Choosing the right orthodontic treatment can be overwhelming, especially when deciding between traditional braces and clear aligners. Both options effectively straighten teeth and correct misalignments, but they cater to different needs and lifestyles. Understanding the differences can help you make an informed decision about which option best suits your oral... Read more » February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, making it the perfect time to shine a spotlight on the importance of early orthodontic screenings. While many parents associate braces and orthodontic treatment with teenagers, the foundation for a healthy, well-aligned smile begins much earlier. The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends... Read more » The start of a new year is a time for fresh beginnings, goal setting and prioritizing what truly matters. If a straighter, healthier smile has been on your wishlist, there is no better time to consider embarking on your orthodontic journey than now. Beyond the obvious aesthetics, orthodontic treatment can... Read more » The holiday season is a time for gathering with loved ones, enjoying festive foods and for some, embarking on long-awaited trips. If you are wearing braces or clear aligners, maintaining a healthy smile while traveling does not need to be stressful. With a little planning and some smart strategies, you... Read more » Orthodontic care goes beyond creating a beautiful smile; it plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall health, including the health of your temporomandibular joints (TMJs). With November marking TMJ Awareness Month, it is a great time to explore how orthodontic treatments can alleviate TMJ-related issues, improve jaw function and... Read more » For our dedicated orthodontic team, October brings with it an important observance: National Orthodontic Health Month. This autumnal month serves as a relevant reminder about the critical role that orthodontics plays in achieving a healthy, aligned smile. Orthodontic treatment not only enhances the aesthetics of your smile but also significantly... Read more » Whether you have just had your first braces adjustment or one of your ongoing adjustments, your teeth are likely feeling a little sore. If you are wondering what you can eat without causing discomfort or damaging your braces, this guide will help you navigate the post-adjustment period with confidence and... Read more » As summer winds down and the excitement of a new school year approaches, parents everywhere are bustling to prepare their children for success. From school supplies to new clothes, everything must be ready for that first day back. But for some families, this season also marks the beginning of an... Read more » Summer is a time for relaxation, travel and fun activities, but it's essential to remember that your orthodontic care doesn't take a vacation just because you do. Whether you are enjoying a home-based staycation, operating at a relaxed pace or traveling abroad, maintaining your braces, aligners and other orthodontic appliances... Read more » Orthodontic bite correction is often associated with achieving a straight, attractive smile. However, the benefits of correcting bite issues extend far beyond mere aesthetics. A properly aligned bite plays a crucial role in overall health, influencing everything from oral hygiene to digestive health and psychological well-being. In this blog, we... Read more » Orthodontic treatment has seen remarkable progress in recent years, yet misconceptions persist, potentially deterring interested patients from seeking the orthodontic care they need for a healthier, more aligned smile. This blog post aims to debunk some popular, prevalent myths surrounding orthodontic treatment, shedding light on topics ranging from treatment duration... Read more » As the world blooms into another spring season, it’s the perfect time to rejuvenate and refresh, not just our surroundings but ourselves as well. This month, we want to focus on something that radiates positivity and confidence—our smiles. With the rapid evolution of orthodontic technology, achieving that perfect smile is... Read more » March ushers in the freshness of spring, symbolizing renewal and growth. It's a time when we instinctively embark on spring cleaning, tidying up our homes and rejuvenating our surroundings. However, it's not just our homes that deserve this revitalizing touch; our oral health routines can benefit from a spring refresh... Read more » February is American Heart Month, and when it comes to oral health, the connections between different parts of our bodies are often surprising and fascinating. While it might seem like orthodontic care primarily concerns itself with straightening teeth and enhancing smiles, its benefits extend far beyond appealing aesthetics. Increasingly, recent... Read more » As we usher in the new year, it's the perfect time to reflect on our personal goals and aspirations. While many resolutions focus on fitness, career or personal development, it's essential not to overlook the importance of setting orthodontic-related resolutions for the more perfect smile you have always wanted. Whether... Read more » The holiday season is upon us, bringing joy, laughter and the chance to express our love and appreciation for everyone we care about. If you're looking for a unique and lasting gift that can truly make a difference, consider giving the gift of orthodontics. Whether it's for yourself or someone... Read more » November is a time of remembering the people we are thankful for and those who give us joy. At our orthodontic practice, we understand the importance of gratitude, and today, we want to express our deep appreciation for you, our patient! Without your trust and support, our mission of helping... Read more » October is finally here, and we are thrilled, because it’s not just spooky season and pumpkin spice lattes; it's also National Orthodontic National Orthodontic Health Month is observed annually during October and is dedicated to promoting good orthodontic health, understanding orthodontic issues and their treatment. Our goal today is to... Read more » Let's set the record straight about orthodontics, shall we? There are more than enough misconceptions surrounding braces, clear aligners, and orthodontic treatment in general. Join us today as we bust some common myths and address concerns that might be holding you back from pursuing the beautifully straightened smile you deserve.... Read more » As summer winds down, the excitement of a new school year can be thrilling for many students. However, for some, the anticipation of returning to school is accompanied by feelings of anxiety and self-consciousness because of one significant change in their lives: wearing braces. While undergoing orthodontic treatment is a... Read more » Summer is a season of sunshine, laughter, and creating and documenting lasting memories with family and friends. It's a time when everyone wants to look and feel their best, and that includes sporting a confident smile. If you're considering orthodontic treatment, whether it's braces, aligners, or retainers, summer can be... Read more » When it comes to orthodontic treatment, the misconception that it's only for children and teenagers is far from the truth. In actuality, more adults are investing in orthodontic treatment to enhance their smiles along with their overall oral health. Whether it's for aesthetic reasons or to address bite issues, adults... Read more » Did you know that a straight and healthy smile not only looks good, but it also promotes better oral health? One of the most beneficial aspects of achieving a healthy smile is correcting your bite. A misaligned bite can lead to dental problems, including tooth decay, gum disease, and even... Read more » As the sun begins to shine brighter and the flowers start to bloom, we all know what time it is: spring cleaning! While you're busy decluttering your home and tidying up your living space, don't forget about another important task this time of year; taking care of your teeth. If... Read more » March is the 50th anniversary of National Nutrition Month. With spring almost here, this is a great time to renew your focus on eating the foods your body and mouth need while protecting your braces hardware or clear aligners. Tooth-Friendly Healthy Foods This is a good time to make sure... Read more » Valentine's Day is here, and what better time to show your smile some love while you get into the holiday mood? This month is a great time to finally commit to the orthodontic treatment your smile deserves for the smile you have always wanted. Today's orthodontic options are faster, more... Read more » With a new year upon us, it is always a good time to make some changes in our lives that make us mindful of our health as well as our oral health. After all, your smile is one of the very first things people tend to notice about you, so... Read more » Celebrating the holidays often means embracing some of our favorite traditions of the year. While you are gathering with loved ones and sharing memories and gifts, it's still important to protect your teeth, especially when you or your child is undergoing orthodontic treatment. When wearing braces, there is a list... Read more » November is finally here, bringing with it changing seasons and a time of giving thanks for the things that make our lives better. Nine in 10 people in the U.S. have some type of malocclusion (overbites, underbites, crossbites, protruding teeth, etc.), and for these people, the malocclusion can impede their... Read more » Every year, we celebrate Orthodontic Health Month in October, and this year is no different! We love the work we do helping our patients get straighter smiles and aligned bites. With proper orthodontic care, your smile can look its best, your mouth can function properly and your daily oral hygiene... Read more » If you are wearing braces to correct your tooth and bite alignment, now more than ever, you need to take optimal care of your teeth and gums. Braces can get in the way of normal oral cleaning tools when brushing and flossing, making it harder to remove stray food particles... Read more » Back-To-School ads are off and running as summer winds down and a busy school year is on the horizon. If your child is also beginning the school year wearing braces, that will likely involve a huge adjustment for your child or teen. There will be dietary adjustments to make, extra... Read more » Do you know the difference between a dentist and an orthodontist? Both work hard to keep your teeth and mouth healthy, but we orthodontists have additional training so we can treat tooth and jaw misalignment. We also participate in a two- to three-year residency, finishing with over 4,800 hours of... Read more » One of the biggest challenges to keeping your smile looking and feeling its best is to take the time every day to brush and floss your teeth (which also benefits your gum health). When you receive orthodontic care, you will want to step up your oral hygiene game to ensure... Read more » With summer right around the corner, it is a great time to think about getting your teeth straightened and getting a jumpstart on an orthodontic treatment plan! Whether you consider wearing aligners or braces, there are benefits to getting orthodontic care during these warmer, less hectic months. The summer season... Read more » If you are wearing braces or another type of orthodontic aligners, taking good care of your teeth and gums is more important than ever. Good daily oral hygiene care is needed to protect your teeth and gums from oral infections while straightening your teeth. You don't want to end up... Read more » There are various reasons for seeking orthodontic treatment, including straightening your teeth and aligning your misaligned bite. Another reason is correcting an open bite. It is a common dental issue and can be effectively addressed with orthodontics. You want your upper and lower teeth to come together with a slight... Read more » Congratulations on getting orthodontic treatment for the health and appearance of your smile! Whether you wore braces or clear aligners, you will still need to wear a retainer to maintain that beautiful symmetry with your newly aligned teeth and bite. While wearing braces or clear aligners is phase one of... Read more » It's that time of year again when we look back over the past year and make some goals to better ourselves mentally and physically. For many, that includes improving their smile! While considering your New Year’s resolutions for this year, be sure to include improving your smile on your list!... Read more » This holiday season, while you are wearing braces, there are some things to keep in mind to ensure your smile stays healthy and you don't put your orthodontic treatment at risk. While the winter holidays are considered the most wonderful time of the year, you want to be mindful of... Read more » You've decided to wear braces. Congratulations on investing in your smile for a healthier and more attractive appearance! Straight teeth are also easier to clean, maneuver around and in between, so you actually benefit from better oral health along with beautifully aligned teeth! Cavities and Braces But what about braces... Read more » It's October, and we're celebrating National Orthodontic Health Month along with the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). Our goal is to help promote orthodontic health and share some tooth-friendly tips about orthodontic treatment to help you create a healthy, beautiful smile! A great smile starts with healthy, strong, aligned teeth... Read more » Caring for your teeth and gums is essential for a healthy, beautiful smile. You want to get rid of the harmful plaque daily that will otherwise damage your teeth and gums. This sticky, colorless film made of bacteria, food, and saliva builds up around the teeth and gum line and... Read more » It's that time of year again! As summer winds down, getting your child ready for back-to-school days can be both exciting and stressful, especially if they are new to wearing braces. Fortunately, it just takes a little bit of preparation, and your child will be back in the swing of... Read more » Whether you are wearing braces or clear aligners to straighten your teeth, accidents can happen, potentially leaving you dealing with an orthodontic emergency. With proper planning, however, you can be prepared for just about anything! And you will definitely want to take care of anything that comes up with your... Read more » When people think of orthodontics, they tend to visualize teeth straightening using metal braces or clear plastic aligners. But orthodontics is about more than just beautifully straightened teeth. It also corrects a misaligned bite! Malocclusions are what we orthodontists call "mismatched teeth" or jaw problems because of a misaligned bite.... Read more » Did you know that braces can help people who are experiencing relentless jaw pain? Having a sore jaw is often a symptom of tooth problems that can benefit from orthodontics. Jaw pain can also arise from problems like headaches, sinus pain, and arthritis. For example, you might have pain from... Read more » When you or your child wear braces, you want to make sure you take good care of your teeth while they are in braces so that when they come off, your smile can be healthy and beautiful! You already know about needing to brush thoroughly daily to get rid of... Read more » Teens who are happy with their smiles have more success socially with their peers as well as in their school work and other activities, thanks to their increased self-confidence. Conversely, teens who are self-conscious or embarrassed by their smiles tend to struggle as adolescence can be a challenging time. Orthodontic... Read more » For people who are wanting to straighten their teeth, braces are a modern marvel that can make that happen for just about anyone under proper supervision. And while the cost of orthodontics makes some people hesitate, you wouldn't try a do-it-yourself gallbladder surgery or BOTOX injection, would you? Everything comes... Read more » January is a great time to start the new year with good intentions and healthy choices. It is also a great time to look at your mouth to make the changes you need to have a more aligned, beautiful smile. Crooked teeth and misaligned bite patterns can wreak havoc on... Read more » Orthodontics straighten your teeth to correct a bad bite, teeth that are crooked or protruding, misaligned jaws, and other malocclusions. Over time, untreated misaligned teeth can cause problems with talking, chewing food, becoming cavity-prone, inviting gum disease, and end up creating poor oral health overall. It is why orthodontic treatment... Read more » Wearing an orthodontic headgear (or extraoral orthodontic appliance) allows our orthodontist to correct your child's growing bite and support proper jaw alignment and growth. This appliance is usually recommended for children whose jawbones are still developing. A headgear can ensure symmetrical facial aesthetics by guiding their profile to grow in... Read more » Halloween starts off the busy holiday season where the nights get longer, the days grow cooler, and festivities begin. If you are wearing braces, Halloween may be a little tricky for you this year. Resist temptation by only keeping treats that are safe for you to eat and letting yourself... Read more » Did your child receive braces this summer? If so, they will need to prepare themselves for the new school year by learning how to keep their teeth healthy while getting them straightened. The goal is to have a healthy, beautiful smile when their oral hardware comes off. Since they will... Read more » If you have been wanting to straighten your teeth for a healthier, more beautiful smile, you have come to the right place! We love straightening smiles and aligning bites to give our patients the smiles they have always wanted. It is a big investment in your oral health, time, energy,... Read more » Braces worn at any age takes up to two years to straighten on average. Designed to fit your mouth, they are customized to your mouth to place your teeth correctly. During your time in braces, many appointments and adjustments will need to take place. It's not always comfortable, but it... Read more » Children, teens and adults alike need to take extra care with their daily oral hygiene when wearing braces to straighten their teeth. In honor of Oral Health Month in June, we have some tips to share for keeping braces clean and your teeth healthy. Whether you are a parent of... Read more » With school out early for the year, now may be a good time for your child to be evaluated for braces. Braces are often recommended to improve one's smile (or orofacial appearance) by correcting crooked or crowded teeth. Braces can also fix problems with the bite, including overbites, underbites, incorrect... Read more » Straightening your teeth for a healthy, properly aligned and beautiful smile takes time and effort and is worth every second! So is taking good care of your teeth along the way so that when the braces come off, your teeth are as healthy as they were when you began! This... Read more » Braces provide orthodontists the tool to help fix teeth and jaw alignment. These can occur due to a bad bite (overbite, underbite, crossbite, or just crowding in the mouth). Abnormal bite patterns may become noticeable in children when they are anywhere from six to 12 years old, and for them,... Read more » Congratulations on deciding to wear braces this year! You can expect to wear your braces anywhere from 1-3 years depending on your growth, how complex the problem is, and of course, how well you care for your braces with your daily oral hygiene routine. Your Specific Treatment Plan Modern methods... Read more » Whether you live in an area that gets snow and ice, or you travel to vacation spots to engage in winter sports, you need to be mindful of oral injuries, particularly when you are wearing braces! It's always important to wear a mouth guard when engaging in potentially hazardous sports... Read more » With the new year around the corner, why not consider taking the next step to create a more beautiful smile? Orthodontics was initially a treatment that folks considered to be limited to children and teens, but today it is increasingly popular with adults. No matter what your age, orthodontic treatments... Read more » Once the hard work of straightening your teeth is completed, the next phase of your orthodontic treatment begins: keeping your teeth aligned with a retainer! You don't want any setbacks after taking the time to get them straightened. This means wearing your retainer as prescribed by our orthodontist. It will... Read more » October brings visions of ghosts, ghouls and goblins for children, but for adults, it is also National Orthodontic Health Month. Orthodontists around the country (including us) like to celebrate this time by spreading awareness about the benefits of straight teeth and an aligned bite. Orthodontic Fun Facts - There are... Read more » When you are wearing braces, nothing feels quite as important as what kinds of food you can eat. The wrong food can damage your braces or stain your teeth, particularly berries, curry sauce or grape juice. Protecting your new bands, archwires and brackets along with your teeth and gums quickly... Read more » It is that time of year again where your children are headed back to school with their new backpacks, notepads and pencils! If they have braces, they will need some extra items in their backpack and locker. Our team wants to make sure your children are equipped with the tools... Read more » Did you know there is a lesser-known cause for headaches that can be attributed to malocclusion? Malocclusion occurs when the jaws and teeth are misaligned due to abnormal positioning of the teeth when the jaws close. This can cause an overbite, underbite, crossbite or teeth crowding. While people often try... Read more » Traditional braces have come a long way when it comes to straightening crooked teeth. In fact, they are ideal for a variety of tooth issues, not just crooked teeth. They can effectively close gaps for crowded or overlapping teeth, fix misaligned or protruding teeth, align a bad bite, and match... Read more » Summer is almost here and with it the start of fun recreational activities coupled with a slower pace. For teens today, braces are pretty much a rite of passage. The end result? A straightened smile they can flash proudly! Especially since a smile is one of the first things people... Read more » Spotting and treating tooth alignment issues early on is very beneficial for your teeth. This allows time to make repairs and align the teeth into their correct position. Your teeth are something you use to eat, smile and communicate with others, so it's important to take care of them as... Read more » Ever since YouTube began helping people learn and execute do-it-yourself (DIY) projects with accuracy and success, it's become tempting to take on more challenging projects to save money. While this strategy works for learning how to crochet or paint your home, straightening your teeth should not be on that list... Read more » When it comes to caring for your teeth in or out of braces, you already know how important it is to brush twice a day. Cleaning your teeth daily helps get rid of harmful bacteria or plaque in the mouth that can cause gum disease and tooth decay. But brushing... Read more » When your child comes in for early orthodontic treatment, it's usually not just because their teeth are not aligned. Because of this misalignment, this can lead to poor facial development or other health problems. If your child's developing jaws and face don't grow correctly, there may be health issues that... Read more » The number one goal for your oral health is maintaining healthy teeth and gums. This means practicing diligent daily oral hygiene habits; specifically, brushing and flossing to remove plaque along with routine dental visits to remove tartar (hardened plaque), polish your teeth and have your gums checked. When you opt... Read more » Now that you have undergone orthodontic treatment and your teeth are finally aligned, you will want to make sure they don't slip back into their previous positions. To prevent this from happening, retainers are used to anchor your teeth into place. Retainers are fashioned to fit your mouth with the... Read more » Straightening your teeth with orthodontics can help you achieve a more healthy, aligned and attractive smile. With the upcoming holidays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, the month of December and New Year's (to name a few), around the corner, your orthodontics treatment won't take a holiday, so it's up to you to remember... Read more » By now you are likely aware that keeping your teeth and gums free from tooth decay and gum disease should top your list of oral health priorities when it comes to maintaining your healthy smile. But did you know that a malocclusion is another common dental issue that often needs... Read more » Your smile is the first thing people notice when they see you. Crooked, crowded teeth or a misaligned bite can make you feel self-conscious no matter what your age. The good news is, with today's advances in orthodontics, straighter teeth aren't just for kids and teens anymore. Now more than... Read more » Getting braces at a younger age has proved most effective in preventing dental problems in the future. Permanent teeth start to typically come in about the ages of six to eight, and because the bones are still growing, it’s best to evaluate their tooth alignment at a young age to... Read more »