As spring brings longer days and warmer weather, it is the perfect time to refresh your health routine—including how you manage TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain. TMJ disorders can cause persistent jaw discomfort, headaches and tension in the neck and shoulders, often worsened by stress. Fortunately, with the right therapy and... Read more » Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can cause persistent jaw pain, clicking sounds, headaches and even difficulty chewing. If you are dealing with TMJ discomfort, you have probably come across various treatment options—from simple home remedies to advanced medical procedures. But how do you know which ones actually work? Join us as... Read more » Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders (TMD) are often associated with jaw pain, stiffness and difficulty chewing. However, many people are surprised to learn that TMD can also contribute to chronic headaches or migraines. Understanding the connection between your jaw and your head is essential to identifying and treating the root cause... Read more » The holidays are a time for indulgence, connection and celebration—but for those with TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder, this season can also bring unique challenges. Between festive meals and long gatherings, it is easy to overwork your jaw, leading to discomfort or pain. With a few mindful adjustments and self-care practices,... Read more » November is TMJ Awareness Month, a perfect time to learn more about temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and how to manage them, especially with the holidays around the corner. TMJ disorders affect the hinge-like joint that connects your jaw to your skull, essential for chewing, speaking and even yawning. When something... Read more » The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) plays a vital role in our everyday activities, yet it often goes unnoticed until pain arises. TMJ disorders (TMD) can make it difficult to eat, speak and sleep comfortably. Here, we answer some frequently asked questions to help you understand TMJ, its symptoms and available treatments.... Read more » As summer transitions into fall, the cooler weather and changing routines present the perfect opportunity to refocus on self-care—especially when it comes to managing conditions like TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders. Here are practical adjustments that can provide relief and promote healthy jaw function. 1. Posture Improvements as You Settle Indoors... Read more » Getting a good night's sleep is crucial for overall health, but did you know that your sleep habits can significantly impact your jaw health, particularly if you suffer from TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders? TMJ disorders can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw, face and neck making it challenging to... Read more » Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders are a common source of chronic jaw pain, affecting millions of people worldwide. These disorders often result from stiff or overworked muscles in the jaw, leading to discomfort and difficulty in performing everyday activities like eating and speaking. One increasingly popular treatment for TMJ disorders is... Read more » Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, commonly referred to as TMD, are often associated with jaw pain, headaches and difficulty in chewing. However, the impact of TMJ disorders extends beyond these symptoms, significantly affecting overall health and well-being. One area where TMJ disorders can have a surprising influence is digestive health. This... Read more » Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders can be incredibly frustrating to live with, particularly because the symptoms may seem to fluctuate unpredictably. Seasonal changes often bring about a host of weather-related phenomena, like humidity shifts and barometric pressure changes, which can sometimes exacerbate TMJ symptoms. As the weather warms up, recognizing these... Read more » As the blossoms unfurl and the air fills with the promise of new beginnings, spring invites us to rejuvenate not just our surroundings but our physical health as well. For those among us navigating the challenges of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ), this seasonal shift offers a unique opportunity to embark... Read more » Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders are a complex set of conditions that can cause pain in your jaw joint and in the muscles that control jaw movement. If you are struggling with TMJ issues, you're not alone. Millions of people worldwide experience this discomfort, but the root causes and treatments... Read more » Welcome to February, the month of Valentine’s Day and American Heart Month, where hearts flutter and emotions run high. While we celebrate love and relationships, it's essential to remember that matters of the heart can also affect your physical health, including the often-overlooked temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and its intricate relationship... Read more » In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders are reshaping the way you approach your healthcare. As you step into 2024, it's crucial to explore the recent developments in TMJ care and delve into the role of holistic approaches in managing... Read more » It’s that time of year again when many of us are enjoying seasonal festivities and gatherings with our loved ones. However, if you are dealing with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues, the celebrations can be accompanied by discomfort and challenges. TMJ disorders can cause pain, stiffness and limited jaw movement, making... Read more » November is not just the month for falling leaves and cozy sweaters; it's also National TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Month. This observance provides an opportunity to shed light on an often misunderstood and overlooked condition that affects millions of people worldwide. TMJ disorder, also known as TMD, can cause significant discomfort... Read more » Are frequent headaches keeping you from enjoying a pain-free life? If you've been struggling with recurring headaches that don’t seem to ever really dissipate, there's a chance that temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders might be the culprit. While TMJ issues can cause or exacerbate headaches, the good news is that relief... Read more » When most people think about TMJ disorders, they often associate them with jaw pain and discomfort. While this is a common symptom, what many people don't realize is that the effects of TMJ disorders can actually go far beyond just jaw health. Let's delve into how TMJ issues can contribute... Read more » If you are dealing with temporomandibular joint disorder (or TMJ), you already know it can be a painfully disruptive condition. TMJ pain and its discomfort can arise from misaligned teeth, jaw injuries, stress and teeth grinding. Untreated TMJ pain can significantly impact your quality of life with chronic headaches, facial... Read more » As the days grow longer and the temperature rises, summertime brings with it a sense of excitement and the promise of outdoor activities. Still, for those suffering from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, the season's heat can actually exacerbate jaw pain and discomfort. If you find yourself facing this challenge, read... Read more » Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders can cause significant pain and discomfort, affecting a person's ability to speak, eat, and even sleep. While non-surgical treatments such as medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes are often the first line of defense, oral surgery can play a vital role in managing and treating severe... Read more » Do you struggle with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain? If so, you are not alone. This condition affects millions of people around the world. The TMJ is the joint connecting your jawbone to your skull, and it can become painful or inflamed due to a variety of factors, including stress, teeth... Read more » April is recognized as Stress Awareness Month. Stress is an inevitable part of life, so it is essential to understand the negative impacts it can have on your overall health. Stress affects your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and it can manifest itself in various ways, including harming your temporomandibular... Read more » If you have been struggling with TMJ issues, we are here to help! There are things you can do from the comfort of your own home and treatment options we provide to resolve your TMJ pain. One way or another, we look forward to helping ease your jaw discomfort as... Read more » With February in full swing, you are probably showering the people you care about with some extra love! Don't forget to show yourself some love, too, especially when it comes to your oral health! Bruxism is one of those oral habits that can cause serious issues with your temporomandibular joints,... Read more » 2023 has finally begun, and many of us are on our way to achieving lofty New Year's resolutions. It typically includes getting healthier, and if you suffer from TMJ (temporomandibular joints), you are probably hoping to finally get help managing your symptoms and finding much-needed relief. It's important because constantly... Read more » The bustling holiday season is a time many people look forward to, but for those who have chronic TMD, or temporomandibular disorder, the added stress can aggravate their condition more than ever. If you are one of these people and are crossing off your to-do list, now is a good... Read more » If you have a TMJ disorder, the last thing you want to do is ignore it, because not only can the pain quickly become hard to ignore but you could also end up dealing with chronic migraines, problems chewing and even permanent damage to your teeth. TMJ, or the temporomandibular... Read more » What do you know about the medical condition called TMJ? This common disorder impacts your jaw joint along with the muscles that move the jaw itself. TMJ disorders impact over 10 million Americans and, for whatever reason, affect women more than men. This complex joint moves both up and down... Read more » Did you know that when your jaw is in its optimal position, it can make you look more youthful than other people in your age range? We refer to this as "TMJ harmony" where your jaw, bite, and TMJ work together to lessen stress, tension, headaches, jaw pain, and even... Read more » If you have issues with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) you already know how it can impact your daily quality of life. Located underneath your ears, these complex joints connect your jaw to your skull so you can move your jaw in all directions as needed. It's no wonder you may... Read more » Do you know where your TMJ's (temporomandibular joints) are in your jaw? See if you can find the joint on either side of your jaw that works like a sliding hinge whenever you open and close your mouth. The areas of your TMJ bones are covered with cartilage and a... Read more » Those who suffer from TMJ because of a bad bite know living with it can be painful. Temporomandibular disorders affect the teeth, facial muscles, and jaw joints, leaving them out of harmony and balance, so you are left experiencing painful complications like severe head, neck, and back pain. And if... Read more » When it comes to your TMJ (or temporomandibular joints) connecting your jawbone to your skull, you can suffer disorders in this joint. These can leave you in pain along with the muscles controlling those jaw movements, especially if you are constantly grinding or clenching your teeth. Pain associated with your... Read more » The term "bruxism" refers to a repetitive jaw-muscle movement where you habitually and subconsciously grind your teeth together and clench your jaw muscles. It affects the temporomandibular joints located on both sides of your jaws that function by helping you smoothly open and close your jaw. Why is Excessive Bruxism... Read more » Did you know that about one in three adults experience bruxism? When it comes to grinding your teeth, this often unconscious and seemingly innocuous habit is something your mouth and jaw can do without, and it is known as bruxism. It is essentially a harmful habit where you repeatedly clench... Read more » 'Tis the season for… TMJ jaw pain? With the holidays in full swing, it's a fun, festive, and all too often stressful time trying to get all the preparations, decorations, and shopping done on your list! While it is traditionally the most wonderful time of year, the holidays are also... Read more » Did you know that your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the most constantly used joint in your entire body? It is the joint that sits in front of both of your ears, where your skull and jaw come together. Your tiny TMJ disks are made of cartilage and absorb the impact... Read more » If you suffer from a temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ syndrome or TMD), massage therapy and jaw exercises may help you find some welcome relief. This medical condition can leave you feeling ongoing pain and stiffness in the jaw, face, and neck. The discomfort stems from issues with the temporomandibular joint... Read more » Do you experience constant pain or swelling in your jaw, chronic migraines, or ringing in your ears? Does it hurt when you bite, yawn or talk? Or maybe you have constant back or recurring sinus pain? If so, you are likely experiencing temporomandibular joint (TMJ) symptoms. Your TMJ connects the... Read more » Orthognathic surgery, or jaw surgery, is how our doctors correct the irregularities of the jawbones while also realigning the jaws and the teeth for a better bite and improved appearance. This corrective jaw surgery fixes skeletal abnormalities of the face and the jaw and can also be performed to fix... Read more » When you visit us to diagnose jaw symptoms, you can trust that you will be in good hands. We have helped many people such as yourself find relief from the symptoms of chronic TMJ. An oral exam will be done, so we can assess the sounds your jaw makes while... Read more » When you touch the sides of your jaw where they connect to your skull, you are feeling the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) which works like a sliding hinge. Covered with cartilage, these joints separate your skull from the bone by a tiny, shock-absorbing disc that allows you to open and close... Read more » Do you frequently experience pain in your mouth? While sometimes jaw pain can feel like an infected tooth, often it is a result of jaw pain from problems with your temporomandibular joints (TMJs). These joints connect your lower jawbone (the mandible) located near your ear to the side of your... Read more » Do you suffer from chronic facial or jaw pain? Since you use the hinges in your jaw to move your upper and lower jaw all day so you can eat, speak, swallow, you are likely looking for some relief. For those patients who have pain in their temporomandibular joint (TMJ),... Read more » Even though bruxism and TMJ disorder are different medical conditions, they are related to each other, specifically in how they affect one's overall bite pattern. While TMJ disorder is a dysfunction in the jaw affecting the muscles and joints, with bruxism one repeatedly grinds their teeth together by sliding their... Read more » When it comes to dental conditions, TMJD is relatively new in being identified. It took until the 1950s for TMJ syndrome to get the attention it deserved from the healthcare community. And it took another 30 years after that for healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat this oral condition with... Read more » TMJ awareness can help people struggling with TMJ problems and even those who may not even know it. While sometimes symptoms can go away on their own, you will likely need intervention to relieve the cause if they linger. Seeking an effective diagnosis can make all the difference when it... Read more » Chronic headaches have a variety of causes, including TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorders. This joint is the part of your lower jaw (mandible) that connects it to your skull (temporal bone) in front of the ear. It is made of muscles, blood vessels, nerves and bones in the head. This... Read more » Do you find yourself with a painful jaw whenever you open your mouth to speak, bite, or chew? If so, you may be experiencing temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ). It can happen if you have an injury to the mouth and jaw, suffer from arthritis, or even when you're just trying... Read more » When it comes to your jaw, some things can go wrong that may necessitate medical intervention. Specifically, if you have temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), which is one of the most common pain disorders our oral surgeons see. This disorder affects millions of Americans, most often women, although anyone can have... Read more » Do you suffer from jaw pain? Do you often hear clicking or popping noises when you move your jaw? These are symptoms of temporomandibular joint disease (TMD/TMJ disorder) that can cause parts of the jaw to malfunction. It can happen from misalignment of the jaw (malocclusion), a structural jaw deformity,... Read more » Body aches and pains can often show up and then go just as easily. f you have been exhibiting chronic jaw pain, you may have something more serious going on. Unusual jaw pain combined with headaches is a sign of TMJ/TMD, a dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint which connects your... Read more » With school out early for the year, now may be a good time for your child to be evaluated for braces. Braces are often recommended to improve one's smile (or orofacial appearance) by correcting crooked or crowded teeth. Braces can also fix problems with the bite, including overbites, underbites, incorrect... Read more » If you find yourself experiencing tenderness around your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that connects your jaw to your skull, you join the ranks of millions of your fellow Americans. TMJ disorders can bring with them facial pain and problems moving the joint. These disorders can arise from trauma to the jaw,... Read more » If you find yourself with ongoing jaw pain you're already familiar with how uncomfortable it can be. Jaw pain has a variety of causes, including an abscessed tooth, gum infection or biting down on hard candy or ice. Another common culprit is temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. TMJ can crop up... Read more » One of the more modern, non-surgical treatments used for TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders is BOTOX® injections. They are often used when other treatments have not worked or when you don't want an invasive treatment such as jaw surgery. Typical TMJ treatments may include taking pain relievers, anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants.... Read more » Did you know that sleep apnea can be related to Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder, particularly if you have been suffering from symptoms such as chronic headaches? TMJ affects your jaw joints where the lower jaw connects to the upper jaw and can leave you with jaw pain along with pain... Read more » Orthognathic surgery, or corrective jaw surgery, is a surgical procedure that fixes abnormalities in the jawbones by realigning them correctly and enabling the teeth to function properly. This surgery involves aligning the upper jaw, lower jaw and chin to improve their form and function with the help of wires, screws... Read more » November is National TMJ Month, a time when we create awareness around this common oral health issue and offer solutions. If you find yourself constantly feeling pain and tenderness in your jaw muscles, hear clicking and popping noises when you move your jaw joints, or have a hard time opening... Read more » Patients suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ/TMD) will have issues stemming from the joint that connects the jaw to the temporal bones in the skull. When it comes to temporomandibular joint disorder (and its accompanying pain, soreness and stiffness in your neck, face and jaw), a common treatment might include... Read more » Approximately 10 million people in America have experienced or currently have TMJD (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) with a higher percentage of women than men. This disorder often involves pain in the jaw and the muscles in the face that control it and are known as temporomandibular disorders (or TMD). This discomfort... Read more » Did you know that having a sleep disorder – known as obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, where the airway becomes blocked while you sleep – may result in issues with your temporomandibular joints (TMJ/TMD)? This is especially relevant if you have been having a lot of headaches. Breaking It Down... Read more » If you are experiencing TMJ, a medical disorder in the temporomandibular joint which connects your jaw to your skull, you may be feeling pain in the chewing muscles and joints or have trouble opening and closing your mouth. You might also be hearing clicking, popping or grinding noises in your... Read more » When it comes to treating TMJ pain, a lot depends on the severity of the symptoms. If the symptoms are mild and come and go, most of the time they will just go away on their own in a few weeks or sometimes months. In the meantime, there are some... Read more » If you have jaw pain when you open and close your mouth, or feel a chronic dull ache around your ears and temple, you may have a TMJ/TMD disorder. This is especially possible if you also regularly grind your teeth while you sleep (a condition known as bruxism). Problems with... Read more » Do you regularly experience grinding or clenching of your teeth, or have a sore throat or laryngitis without an infection? Are your back teeth feeling sore or loose? Do you often have trouble swallowing? If you experience chronic pain in the jaw joints (the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, made of... Read more » When it comes to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ or TMJD), over 10 million Americans have it at one time or another, and 90 percent of those seeking treatment are women 30-50 years old. Still, the causes and symptoms of this facial pain are not completely understood, and it can be... Read more » Do you find yourself grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw? Are people around you telling you that you are loudly grinding your teeth, even in your sleep? This habit is known as bruxism, where you grind your teeth, basically rubbing or sliding them across one another, and when you... Read more » Jaw pain can arise for a variety of reasons such as dental issues from gum disease, poor fitting bridges or dentures, temporomandibular disorder (TMD), an abscessed tooth, stress and anxiety, teeth grinding, sinus issues, osteomyelitis (an infection in the bloodstream, which affects the jaw joint, facial swelling and fever, heart... Read more » If you have been diagnosed with TMJ disorder, you may be experiencing discomfort, functional issues with the jaw, pain in the jaw joints when you bite down or simply have a dull aching sensation in the jaw muscles. If TMJ disorder goes on long enough, it can damage the internal... Read more » Did you know that over 10 million Americans suffer the effects of TMJ disorders or TMD? Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders also affect women between the ages of 20 and 40 more than men. November is TMJ Awareness Month, a time of creating awareness around the nation for those with... Read more » If your dentist or orthodontist has suggested to you that you might benefit from jaw surgery, you are not alone. Misalignment of the jaw can range from mild to severe, and sometimes orthognathic surgery may be needed. While your orthodontist can correct bite problems involving your teeth, surgery may be... Read more » When it comes to temporomandibular joint disorder (or TMJ), most patients believe this only affects their oral health. But the sad truth is it can actually impact your overall health as well. With TMJ, you would expect pain and sore muscles in the jaw when you talk, chew and swallow,... Read more » If you find yourself experiencing TMJ symptoms that are mild and infrequent, they often go away on their own. This sometimes can take weeks or months depending on what you do to help it dissipate. This is a good time to help alleviate symptoms by temporarily sticking to a soft... Read more » Are you constantly having problems pain or difficulty opening and closing your jaw? If you are constantly dealing with problems with your TMJs, or temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder, you are not alone. Millions of your fellow Americans are also dealing with some form of chronic facial pain, which is... Read more »