Your eyes are one of the first features people notice, but sagging eyelids, puffiness and wrinkles can make you look tired, aged or even sad. If you have found yourself constantly lifting your eyebrows to keep your eyes open or reaching for concealer to hide under-eye bags, you may want... Read more » Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a "nose job," is one of the most sought-after plastic surgery procedures worldwide. Whether for cosmetic enhancement or functional improvement, rhinoplasty can refine the nose’s shape, size and symmetry while addressing breathing concerns. If you are considering rhinoplasty, understanding the procedure, benefits, risks and recovery... Read more » The New Year is a time of fresh beginnings, and for many, that includes taking steps toward achieving their ideal look. If plastic surgery is part of your New Year’s goals, preparation is key to ensuring a smooth journey and the best possible outcome. From researching procedures to planning your... Read more » Acne and dry weather are two common culprits when it comes to skin concerns, and they often exacerbate each other. For many, these issues can feel like an endless battle, but understanding their effects on the skin and how to manage them can make a world of difference. This month... Read more » In recent years, more women are choosing to remove their breast implants for various reasons, ranging from health concerns to changing personal aesthetics. If you are contemplating this journey, understanding the process, common motivations and recovery tips can provide clarity and peace of mind. Here is a comprehensive guide to... Read more » The holidays are just around the corner, and with them come festive gatherings, family photos and countless opportunities to reconnect with loved ones. If you are looking to enhance your appearance and boost your confidence before the celebrations begin, non-invasive cosmetic treatments might be the perfect way to achieve that... Read more » As the summer sun begins to fade, many of us are left with sun-kissed memories — and, unfortunately, sun-damaged skin. Whether you find sunspots, fine lines or an uneven complexion, the effects of summer can take a toll on your skin. The good news? Fall is the perfect time to... Read more » Are you struggling with sagging skin on your arms despite maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle? Arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, might be the solution you are looking for. This innovative cosmetic procedure helps reshape and contour the upper arms, providing a more toned and youthful appearance. Today we... Read more » The Brazilian butt lift (BBL), or buttock augmentation surgery, has gained immense popularity over the past few years, thanks in part to favored social media influencers and sought-after celebrities showcasing their enhanced curves. However, with its rise in popularity, a number of myths and misconceptions have also surfaced. In today’s... Read more » A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a popular cosmetic surgery designed to improve the appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the underlying muscles. This remarkable procedure is often sought by individuals who have experienced significant weight loss, pregnancy or aging, resulting in loose or... Read more » If you are currently anticipating a summer filled with beach days and poolside relaxation, you may be considering liposuction to help you achieve your ideal body shape. This amazing and popular cosmetic procedure can refine and beautifully contour your silhouette, and a smooth recovery is crucial to ensure you are... Read more » As the warmer months of spring and summer approach, many people consider cosmetic enhancements to feel their absolute best. However, the field of plastic surgery can still be plagued by myths and misconceptions that can confuse or mislead potential patients. Our goal today is to debunk these myths, providing useful... Read more » Springtime symbolizes renewal and rejuvenation, making it an ideal time for personal transformation. As the world awakens out of its wintry slumber, many of us feel inspired to refresh and renew our appearance. Aging gracefully is a goal many share, and modern plastic surgery offers a range of options to... Read more » February, the month of love, offers us the opportunity to not only cherish our relationships with others but also rekindle our relationship with ourselves. It's vital to acknowledge that self-care and self-love are essential aspects needed for nurturing our well-being and living our best life. What better way to embrace... Read more » Today we are expounding a bit more about self-improvement, as the concept of a "new you" has taken on a broader and more inclusive meaning in 2024. While traditional resolutions often focus on health and fitness, an increasing number of individuals are turning to cosmetic surgery as a means of... Read more » In a world where self-confidence plays a pivotal role in one’s personal and professional success, people are increasingly turning to plastic surgery as a means to enhance their appearance and lift their self-esteem. However, plastic surgery has evolved beyond just one’s appearance; it has become a transformative tool for self-improvement... Read more » As autumn blankets the world in a tapestry of warm tones, November brings with it more than just a change in the weather. It signals the end of daylight savings time, prompting us to set our clocks back and embrace the return to standard time. While gaining an extra hour... Read more » October sunsets are awash with the color pink, a vivid reminder that it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Beyond the ubiquitous pink ribbons and fundraising events, this month serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of taking control of your health and well-being. As a woman, Breast Cancer Awareness Month... Read more » Acne is a seemingly innocent skin condition that impacts millions of people globally, leaving behind a trail of emotional scars to match the physical ones. While the immediate frustration of unsightly pimples and blackheads may dissipate with time, the lasting dermal effects of acne can be a persistent reminder of... Read more » Did you know that your eyebrows can make you look and feel younger? Brow lift surgery, or forehead lift, is a cosmetic procedure performed to revitalize the look of your forehead and brow area. It is often sought after for those wanting to create a more vibrant, youthful and refreshed... Read more » Summer is a season filled with sunshine, warmth and outdoor adventures. If you have recently undergone plastic surgery, it's crucial to give your skin the extra care and attention it needs during this time. Today, we are exploring essential skincare tips and products to help you nurture and protect your... Read more » Losing a significant amount of weight is a commendable achievement that can improve both your physical and mental well-being. But for many, shedding those extra pounds can leave you with loose and sagging skin that can hinder your satisfaction with your new body. This is where body contouring through plastic... Read more » Are you ready for the warm and sunny days of summer, bringing with them longer hours to enjoy the outdoors? This is the perfect time to get some essential vitamin D from the sun, but it is crucial to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. You can enjoy... Read more » As the weather starts to warm up and swimsuit season is fast approaching, you may be one of the many people who start to look ahead and assess whether your body is ready for the beach! For some beach and pool fans, this may mean considering plastic surgery procedures, such... Read more » Putting your best face forward is made possible with the help of plastic surgery that carefully reshapes the structures in your head and neck, usually the nose, ears, chin, cheekbones, or neckline. You might want this surgery for various reasons, including getting facial reconstruction after experiencing an injury, disease, or... Read more » February is when we celebrate all things love, such as Valentine's Day. Showing your body some love is a great idea this time of year, especially since we have a little bit longer for winter to end and bring with it more light and warmth. One way to recharge your... Read more » With the new year comes new goals, goals that make us want to look and feel our best. One of the most popular plastic surgery options that people choose include liposuction. This cosmetic plastic surgery treatment effectively reduces unsightly-looking bulges so your body will look more contoured. Liposuction can help... Read more » When making New Year's resolutions, don't forget to include taking better care of your skin! As your body's largest organ, your skin will benefit from you keeping it healthy and looking and feeling its best. Skincare begins inside your body and ultimately ends up outside, so go ahead and use... Read more » The holiday season is in full swing, and many are wanting to look and feel their best while connecting with family, friends and coworkers during these festive times. You will certainly be unable to turn around without someone taking pictures at work and parties and family gatherings to share on... Read more » Did you know that an unsuspecting woman receives a breast cancer diagnosis every two minutes? That's according to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF), and it is a sobering statistic. Thankfully, with today's technological advancements and the latest in clinical trials and surgical options, you have more help available and... Read more » Can you believe it's already the end of September? Where did this year even go? We're about to embark on the busy holiday season, sandwiched between Halloween, Thanksgiving, and all the December holidays, and let's not forget New Year's! That's a lot of prospective parties, end-of-the-year celebrations, work get-togethers and... Read more » For anyone who has invested in a plastic surgery procedure, you might be extra motivated to extend the results of your surgery by implementing healthful habits. This is a transformative approach to maintaining your hard-won results after expending time, energy, and money to having this work done. Whether you have... Read more » Nobody likes dealing with acne and its residual scars, but millions of people do have them. The good news is that you have a virtual cornucopia of professional acne scar treatments to help you reduce unsightly scars and give you back your healthy-looking skin! Cosmetic Treatment To Repair Acne Scars... Read more » Most of the year, work, school, family and holiday commitments can leave you feeling too busy to consider cosmetic surgery. The slower days of summer are ideal for refreshing your looks with an eyebrow lift (brow lift), especially if you can use some vacation days to recover! Why a Brow... Read more » Many women come to us to have their breast size altered. Having a more proportioned figure can help you feel better about how you present yourself to the world and can change the way you move about in the world, confidently versus uncomfortably self-conscious. Breast Reduction Large breasts can lead... Read more » Now that the weather is warming up as we make our way through springtime, are you ready to wear figure-flattering clothing that shows off your body? Or are you trying to hide excess fat or skin around your tummy? If you have a weak lower abdominal wall (abs) that is... Read more » Spring is here, which means summer is just a few months away. If you are planning on spending time enjoying outdoor activities, showing your body off at the pool, beach, vacationing, or at social gatherings, you'll want to make sure your body looks its best! You want to erase excess... Read more » Spring (and then summer) are just around the corner, which means now is the time to have bikini weather surgery done, including breast lift surgery. Having a breast lift done (or mastopexy) has grown in popularity, even outdistancing breast implants. Why Get a Breast Lift? A breast lift works by... Read more » Congratulations, you made it to 2022! The beginning of a new year beckons us to discard old habits that haven't worked well and embark on new goals that support our health and appearance. When it comes to how we look, some great new patterns can support our New Year's goals... Read more » While this year may have limited people through social distancing and mask-wearing, people still want to look their best! What better time to get cosmetic work done than for meeting your medical insurance deductibles for the year? Another reason people seek plastic surgery or other body-enhancing treatments during the holidays... Read more » Every October, we observe National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to U.S. Breast Cancer statistics, approximately 1 in 8 U.S. women (around 13%) will develop invasive breast cancer throughout her lifetime. This year, not only will an estimated 281,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer be diagnosed in women in... Read more » Are you considering having cosmetic plastic surgery to boost the appearance of your facial features? If so, you are not alone. You have options to choose from, including having a facelift, eye lift, rhinoplasty, chin and cheek implants, or liposuction. These popular surgical treatments are done all the time, and... Read more » Looking and feeling your best means getting the right amount of exercise so you can trigger those powerful physiological and biochemical processes in your body. Exercise calms you so you can sleep better, and in turn, allow your body to process your blood sugar most effectively for a healthier you.... Read more » It's bikini season again, making abdominoplasty (tummy tucks) a popular plastic surgery for a transformative boost to one's body image. This plastic surgery procedure means having reconstructive surgery done to tighten your stomach muscles that may have expanded, become loose, or separated after experiencing extreme weight loss or pregnancy. And... Read more » When you look into the mirror, are you unhappy with the wrinkles and lines you see on your face? If you have wrinkle lines creasing your forehead and on the bridge of your nose between your eyes, frown lines, or sagging upper eyelids, there is help. If your forehead and... Read more » Did you know that nearly 40 million Americans experience chronic insomnia and that around 1 in 4 Americans get insomnia every year? Unfortunately, that doesn't bode well for your skin or facial appearance! That's because sleep is how your skin renews itself by maintaining its healthy pH levels and keeping... Read more » This revolutionary body contouring/cosmetic surgery can help you get rid of unsightly fat that all your dieting and exercising couldn't budge. Whether you are looking to improve your hips, belly, thighs, buttocks, back, arms, under the chin, or face, liposuction can boost your efforts! It can also be combined with... Read more » Sometimes women who have had breast augmentation or breast reconstruction surgery completed in the past decade need the implants removed or replaced. It can happen if the former implant or breast capsule leaked for some reason. For example, the implant's outside shell broke down, or the scar tissue resulting from... Read more » Are you thinking about getting some cosmetic surgery done to help you look your best this year? Many people like to start a new year by making themselves feel more confident. Sometimes that means losing weight and exercising more, while other times, it involves choosing a body contouring procedure to... Read more » More and more plastic surgery continues to rise in popularity. No longer do men and women need to live with their unwanted or embarrassing physical flaws, thanks to the latest advances in plastic surgery and our highly qualified doctors providing you with the successful outcomes you deserve. In fact, according... Read more » Are you unhappy with the shape of your breasts and wishing you could make improvements to their appearance? Having a breast lift is one popular option many women choose to perk up their breasts and appearance. A breast lift can be done to raise your breasts. It involves removing any... Read more » Fulfill your holiday wish list by treating yourself to a facelift for a "new you" this holiday season! Facelifts are a common cosmetic surgical treatment that helps restore facial skin to a former vivaciousness and combat the effects of aging. A good plastic surgeon can help you achieve your goals... Read more » Did you know that while breast cancer is more common in American white women, African-American women are more likely to die from it? Did you know that scientists can't figure out why the left breast develops cancer more frequently than the right breast? Or that the first operation that used... Read more » Do you have acne scars on your face or other visible parts of your body leftover from when you were a teenager or pregnant? If your scars make you feel uncomfortable, self-conscious in social situations, and you are ready to do something about them, help is available! Acne Risk Factors... Read more » A brow lift or forehead lift raises your sagging or deeply furrowed eyebrows that make you look chronically tired or affect your eyelids and vision. This lift fixes any sagging of the skin in the forehead, eyebrows, and upper eyelids, smoothing out wrinkle lines that show up across your forehead.... Read more » It's not uncommon for women who have large breasts to have painful physical symptoms stemming from the extra weight their breasts exert on their bodies. With the help of a plastic surgeon, breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammoplasty, lessens the size of breasts by removing extra fat, tissue, and skin... Read more » Do you feel self-conscious about the size of your stomach when wearing figure-hugging clothes? How about when you are in a public place in a bathing suit? If you tend to stick to loose-fitting clothing to hide your protruding belly, you might be a candidate for a tummy tuck or... Read more » If you have developed healthier habits during this time of being homebound, your skin and appearance will continue to improve. Along with regular exercise and nutrition, your body, skin, and facial appearance will benefit immeasurably from a good night's sleep. Beauty Sleep Did you know that when you sleep, your... Read more » With the pandemic in full force, people are self-isolating to protect themselves, their families, friends, and neighbors. Now might be a good time to boost your beauty regimen in the comfort of your own home! Beauty comes from within, and your skin is no exception. If you want beautiful looking... Read more » If you have been frustrated with the wrinkles on your forehead, you are not alone. Over time, the brows tend to shift downward as the soft tissues gradually lose elasticity and shorten the space between your eyebrows and eyelashes. The result? As the facial muscles and connective tissue controlling your... Read more » When it comes to your appearance, sleep is essential if you want to look - and feel - your best. In fact, it's probably the closest thing to partaking in the "fountain of youth." Sleep is nature's most powerful beauty treatment (there's a reason it's called beauty sleep). Getting enough... Read more » On a functional level, your nose serves the simple purpose of helping to pass air from the outside world into your respiratory tract. Special cells inside your nose also provide you with a sense of smell as well as certain aspects of your sense of taste. Natural deviations and injuries... Read more » The hair follicles on your body play a variety of roles. Things like eyelashes, nose hair and eyebrows help protect sensitive parts of your face. Hair on the head as well as other parts of the body was once critical during the process of human evolution. Genetics and certain hormones... Read more » The natural process of aging gradually starts to affect the facial skin. Reduced exfoliation and collagen production, as well as other natural processes, can also affect your eyelids and the skin surrounding your eyes. As time goes on, both the upper and lower eyelids can start to sag and droop.... Read more » Your facial features not only play a critical role in your non-verbal communications, but they can also often impact your self-esteem when you look in the mirror. Time and genetics can also combine to soften the facial features of certain individuals which could leave you looking older than you really... Read more » Collagen is a special type of protein structure manufactured by your body to be incorporated into certain types of connective tissues as well as your skin. As you grow older, your body gradually decreases collagen production, which can have a significant impact on the health and elasticity of your skin.... Read more » Time, genetics and certain lifestyle factors can potentially combine to have a profound effect on the health and appearance of your skin. The effects of skin aging brought on by slower exfoliation, decreased collagen production, nutritional choices and unprotected sun exposure are often most pronounced on the face and neck... Read more » Perky breasts and a high bustline are typical hallmarks of a youthful bust profile. However, human breast tissue is made up of a complex amalgam of healthy fat tissues, mammary glands and various connective tissues held in shape by the skin. It’s an unfortunate fact that time and gravity are... Read more » Time tends to catch up to all of us. As the calendar pages peel away, many people experience a gradual decrease in their metabolism, which increases the likelihood of gaining fat. As you continue to age, a slow reduction in muscle mass can further slow your metabolic rate, making it... Read more » Metabolic changes associated with aging, as well as certain lifestyle and nutrition choices, can lead to a gradual buildup of body fat. While increased exercise and healthy food choices can certainly help improve your overall body composition, stubborn areas of fat may yet remain. There are several ways to address... Read more » Did you know that breast cancer is one of the most prevalent types of cancers impacting women today? In the U.S. alone, approximately 1 in 8 women who are born now will have breast cancer at some point in their lives. Thankfully, early detection and treatment increase a woman's chances... Read more » The human body is a biological marvel rich with dynamic processes that integrate tissues, organs and systems that allow you to live a hopefully long life. However, the vicissitudes of growing older can start to affect its function as well as appearance. Changes in body composition, skin health and developing... Read more » The American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that 300,000 breast augmentation procedures are performed every year. The size of the breast implants can vary from one individual to the next. Different fluids such as saline and silicone are often used to fill breast implant membranes that can vary in shape... Read more » When you look into the mirror each morning, do you recognize or see your younger self? Many people struggle with the sagging skin, lines and wrinkles that come with the appearance of skin aging. While potent skin creams and professionally administered facials might help, they can help stave off the... Read more » Building up a good sweat, running that extra mile and making wise nutritional choices is not only invigorating, but it can also be an essential first step toward becoming your best self. With consistency, most people who embrace a healthy diet with regular exercise notice improvements in their health, appearance... Read more » If you struggled with chronic acne during your adolescent years, you may have lingering scars on your face or another visible part of your body. Some individuals who suffer a burn or a significant wound that becomes infected can also develop a noticeable scar. These dermal imperfections can leave you... Read more » The size of a woman’s breasts is largely influenced by genetics. However, body composition can also affect breast size by increasing the amount of fatty tissue around the mammary glands and other breast tissues. Some women also experience a long-term change in the size and profile of their breasts after... Read more » Pregnancy and parenting can each be a special blessing in your life. The changes in your lifestyle and body are also often profound. For some women, carrying one or more children in her lifetime can stretch the abdominal skin, lead to muscle separation and cause excess fatty deposits to remain... Read more » Alert eyes and eyebrows help to capture people’s attention when you speak. However, some people have an overly prominent brow line, which can start to soften with age. As the years go by, gently sagging skin on the forehead and brow ridge can leave you with eyes that have a... Read more » A woman’s natural endowments are often tied to genetics as well as her general body composition. A woman with a low percentage of body fat may have smaller breasts for her frame. Some women with small breasts or a bust profile that has changed with age and certain lifestyle factors... Read more » The human psyche is a complex thing. Topics like body image, social phobia, depression and body dysmorphia can spark polarizing debates throughout our culture. It’s also worth noting that many individuals who seek out cosmetic services are dealing with serious medical or cosmetic issues that impact their quality of life.... Read more » The human face comes equipped with a vast number of facial muscles and connective tissues. Some play a physical role in the functions of your face and jaw, while others are primarily tasked with helping you make facial expressions. While you might not always think about it, your forehead and... Read more »