National Sleep Awareness Week, observed from March 12 to 18, is a timely reminder of the importance of quality sleep and its profound impact on overall health. One of the most prevalent and often undiagnosed sleep disorders is sleep apnea. If you or a loved one experience frequent fatigue, loud... Read more » A good night’s sleep is more than just a luxury—it is a necessity for overall health. But for millions of people suffering from sleep apnea, restful sleep is difficult to achieve. What is even more alarming is that untreated sleep apnea does not just leave you feeling groggy; it significantly... Read more » Sleep apnea is more than just a condition that causes loud snoring—it is a serious sleep disorder that can significantly affect your energy levels, mood and cognitive function. Untreated sleep apnea leads to repeated interruptions in your breathing during sleep, depriving your body and brain of the restorative rest they... Read more » The holiday season is a time of celebration, connection and travel, but for individuals with sleep apnea, it can also present unique challenges. Whether you are hosting family dinners, attending late-night parties or traveling to see loved ones, maintaining consistent sleep apnea treatment is essential for your health and holiday... Read more » Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a serious, even hazardous, condition that impacts the quality of life for millions, affecting everything from daytime alertness to long-term cardiovascular health. Characterized by repetitive pauses in breathing during sleep due to a blocked airway, OSA can lead to fragmented sleep, reduced oxygen levels and... Read more » Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, but many misconceptions surround it. In this Q&A, we will address some frequently asked questions and debunk a few myths to help you better understand sleep apnea and its potential impact on your health. 1. What is... Read more » Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. The most common signs include loud snoring, gasping for air and excessive daytime sleepiness. There are three main types of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), central sleep apnea (CSA), and complex (mixed)... Read more » Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that can affect individuals of all ages, including children. While often associated with adults, pediatric sleep apnea is actually a condition that parents should be aware of, as it can have significant implications for a child's health, development and overall well-being. Today we... Read more » For those living with sleep apnea, achieving a good night's sleep can often feel like an unwinnable uphill battle. This common health issue manifests as repeated interruptions in breathing while you sleep. Unfortunately, it can leave you dealing with chronic daytime fatigue and cardiovascular problems along with other serious health... Read more » Everyone has dreams, goals and aspirations they wish to achieve. Yet, one critical factor often overlooked in the journey toward making those dreams come true is the quality of our sleep. Sleep is not just a timely period of rest; it's a fundamental aspect of our overall health and well-being.... Read more » Sleep apnea, typically perceived as a mere nighttime nuisance, extends its influence far beyond disrupted breathing during sleep. Characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while sleeping, this serious health condition affects your sleep quality and also has alarming implications on overall health and daily functioning. Understanding the wider... Read more » As flowers blossom and trees sprout new leaves, the beauty of spring brings with it a less welcome companion familiar to many—seasonal allergies. For the millions experiencing sleep apnea, this time of year can present unique challenges. The unrelenting congestion, sneezing and itchy eyes typical of seasonal allergies can exacerbate... Read more » Fatigue is common among adults worldwide, yet its underlying causes can be multifaceted. Among these, sleep apnea is a significant contributor, particularly its impact on daily energy levels. This condition, characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep, disrupts the natural sleep cycle, leading to daytime maladies including pronounced fatigue. The... Read more » As Valentine's Day draws near, the atmosphere becomes infused with the essence of love, yet for some couples, the journey to romance might be disrupted by the loud symphony of snores. Sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep, can wreak havoc on relationships, especially... Read more » Sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder affecting millions of people worldwide, has witnessed remarkable advancements in treatment and management in recent years. As we step into 2024, the landscape of sleep apnea care is evolving with cutting-edge technologies and therapies promising improved outcomes. Let's explore the latest innovations in sleep... Read more » Sleep apnea is becoming more prevalent as a sleep disorder, marked by interruptions in breathing while sleeping, resulting in disturbed sleep cycles and potential health hazards. While various treatment options exist, one promising avenue gaining traction is sleep positioning therapy for sleep apnea sufferers. This non-invasive approach focuses on altering... Read more » Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a pervasive sleep disorder affecting millions of individuals around the world, potentially resulting in severe health repercussions when it is left unaddressed. OSA is distinguished by recurrent instances of either complete or partial blockage of the upper airway during sleep, causing temporary interruptions in breathing.... Read more » October may be "spooky" season, but you don’t have to fear treatment for your sleep apnea. Unfortunately, sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that affects millions of people globally, and the fear of treatment often prevents people from seeking the help they need. This fear can arise from various... Read more » Sleep is the cornerstone of our well-being, but for people grappling with sleep apnea, it's a nightly struggle. This prevalent yet often undiagnosed sleep disorder doesn't just disrupt your sleep; it can profoundly impact your overall health as well. Let's delve into the world of sleep apnea, from recognizing its... Read more » Your understanding of sleep apnea can make a huge difference in your quality of life. While this medical condition is actually common, its effects are still underestimated. Today, we are taking a closer look at how sleep apnea can wreak havoc on your life. Sleep apnea arises when a person... Read more » Summer is in full swing and is an ideal time to explore new destinations. However, for people struggling with sleep apnea, a condition characterized by interrupted breathing during sleep, traveling can present some challenges when it comes to getting a restful night's sleep away from home. If you're planning a... Read more » Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that doesn’t just arise in adults. In fact, children can also be afflicted with this disorder. Much like adults, sleep apnea in children can have a serious impact on their overall health and well-being. As a parent, recognizing and understanding the signs, symptoms,... Read more » How much do you know about sleep apnea? This common sleep disorder impacts millions of people globally. It is characterized by interruptions in breathing while you sleep, leading to poor quality sleep and other health complications. While sleep apnea is often associated with snoring and daytime fatigue, it can also... Read more » April is Stress Awareness Month, which makes it an ideal time to examine the link between stress and sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by interruptions in breathing while you sleep. Unfortunately, this chronic condition leads to fragmented sleep and a host of health issues. Stress... Read more » Since March is National Sleep Awareness Week (March 12-18), this is the perfect time to evaluate your sleep quality and find ways to catch more zzz's for better mental and physical health and well-being. Sleep Awareness Week officially starts at the beginning of daylight saving time (DST), which is when... Read more » Since February is American Heart Month, it is a good time to talk about the risk factors of heart disease and how living a heart-healthy life can help you avoid issues stemming from sleep apnea. The CDC states that heart disease is the number one cause of death for men... Read more » While many people struggle with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), not everyone realizes it yet. Having a sleep study done can assess your breathing patterns while you sleep. It determines whether your airway is partially or completely collapsed, leaving you periodically gasping, choking, and snoring throughout the night. These sleep disturbances... Read more » When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, there are few things that can better help you with your physical and mental health and well-being. If you are one of the many who struggle with sleep apnea — a sleep-related breathing disorder where you have trouble breathing while you... Read more » Do you wake up feeling groggy despite having a full night's sleep? Do you wake yourself up in the middle of the night snoring loudly or gasping and choking for breath? These are red flags indicating you might have sleep apnea. If so, you are one of the almost 30... Read more » A lot of people make fun of people who snore, but chronic snoring is no laughing matter, especially if comes from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This condition may be treated by medical intervention including surgical treatment. OSA can be a result of one's upper airway being obstructed because of excess... Read more » When it comes to a good night's sleep, your sleep quality is just as essential as your quantity of sleep. If you have sleep apnea, your lack of vital sleep can negatively impact the quality of your day-to-day life. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) This is actually the most common version... Read more » Summer is finally here and that means more time outdoors, staying up late, and even traveling! If you have obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, we have some tips for you about traveling and sleeping well to keep your energy levels up wherever you go. Poor Quality Sleep Even without sleep... Read more » Do you get complaints about snoring in your sleep or feeling tired when you wake up instead of refreshed? If so, you might have sleep apnea, a potentially life-threatening condition that can impact your quality of life. This breathing disorder can happen to anyone, and around 18 million Americans are... Read more » If you hear complaints about your snoring habits, you are not alone. Sleep apnea affects around 22 million Americans, with 80 percent of moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) cases going undiagnosed. This serious condition can affect your sleep partner, family, coworkers and friends. Your energy, health and work... Read more » The theme for this year's National Sleep Foundation: Sleep Awareness Week® 2022 is to help you become your Best Slept Self. The goal is to help you understand how important sleep is to your overall mental and physical health. Sleep Awareness Week® begins at Daylight Saving Time (DST) as most... Read more » Knowing basic facts about trouble sleeping can come in handy for sleep apnea. Probably the biggest obstacle to a good night's sleep is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Did you know that sleep apnea often goes undiagnosed? This sleep disorder leaves you struggling to sleep well, repeatedly pausing your breathing throughout... Read more » When it comes to your new year's goals to feel better, don't forget to put getting a good night's sleep on your list. Improving your quality of sleep can help you just as much as getting in those gym workouts! Your quality of sleep can either help or hurt your... Read more » Now that the clocks have reset to fall back to standard time and the days are growing shorter, many of us may have noticed a reduction in our sleep quality. We may feel tired, sluggish, and just not ourselves, wanting to slow down even as the holidays have amped up... Read more » Did you know that the shorter days of winter can impact your biochemistry? As the autumn days grow shorter and sunlight diminishes, you will want to be proactive about your health, especially if you live with sleep apnea. Making sure you get enough vitamin D boosts your serotonin production, which... Read more » Sleep apnea is a medical condition where you temporarily stop breathing throughout the night. When this occurs, your breathing pauses, leaving you with a sudden drop in your blood oxygen levels before starting up again. You might have sleep apnea if you wake up with chronic dry mouth, headaches, trouble... Read more » When it comes to your sleep quality, various factors can impact how well you sleep. Things like your bedroom's sleep ambiance, your nighttime rituals, how much you weigh, and even your routine daily habits can affect your sleep quality. One of the biggest factors affecting sleep arises from obstructive sleep... Read more » Orthognathic surgery, or jaw surgery, is how our doctors correct the irregularities of the jawbones while also realigning the jaws and the teeth for a better bite and improved appearance. This corrective jaw surgery fixes skeletal abnormalities of the face and the jaw and can also be performed to fix... Read more » When it comes to your sleep quality, some exercises can help you fall asleep faster, sleep longer and get a better night's sleep. You do not want to exercise strenuously right before bedtime because it will increase your heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure and spike your adrenaline, all of... Read more » We all know the importance of a good night's sleep, waking up well-rested and ready for the day's activities. Feeling good and supporting the body's ability to heal while we rest and getting a good 8-9 hours of sleep seems to be a happy consensus of a proper sleep. So... Read more » Do you often wake up during the night gasping for air? Does your partner swear that you constantly keep them up with your loud snoring while you sleep? If so, you may have a serious health condition known as sleep apnea. This breathing disorder makes you pause your breathing in... Read more » Do you find yourself snoring loudly, according to the people in your home? Chronic snoring affects your sleep quality along with your partner and your family members. If so, you might be one of many who experience this sleep issue that potentially harms your energy levels, health, lifestyle, and work... Read more » A new year has begun, and with it, resolutions to get healthier and happier. One thing that can help achieve both of those goals is making sure you get the good night's sleep your mind and body need to thrive! It's no secret that exhaustion can drag down one's mental... Read more » Unless you have a sleep partner, you might not be aware that you have a sleep problem and could very well be struggling with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and sleep-related bruxism. OSA affects your nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. It can arise because of your family tree, your environment, weight,... Read more » When it comes to sleep apnea, using a CPAP machine can help you finally get the sleep your body needs. But what if you're using a CPAP machine or other medical device to breathe easily in your sleep and still wake up with a sore neck or shoulder? Your neck... Read more » Sleeping and snoring often go together, but unfortunately, signs of sleep apnea can also include gasping for air and feeling exhausted day after day. If you suffer from chronic fatigue - even though you sleep eight hours a night - you might have a problem with sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep... Read more » If you want to function optimally in your day-to-day responsibilities, you need a good night's sleep under your belt. People who don't get enough sleep may have poor dental health as one of the contributors. Your smile can affect the quality of your sleep as well as the quantity. For... Read more » Do you have a few snorers in your family? Maybe they've heard one of these jokes: Snoring comes easily to me. In fact, I can do it in my sleep. . . Daddy brings his little son to bed. After a while, Mom quietly opens the door and whispers, "Has... Read more » When talking about sleep apnea, you commonly hear about it affecting adults. But did you know that sleep apnea also impacts children? In fact, there are estimates that one to four percent of children experience sleep apnea, and they are often between 2 and 8 years old. Pediatric obstructive sleep... Read more » If your partner or roommate complains that you snore when you sleep, you might feel embarrassed, but it should raise some concerns. If you get complaints about your snoring and experience excessive tiredness throughout your day, you may have a serious medical condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes your... Read more » People with sleep apnea who cannot tolerate wearing CPAP masks to help them breathe while they sleep often have excellent results with corrective jaw surgery (such as orthognathic surgery). This surgical treatment for sleep apnea repositions the upper or lower jaw (or both) and helps those whose jaws don't meet... Read more » If you have trouble breathing while you sleep, you may have a type of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea comes in several forms: - Central sleep apnea (CSA) - Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - Mixed sleep apnea (a combination of both central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea) Sleep Apnea Causes... Read more » Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can impact your day-to-day activities and even cause health issues. Let's review some sleep apnea facts that can help you if you have it or so you can seek a diagnosis if you recognize some of the symptoms. Fun Fact: Sleep apnea used... Read more » Do you find your days filled with chronic sleepiness or fatigue? When you wake up, do you have a dry mouth, sore throat, or headache? Does your sleep partner mention that you snore? If so, you may have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the most common form of sleep apnea. You... Read more » Did you know that sleep apnea can be related to Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder, particularly if you have been suffering from symptoms such as chronic headaches? TMJ affects your jaw joints where the lower jaw connects to the upper jaw and can leave you with jaw pain along with pain... Read more » Orthognathic surgery, or corrective jaw surgery, is a surgical procedure that fixes abnormalities in the jawbones by realigning them correctly and enabling the teeth to function properly. This surgery involves aligning the upper jaw, lower jaw and chin to improve their form and function with the help of wires, screws... Read more » If you suffer from mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), you may be a candidate for wearing an oral appliance to help you breathe better as you sleep. Known as oral appliance therapy, a mandibular advancement device or splint can help you with snoring and apnea issues. With over... Read more » General health is a result of all the body systems working together, so when one area is suffering, it affects others. People with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have trouble getting a good night from blocked airways collapsing and end up with disrupted breathing and snoring excessively. OSA affects anywhere from... Read more » Did you know that approximately one in five Americans experience sleep apnea in either it's mild or severe form and that another 80% of Americans go undiagnosed with this condition? Not only that, but those with the severe form of sleep apnea can wake up hundreds of times a night!... Read more » Did you know that having a sleep disorder – known as obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, where the airway becomes blocked while you sleep – may result in issues with your temporomandibular joints (TMJ/TMD)? This is especially relevant if you have been having a lot of headaches. Breaking It Down... Read more » Did you know that approximately 20 to 30 percent of adults have obstructive sleep apnea or OSA? This condition is marked by the airway closing continually in your sleep so that air can't normally flow in or out of your nose or mouth. OSA can be linked to heart disease,... Read more » If you often find yourself waking up gasping for breath feeling like you can't breathe, or have been told you snore like a bear all night, you might have a common sleep disorder called sleep apnea. This happens when the throat tissues collapse and block your airways while you sleep.... Read more » Did you know that people suffering from sleep apnea are up to five times at greater risk of having traffic accidents? Untreated obstructive sleep apnea doesn't just affect one's breathing and sleep quality but their quality of life with potential health risks. With obstructive sleep apnea (or upper airway resistance... Read more » Did you know that one of the leading causes of bruxism (teeth grinding) is sleep apnea? When you reach the deep sleep stage, your body's muscles relax, and that includes your neck, throat and the jaw muscles, which keep your airways open as you sleep. It isn't a problem as... Read more » It's a bad idea to ignore persistent snoring, and not just because it stops those around you (as well as yourself) from getting a restful night's sleep. But while others may complain when you are loudly sawing logs every night, snoring throughout the night can harm your health, quality of... Read more » Did you know that sleep apnea is actually one of the most common sleep disorders today, affecting about 20 million Americans alone? Sleep apnea is a condition where you experience frequent pauses in breathing while you sleep. It's also one of the most undiagnosed conditions, which can be a problem... Read more » Did you know that sleep is as vital for your health as are diet and exercise? Considering that humans spend one-third of their lives sleeping, you want to make sure that you schedule the hours of sleep you need every single day to stay on top of your game. Making... Read more » Finding ourselves immersed in the festive holiday season, it's important to still keep an eye on our health during this busy time. If you are displaying symptoms of a sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea, it's important to address it right away. Whether you are giving gifts to celebrate Hanukkah,... Read more » According to the National Sleep Foundation, did you know that over 18 million Americans have sleep apnea? Sleep apnea happens while you sleep and can involuntarily and intermittently stop your breathing. If you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, you essentially have a mechanical problem, according to... Read more » If your dentist or orthodontist has suggested to you that you might benefit from jaw surgery, you are not alone. Misalignment of the jaw can range from mild to severe, and sometimes orthognathic surgery may be needed. While your orthodontist can correct bite problems involving your teeth, surgery may be... Read more » "The shorter your sleep, the shorter your life." is a quote from sleep expert and neuroscientist, Matthew Walker. Getting a good night's sleep is vital for people of all ages, and while needs may vary, adults should be getting seven to nine hours a night for good health. Sleep deprivation... Read more » Our team can help you manage sleep apnea with the help of an oral appliance or mouthpiece. We specialize in correcting teeth or jaw problems and will ensure that your oral appliance is custom fit to your mouth and jaw so it will stay in place while you sleep. This... Read more » An increasingly common medical condition in the U.S. is sleep apnea, and those most susceptible are the following demographics--African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanics. With sleep apnea, your chest and diaphragm muscles have to work harder to open up blocked airways so they can bring air into the lungs. You... Read more »