How To Make Your Child’s Gums And Teeth Healthy And Strong

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September is National Gum Care Month, a perfect time to focus on the often-overlooked aspect of pediatric dental health—your child’s gums. Healthy gums are the foundation for strong teeth and overall oral health. Teaching kids proper gum care early on can set them up for a lifetime of healthy smiles.... Read more »

Six Essential Dental Tips For A Successful School Year

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As summer winds down and the school year fast approaches, parents and children alike are preparing for the transition back to school. Among the many preparations, ensuring your child’s dental health should be a top priority to help them get off to a great start. A healthy smile boosts their... Read more »

Awesome Pioneering Hydration Hacks To Protect Your Child’s Smile

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Summer is here, bringing with it endless days of sunshine, outdoor activities and the occasional ice cream treat. While it's essential to protect your child's skin from the sun, it's equally important to focus on hydration, especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy smile. Staying hydrated not only keeps... Read more »

Cavity Prevention In Baby Teeth: Sure Fire Strategies For Success

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Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, play a crucial role in a child's overall dental health and development. These tiny teeth not only help children chew and speak properly, they hold space for the permanent teeth that will eventually replace them. Maintaining the health of baby teeth is essential... Read more »

The Ultimate Parent’s Guide To Fearless Sports Protection

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April is not just a time for blooming flowers and trees welcoming the warmth of spring; it is also National Facial Protection Month. This month serves as a crucial reminder for parents and guardians about the significance of safeguarding children's smiles during sports and recreational activities. Engaging in sports is... Read more »

From First Teeth to Healthy, Beautiful Childhood Smiles

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It is never too early to help your child learn good dental habits. Instilling robust dental hygiene practices from a young age is crucial for their ongoing development. Early habits form the cornerstone of a lifetime of good dental health. Educating children on the correct techniques for brushing and flossing,... Read more »

Holiday Gift Giving for Your Child’s Best Smile

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'Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to spread cheer than by giving the gift of a healthy smile to the children in your life? This holiday season, consider choosing presents that not only bring joy but also promote better oral health. From fun toys to educational... Read more »

National Brush Day: A Parent’s Guide to Children’s Dental Care

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National Brush Day, celebrated on November 1st, is the perfect occasion to highlight the importance of maintaining your child's oral health as they grow. As a parent, it's essential to instill good dental habits early on, and choosing the right tools and techniques can make a significant difference in your... Read more »

Cherish Every Tiny Tooth: Your How To Guide to Happy Baby Smiles

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September is a time to celebrate healthy smiles, and that includes the tiniest members of our families. As parents, it's natural to want the best for your children, and this includes their oral health. Taking care of your baby's gums and emerging chompers is an essential part of their overall... Read more »

Fun and Healthy Summer Treats for Kids

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Summer is here, and kids eagerly await their favorite season of outdoor play and endless fun. As a parent, you want to ensure that your children enjoy refreshing snacks during the hot summer days, but you also want to keep their teeth healthy and cavity-free. Don't worry! We've got you... Read more »

How To Help Your Child Overcome Their Thumb Sucking Habit

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As a parent, you want the best for your child, and that includes their dental health. Unfortunately, thumb sucking is an all too common habit among children, and it can have negative effects on their teeth and jaw development if it continues for too long. Here are some tips to... Read more »

Safeguard Your Child’s Smile This National Facial Protection Month

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Spring is finally here, and April is National Facial Protection Month. This is a time to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the face during contact sports and high-impact recreational activities. With spring sports in full swing, it's important to remember that accidents can and often do happen, leaving... Read more »

This National Children’s Dental Health Month, Learn How Dental Sealants Can Protect Your Child’s Developing Smile

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February heralds the annual American Dental Association's (ADA) National Children's Dental Health Month! Designed to raise awareness for optimal oral health in children, the NCDHM has been helping millions of families across the country. They are promoting better oral health with the theme, "Sealants Make Sense" this year. The goal... Read more »

Why Your Child Might Need a Dental Crown for a Primary Tooth

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Helping your child have a healthy smile is crucial for teeth that will last their whole life. As they grow, their primary teeth are replaced by permanent ones. Since baby teeth will eventually fall out, what should you do if our dentist says your child needs a dental crown? Why... Read more »

A Water Flosser Is an Easy Tool Kids and Teens Will Love!

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When you visit the dentist, we always know when you have not been flossing your teeth regularly, and the same goes for your child's smile! It is because when your child neglects their daily oral care, harmful oral bacteria builds up around the gum line and adding insult to injury... Read more »

Healthy Dental Tips For the Spooky Season!

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Halloween is lurking around the corner, but so is the coronavirus, making traditional Halloween parties trickier. This year, big parties and parades, creepy haunted houses, and gathering in crowds to trick-or-treat are off the table for many, or at the very least, downsized and held outdoors while social distancing. While... Read more »

Six Smile Safety Tips For Healthy Teeth and Gums This Summer

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With summer in full swing, your family is likely busy with a new routine involving cookouts, sleepovers, camping, vacationing abroad, or even just hanging around the house and a staycation. What you're likely not doing is getting the kids up for school and keeping to an established oral hygiene routine.... Read more »

Dental Healthy Snacks for Your Child This Summer!

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Summer is a great time to encourage your child to eat better. Serving healthy meals and snacks provides needed nutrition while supporting healthy eating habits. Tooth-friendly snacks can help keep cavities, gum disease and other health conditions like obesity and diabetes from developing. Let's dive into a healthy summertime "menu"... Read more »

Navigate the Teething Territory and Help Your Baby

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When your baby's first tooth starts to make its debut, you will likely know. This milestone can be simultaneously exciting and worrisome if your baby experiences discomfort as the tooth breaks through the gums. And when your baby is uncomfortable, chances are you will be, too! If your baby is... Read more »

Cavity-Fighting Dental Habits Can Save Your Child’s Smile

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February traditionally rings in Valentine's Day with hearts, chocolate, candy, flowers, and stuffed animals, but it is also National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM)! Long after Valentine's goodies are gone, your child's healthy smile can last a lifetime. NCDHM is sponsored by the American Dental Association, and each year the... Read more »

Start New Year’s Off by Teaching Brushing and Flossing

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This time of year, your child is likely consuming lots of sugary treats like candy canes, cookies, cupcakes and more. While you know sugar is bad for your child's smile, convincing them of that might be a little harder. Instead, focus on teaching them how taking good care of their... Read more »

Set Up Your Child’s First Dental Visit Today

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As a parent, it is an exciting time when your child's first baby teeth erupt, signaling that their smiles are developing right on time. Even though these primary teeth will eventually fall out to make room for their permanent adult teeth, these baby teeth are important to your child's dental... Read more »

Protecting Your Children and Their Smiles

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As your children and teenagers are headed back to school, you might be giving them a pep talk concerning the choices they make and avoiding influences like alcohol, drugs and tobacco. We all know there are multiple reasons why these items are not good for your children, but how does... Read more »

Does Your Child Need a Dental Crown?

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If your child has a badly decayed primary or "baby" tooth that can't be fixed using a dental filling, our pediatric dentist may recommend placing a dental crown. These are "caps" that are created to fit over the top of a tooth that has been damaged and will restore its... Read more »

Teaching Your Child About Dental Health

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Getting your child involved in his or her own dental health could be a challenge initially. You might struggle with getting them to understand the importance of brushing their teeth or even trying to make them care. Beginning your child’s dental health education early can help get them involved and... Read more »

Taking a Closer Look at Your Teen’s Dental Habits

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Teens can often have poor oral hygiene or crowded/crooked teeth, leaving them more prone to cavities or other dental problems. There’s no doubt a lot is going on for teens, and sometimes their oral health is put on the back burner while they handle all of the other things going... Read more »

Include the Tooth Fairy as One of Santa’s Helpers

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Santa and his elves aren't the only ones giving gifts to children to reward good behavior throughout the year. The Tooth Fairy is another children's favorite as she bestows gifts in exchange for their lost teeth year-round. Considering they can lose up to 20 baby teeth, children can get to... Read more »

Monsters Need Dental Care, Too!

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Are you having a hard time getting your child to take care of their smile? With the holidays fast approaching, you want them to take even better care of their pearly whites with so many sweets and treats coming at them. We want your children to have great dental care,... Read more »

What Should and Shouldn’t Go in Your Teen’s Smile

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With so many concerns surrounding your teen's healthy development, one important factor to manage is their oral health. During this time in their life, they are exposed to new situations and fads with their peers. You can help them navigate this stage to build healthy habits for a lifetime of... Read more »

Caring for Your Child’s Smile

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As their primary caregiver, one of the most important aspects of bringing your child in for their first dental visit is learning how best to care for their teeth. We are happy to show you how to clean their mouth daily and answer any questions or concerns you may have... Read more »

Helping Your Child Feel at Ease at the Dentist Office

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Bringing your child in for their first dental visit early in their life is so they get used to being in a dental office and won't get nervous. Once your child is older than two, depending on their temperament and personality, they might experience anxiety at the different sights and... Read more »