warning signs of... Read more » Dental crowns are an investment in keeping a tooth as long as possible. Even for children, dental crowns protect their developing smiles because their jaws are still forming. Any tooth gaps that arise when a tooth is pulled early because of decay, or even injury from an accident or contact... Read more » March is the 50th anniversary of National Nutrition Month. With spring almost here, this is a great time to renew your focus on eating the foods your body and mouth need while protecting your braces hardware or clear aligners. Tooth-Friendly Healthy Foods This is a good time to make sure... Read more » March is a busy month in the dental community. With National Dentist's Day on March 6 and Dental Assistants Recognition Week from March 5th to March 11th, we would like to give a huge shoutout to our team and thank them for all their hard work every day! Our dental... Read more » With February in full swing, you are probably showering the people you care about with some extra love! Don't forget to show yourself some love, too, especially when it comes to your oral health! Bruxism is one of those oral habits that can cause serious issues with your temporomandibular joints,... Read more » February is when we celebrate all things love, such as Valentine's Day. Showing your body some love is a great idea this time of year, especially since we have a little bit longer for winter to end and bring with it more light and warmth. One way to recharge your... Read more » Since February is American Heart Month, it is a good time to talk about the risk factors of heart disease and how living a heart-healthy life can help you avoid issues stemming from sleep apnea. The CDC states that heart disease is the number one cause of death for men... Read more » Did you know over 80% of Americans get at least one cavity by the time they reach their mid-30s? Or that cavities are one of the most common diseases people of all ages experience? February is both Valentine's Day and National Toothache Day, making it a great opportunity to show... Read more » February 9th is National Toothache Day! This is a great opportunity to talk about toothaches and how our team can help you with a problem tooth (extraction) and set the stage for a tooth replacement using a dental implant. Your teeth are an integral part of your oral health and... Read more » February isn't just for Valentine's Day; it's also National Gum Disease Awareness Month. It is a time of raising awareness about gum disease and how it impacts your smile. Our goal this month is to explain how we diagnose and treat gum disease for a stronger, healthier smile (and body)... Read more » February is Children’s Dental Health month, and this year's theme by the American Dental Association (ADA) is "Brush, Floss, Smile." This year, they offer the following dental health tips to help support your child's developing oral health for healthy teeth and gums: Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride... Read more » Valentine's Day is here, and what better time to show your smile some love while you get into the holiday mood? This month is a great time to finally commit to the orthodontic treatment your smile deserves for the smile you have always wanted. Today's orthodontic options are faster, more... Read more » February isn't just the month when we celebrate all things love; it's also Gum Disease Awareness Month. Why not show your gums some love? Because your gum health is vital for a healthy smile (and body). Gum disease is linked to Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, coronary artery disease, diabetes, liver... Read more » With the new year comes new goals, goals that make us want to look and feel our best. One of the most popular plastic surgery options that people choose include liposuction. This cosmetic plastic surgery treatment effectively reduces unsightly-looking bulges so your body will look more contoured. Liposuction can help... Read more » 2023 has finally begun, and many of us are on our way to achieving lofty New Year's resolutions. It typically includes getting healthier, and if you suffer from TMJ (temporomandibular joints), you are probably hoping to finally get help managing your symptoms and finding much-needed relief. It's important because constantly... Read more » While many people struggle with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), not everyone realizes it yet. Having a sleep study done can assess your breathing patterns while you sleep. It determines whether your airway is partially or completely collapsed, leaving you periodically gasping, choking, and snoring throughout the night. These sleep disturbances... Read more » Most people are familiar with dentists and the role they play when it comes to their oral health. But what do you know about endodontists and the role they play in your dental health? Our endodontic team is highly skilled and not only diagnoses the precise cause of tooth pain... Read more » One of the treatments we offer our patients is a surgical repair that reshapes the jaw bone and is referred to as alveoplasty. This surgery is specifically performed to smooth out and optimally shape the alveolar ridge, or jawbone if teeth have been extracted or lost to decay. This reshaping... Read more » The new year is officially in full swing, and many of us feel inspired to set goals for improving our health. If this describes you, don't forget to include your oral health! A healthy mouth, especially healthy gums, is worth striving for, especially since good gum health protects you from... Read more » 2023 brings with it renewed energy and motivation to take better care of our health. For your child, setting oral health goals can help their developing smile stay on track for healthy teeth and gums as they grow. Our pediatric team has some recommendations to help make your child's oral... Read more » With a new year upon us, it is always a good time to make some changes in our lives that make us mindful of our health as well as our oral health. After all, your smile is one of the very first things people tend to notice about you, so... Read more » January 1st is the beginning of healthy resolutions for many people. And while ringing in the new year with alcohol is often traditional, it's also no surprise that it is commonly referred to as National Hangover Day after all those New Year's Eve toasts. While alcohol consumption can make an... Read more » When making New Year's resolutions, don't forget to include taking better care of your skin! As your body's largest organ, your skin will benefit from you keeping it healthy and looking and feeling its best. Skincare begins inside your body and ultimately ends up outside, so go ahead and use... Read more » The bustling holiday season is a time many people look forward to, but for those who have chronic TMD, or temporomandibular disorder, the added stress can aggravate their condition more than ever. If you are one of these people and are crossing off your to-do list, now is a good... Read more » When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, there are few things that can better help you with your physical and mental health and well-being. If you are one of the many who struggle with sleep apnea — a sleep-related breathing disorder where you have trouble breathing while you... Read more » Do you need to have wisdom teeth pulled, whether from crowding in your mouth, a molar coming in wrong or being infected? Today's state-of-the-art technology makes wisdom tooth extraction easier and more comfortable with proven sedation methods. Check out some of the most common questions we get about wisdom tooth... Read more » The busy holiday season is here, and there are many things to consider as the year comes to a close. If you are in need of a dental implant, this is a great time to consider giving yourself the gift of a dental implant to complete your smile. If you... Read more » When you have cavities in your mouth, it is important to treat them because they will only get worse. A simple dental filling can often restore the affected tooth, unless the decay is extensive and you are looking at requiring a root canal to save the tooth. In some cases,... Read more » Celebrating the holidays often means embracing some of our favorite traditions of the year. While you are gathering with loved ones and sharing memories and gifts, it's still important to protect your teeth, especially when you or your child is undergoing orthodontic treatment. When wearing braces, there is a list... Read more » This holiday season, why not celebrate healthy smiles for yourself and your loved ones? Flashing a healthy smile can bring joy to loved ones and strangers alike, boost your self-confidence, and brighten your mood, as well as those you share your smile with. Our wish this holiday season is to... Read more » This holiday season, take some time amongst all the busyness to keep your child's smile safe and healthy. Whether it is the tantalizing treats they love this time of year, the wintery sports they play or the gifts you give them, make sure their teeth are protected despite the hecticness... Read more » The holiday season is in full swing, and many are wanting to look and feel their best while connecting with family, friends and coworkers during these festive times. You will certainly be unable to turn around without someone taking pictures at work and parties and family gatherings to share on... Read more » If you have a TMJ disorder, the last thing you want to do is ignore it, because not only can the pain quickly become hard to ignore but you could also end up dealing with chronic migraines, problems chewing and even permanent damage to your teeth. TMJ, or the temporomandibular... Read more » Do you wake up feeling groggy despite having a full night's sleep? Do you wake yourself up in the middle of the night snoring loudly or gasping and choking for breath? These are red flags indicating you might have sleep apnea. If so, you are one of the almost 30... Read more » If you have ever had a toothache, you know that it can make it hard to function or focus on your day-to-day obligations. Once you notice pain in a tooth, pay attention because it means that the tooth root is likely inflamed and irritated. This can quickly lead to infection,... Read more » When it comes to oral surgery for oral- and tooth-related issues, you might need to be treated for impacted, infected or abscessed teeth. You might need a root canal treatment or one or more tooth extractions to get rid of the infection. When an infection is present, you'll often experience... Read more » Did you know that millions of people experience some level of dental anxiety when it comes to sitting in a dental chair to have work done in their mouths? If you are concerned about receiving treatment for advanced gum disease or need dental implants and you are among these brave... Read more » November is finally here, bringing with it changing seasons and a time of giving thanks for the things that make our lives better. Nine in 10 people in the U.S. have some type of malocclusion (overbites, underbites, crossbites, protruding teeth, etc.), and for these people, the malocclusion can impede their... Read more » November isn’t just Thanksgiving: It’s also National Diabetes Month. This disease affects around 37 million Americans, including adults and young people. Oral health is closely linked to health issues, including diabetes, and vice versa. Along with your primary care doctor and other specialists, your health care team should also include... Read more » Do you know the number one contributing factor for cavities in your child's mouth? If you said sweets, you are on the right track! Dental plaque is a buildup of oral bacteria that feast on carbohydrates, releasing acids that break down tooth enamel. The minerals in saliva, (calcium and phosphate)... Read more » Did you know that an unsuspecting woman receives a breast cancer diagnosis every two minutes? That's according to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), and it is a sobering statistic. Thankfully, with today's technological advancements and the latest in clinical trials and surgical options, you have more help available and... Read more » What do you know about the medical condition called TMJ? This common disorder impacts your jaw joint along with the muscles that move the jaw itself. TMJ disorders impact over 10 million Americans and, for whatever reason, affect women more than men. This complex joint moves both up and down... Read more » A lot of people make fun of people who snore, but chronic snoring is no laughing matter, especially if comes from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This condition may be treated by medical intervention including surgical treatment. OSA can be a result of one's upper airway being obstructed because of excess... Read more » While root canals aren't in the least funny, some of the myths around them are pretty laughable. But they can still scare you away from getting treatment. And that's the last thing you should do, delay a needed root canal treatment (RCT)! Putting off treatment and avoiding it altogether can... Read more » As oral surgeons, we routinely perform a variety of surgical procedures such as bone grafting, dental implants, apicoectomies, jaw surgery, soft tissue grafting, and, of course, tooth extractions, including wisdom tooth removal. Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons are experts at restoring your mouth and face after a trauma, injury, or... Read more » When it comes to your smile, your healthy gums are every bit as important as having healthy teeth. One of the ways we can improve your smile is by performing a crown lengthening treatment to restore healthy gum tissue as well as prep your mouth for a dental restoration or... Read more » It's almost trick-or-treating season, and our pediatric team wants to help your child's smile stay safe during this frightfully festive time. Between scary school activities, decorating your home, and visiting petrifying pumpkin patches for cider and donuts, we want your little witch or goblin to safeguard their devilishly delightful fangs... Read more » Every year, we celebrate Orthodontic Health Month in October, and this year is no different! We love the work we do helping our patients get straighter smiles and aligned bites. With proper orthodontic care, your smile can look its best, your mouth can function properly and your daily oral hygiene... Read more » A healthy, appealing smile starts with a clean mouth. October is National Dental Hygiene Month, where we honor our hard-working, dedicated dental hygienists and the care they provide to protect your smile! Their goal is simple: helping you achieve greater oral health by helping you keep away cavities and gum... Read more » Did you know that when your jaw is in its optimal position, it can make you look more youthful than other people in your age range? We refer to this as "TMJ harmony" where your jaw, bite, and TMJ work together to lessen stress, tension, headaches, jaw pain, and even... Read more » When it comes to a good night's sleep, your sleep quality is just as essential as your quantity of sleep. If you have sleep apnea, your lack of vital sleep can negatively impact the quality of your day-to-day life. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) This is actually the most common version... Read more » Can you believe it's already the end of September? Where did this year even go? We're about to embark on the busy holiday season, sandwiched between Halloween, Thanksgiving, and all the December holidays, and let's not forget New Year's! That's a lot of prospective parties, end-of-the-year celebrations, work get-togethers and... Read more » If you were to sustain a sudden facial trauma or injury with cuts that require stitches by our oral maxillofacial surgeon, we would evaluate your facial structure. Should you break a bone, either in your face or in your jaw (something that is fairly common), the assessment would take into... Read more » School is starting and the back-to-school season promises a whirlwind of activities on the horizon. Your child will spend a good chunk of their time away from home between classes, sports and other extracurricular activities on top of homework! Your child will have a lot on their mind, and our... Read more » If you are wearing braces to correct your tooth and bite alignment, now more than ever, you need to take optimal care of your teeth and gums. Braces can get in the way of normal oral cleaning tools when brushing and flossing, making it harder to remove stray food particles... Read more » Did you know that silver fillings, which are typically referred to as amalgam fillings, contain 50% mercury by weight? Originally created in the 1800s, these fillings are unhealthy for your mouth (and body) because mercury is a toxic substance. That's why we are continually warned about consuming fish from mercury-filled... Read more » September is National Gum Care Month, and we're excited to share some tips to keep your smile healthy and strong. Most people think of tooth loss as a result of tooth decay, but did you know that losing teeth is often a result of gum disease? Brushing and flossing daily... Read more » For anyone who has invested in a plastic surgery procedure, you might be extra motivated to extend the results of your surgery by implementing healthful habits. This is a transformative approach to maintaining your hard-won results after expending time, energy, and money to having this work done. Whether you have... Read more » When you have trouble with the soft tissue and nerves inside your teeth, our endodontist can often save those teeth from being lost to decay and infection. As endodontists, we spend our time helping patients with tooth pain, infections and serious dental disease. Our goal is to relieve your pain... Read more » When it comes to repairing surgical disease, injuries or defects that affect your mouth, face and jaw, our oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) are ready and qualified to help. We work on fixing a variety of conditions, from extracting wisdom teeth, cleft lip and palate surgery to facial cosmetic surgery.... Read more » Have you recently received a diagnosis of receding gums by your dentist? If so, you may also have been recommended to our periodontist for a tissue graft. This common treatment protects your teeth from being worn down when your gums pull back from your teeth, exposing the tooth roots. Preparing... Read more » Your baby's teeth coming in is a sweet milestone that marks the growth of their smile. Even though these baby teeth (primary teeth) are tiny, they're vital to your child's developing oral structure. Baby teeth hold those spots for their permanent adult teeth to come in years later, pushing out... Read more » Back-To-School ads are off and running as summer winds down and a busy school year is on the horizon. If your child is also beginning the school year wearing braces, that will likely involve a huge adjustment for your child or teen. There will be dietary adjustments to make, extra... Read more » Do you put off routine dental care or much-needed dental work because of anxiety? Anxiety is how your body reacts to what you perceive to be stressful or unfamiliar situations. So that sense of distress or dread you have before an event manifests itself as anxiety. While a bit of... Read more » Nobody likes dealing with acne and its residual scars, but millions of people do have them. The good news is that you have a virtual cornucopia of professional acne scar treatments to help you reduce unsightly scars and give you back your healthy-looking skin! Cosmetic Treatment To Repair Acne Scars... Read more » If you have issues with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) you already know how it can impact your daily quality of life. Located underneath your ears, these complex joints connect your jaw to your skull so you can move your jaw in all directions as needed. It's no wonder you may... Read more » Summer is finally here and that means more time outdoors, staying up late, and even traveling! If you have obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, we have some tips for you about traveling and sleeping well to keep your energy levels up wherever you go. Poor Quality Sleep Even without sleep... Read more » Did you know that over 15 million root canals are done annually, according to the American Association of Endodontists? Breaking that down means that every single day more than 41,000 root canals are done in just one day alone, by either dentists or endodontists. And while a dentist will average... Read more » When you undergo oral and maxillofacial surgery, you’ll need to stick to a liquid and soft-food diet post-surgery. To protect your surgical site while your mouth is recovering, you'll need to stay away from foods that are chewy, hard or crunchy. Depending on the surgery you had done, this can... Read more » Gingivitis is an oral condition caused by plaque buildup. This sticky, bacterial film coats the teeth and gums, leading to cavities and gum disease. Once this harmful bacterial film lingers in your mouth, toxins are released by the bacterial activity that irritates your gums. You'll likely notice that they look... Read more » If you want to help your child develop and keep their oral health strong, you'll want to have them brush and floss but also consume healthy foods and drinks. As they grow, help them have proper jaw growth, strengthen and remineralize their chompers and stay hydrated to keep their mouth... Read more » Do you know the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist? Both work hard to keep your teeth and mouth healthy, but we orthodontists have additional training so we can treat tooth and jaw misalignment. We also participate in a two- to three-year residency, finishing with over 4,800 hours of... Read more » If you are brushing your teeth twice a day as recommended but not flossing between them, it's not just your smile that will pay the price. Your toothbrush can't reach in between teeth to remove dental plaque (a sticky bacterial biofilm). That's where flossing comes in, because it can reach... Read more »