Hearing that you need a tooth extraction may not be the news you were hoping for, but sometimes, removing a problematic tooth is the best way to protect your oral health. Whether you are dealing with severe decay, an infection, impacted wisdom teeth or overcrowding, extractions are a routine dental... Read more » Dental implants provide a long-lasting, functional and aesthetically pleasing way to restore missing teeth, seamlessly blending with your natural smile. However, not everyone is an immediate candidate for implant placement. One of the critical factors in determining implant success is having sufficient jawbone density to support the implant. If your... Read more » Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can have a significant impact on daily life, causing discomfort and hindering essential activities like eating, speaking and even sleeping. While many cases of TMJ disorders are successfully managed with conservative treatments, severe or chronic conditions may require oral surgery to restore function and alleviate pain.... Read more » Your canines, often called "cornerstone teeth," play a vital role in maintaining your dental alignment, guiding your bite and giving your smile its unique charm. But when these essential teeth fail to emerge correctly, they can become impacted, leading to various oral health challenges. If you have been told you... Read more » Dental implants are a common solution for replacing missing teeth, providing a permanent and natural-looking alternative to dentures or bridges. The process involves a series of precise surgical steps to ensure the implant integrates seamlessly with the jawbone and supports a prosthetic tooth. Today we are diving into the surgical... Read more » Oral maxillofacial surgery can feel overwhelming, but with the right preparation, you can ensure a smooth experience. Whether it is jaw surgery, wisdom teeth removal or another procedure, following these steps will help you feel confident and ready for both the surgery and recovery. 1. Pre-Surgery Essentials: What to Do... Read more » Oral surgery can be a daunting experience, but advancements in sedation dentistry have made it much more manageable and comfortable for patients. Understanding the different sedation options available can help you make an informed decision about which one is best suited for your needs. 1. Local Anesthesia Local anesthesia is... Read more » Oral health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked. One of the most concerning issues that can arise within the realm of oral health is an oral infection. Oral infections can manifest in various forms, such as tooth abscesses, gum disease or even fungal infections.... Read more » Facial trauma repair in maxillofacial surgery is a complex and highly specialized field that addresses injuries to the face resulting from accidents, violence or other traumatic events. While the primary goal of these procedures is to restore function and aesthetics, several complications can arise, impacting both the short-term and long-term... Read more » Corrective jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, is a transformative procedure that can significantly enhance both the function and aesthetics of the jaw. This specialized surgery addresses various issues such as misaligned jaws, facial asymmetry and bite problems, offering patients not only improved oral health but also a promising... Read more » Wisdom tooth extraction is a common oral surgery that can relieve pain, prevent dental complications and improve your oral health. While the thought of undergoing this procedure may seem daunting, knowing what to anticipate during the recovery period can assist with easing any anxieties and prepare you for a smooth... Read more » April, designated as Oral Cancer Awareness Month, is a pivotal time for our oral surgeons to emphasize the importance of early detection and prevention in combating oral cancer. When facing the daunting diagnosis of oropharyngeal cancer, the importance of specialized care cannot be overstated. This type of cancer, which affects the... Read more » Welcome to our March Q&A guide on dental implants. We are providing an in-depth look at everything from the basics of what dental implants are to their benefits, procedures and care. Designed for those who are considering this treatment or just curious about the potential option, this comprehensive guide demystifies... Read more » Concerning your oral health and well-being, certain matters can prove more involved than others. A notable example is managing impacted maxillary and mandibular canines, a condition wherein the canine teeth struggle to erupt correctly, often necessitating oral surgery to allow them to come through. So why does the impaction of... Read more » As the calendar turns over to a new year, many of us are inspired to make resolutions to improve our health and well-being. While exercise and dietary changes are often at the top of the list, it's crucial not to overlook the transformative impact that oral health can have on... Read more » Toothaches can often be excruciating and are usually the body's way of signaling that something is wrong in your mouth. As oral surgeons, we have encountered various toothache scenarios over the years, each offering unique insights into the underlying issues. Today we are sharing what your toothache is trying to... Read more » A beautiful smile is often considered one of the most valuable aspects of a person's appearance. However, many people may not realize that maintaining a healthy smile involves more than just having bright, white teeth. The foundation of an ideal smile lies in the strength and health of your jawbone.... Read more » Oral surgery, including wisdom tooth extraction or dental implant placement, often comes with post-operative discomfort. Our experienced surgical team will provide you with a detailed list of post-operative care designed to keep you comfortable while you are healing. Healing Strategies After Oral Surgery There are effective pain medications and other... Read more » Oral surgery, once synonymous with tooth extraction and discomfort, is undergoing a remarkable transformation. Thanks to advancements in technology and techniques, our oral surgeons are continuously pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Let's take a closer look at how oral surgery is continuously evolving and the cutting-edge techniques and technologies... Read more » Good oral health is an essential component of one’s overall wellbeing, and maintaining it means staying on top of dental issues when they arise. One of the most common dental problems people face is erupting wisdom teeth, which end up needing oral surgery to resolve. These third molars are the... Read more » Vacations are the perfect time to relax, explore new destinations and create unforgettable memories. If you are dealing with periodontal disease, it's also important to prioritize your oral health while traveling. Neglecting your oral care routine during your trip can worsen your condition and lead to discomfort. To ensure an... Read more » Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders can cause significant pain and discomfort, affecting a person's ability to speak, eat, and even sleep. While non-surgical treatments such as medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes are often the first line of defense, oral surgery can play a vital role in managing and treating severe... Read more » Oral surgery can be a nerve-wracking experience for many people. Whether it's a tooth extraction, dental implant placement or other dental procedure, knowing what to expect can help ease your anxiety and ensure a happy and successful outcome. Today, we will discuss the essential steps to help you prepare for... Read more » April is not only the beginning of spring but also marks the start of two important health awareness campaigns: Oral Cancer Awareness Month and Facial Protection Month. Oral Cancer Awareness Month aims to spread awareness about the risks and potential signs of oral cancer, which can affect the lips, tongue,... Read more » As oral maxillofacial surgeons, we can perform a variety of oral surgery treatments focusing on reconstructive surgery of the face, facial trauma surgery, the oral cavity, head and neck, mouth, and jaws. We strive to help you regain your dental health and facial appearance. There are many reasons why a... Read more » February 9th is National Toothache Day! This is a great opportunity to talk about toothaches and how our team can help you with a problem tooth (extraction) and set the stage for a tooth replacement using a dental implant. Your teeth are an integral part of your oral health and... Read more » One of the treatments we offer our patients is a surgical repair that reshapes the jaw bone and is referred to as alveoplasty. This surgery is specifically performed to smooth out and optimally shape the alveolar ridge, or jawbone if teeth have been extracted or lost to decay. This reshaping... Read more » Do you need to have wisdom teeth pulled, whether from crowding in your mouth, a molar coming in wrong or being infected? Today's state-of-the-art technology makes wisdom tooth extraction easier and more comfortable with proven sedation methods. Check out some of the most common questions we get about wisdom tooth... Read more » When it comes to oral surgery for oral- and tooth-related issues, you might need to be treated for impacted, infected or abscessed teeth. You might need a root canal treatment or one or more tooth extractions to get rid of the infection. When an infection is present, you'll often experience... Read more » As oral surgeons, we routinely perform a variety of surgical procedures such as bone grafting, dental implants, apicoectomies, jaw surgery, soft tissue grafting, and, of course, tooth extractions, including wisdom tooth removal. Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons are experts at restoring your mouth and face after a trauma, injury, or... Read more » If you were to sustain a sudden facial trauma or injury with cuts that require stitches by our oral maxillofacial surgeon, we would evaluate your facial structure. Should you break a bone, either in your face or in your jaw (something that is fairly common), the assessment would take into... Read more » When it comes to repairing surgical disease, injuries or defects that affect your mouth, face and jaw, our oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) are ready and qualified to help. We work on fixing a variety of conditions, from extracting wisdom teeth, cleft lip and palate surgery to facial cosmetic surgery.... Read more » When you undergo oral and maxillofacial surgery, you’ll need to stick to a liquid and soft-food diet post-surgery. To protect your surgical site while your mouth is recovering, you'll need to stay away from foods that are chewy, hard or crunchy. Depending on the surgery you had done, this can... Read more » Have you been wondering what exactly an oral and maxillofacial surgeon does? We specialize in diagnosing and treating various diseases, injuries, and defects involving the head, neck, face, and jaws, as well as the hard and soft tissues in the oral and maxillofacial areas of the body. We train to... Read more » Do you have damaged or missing teeth? Do you want a tooth replacement option that isn't dentures or bridgework? If so, dental implants may be perfect for your smile! Implants are modern marvels that effectively replace tooth roots, allowing your "new" teeth to function, feel, and look like your natural... Read more » Oral Cancer Awareness Week is observed on April 3 - 9, 2022 (thanks to the Head and Neck Cancer Alliance). It is supported by the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery to draw attention to this often fatal disease and how early detection is the key to surviving cancer.... Read more » Do you need to have one or more permanent teeth extracted? For adults, there are a variety of reasons why a tooth may need to be removed from the roots. Some of those include severe damage from tooth decay, trauma from a fall or blow to the face, or bacterial... Read more » If you are planning to have oral surgery, the best thing you can do is to take good care of your mouth post-recovery. This way, recovery can be quick and easy with few complications. Oral surgery, like wisdom teeth removal or dental implant surgery, can be easily navigated if you... Read more » There are times when you might need the help of a dental bone graft because you have lost vital bone density in your jaw, where the bone resorbs (melts away), negatively impacting your surrounding teeth. Bone loss occurs when your mouth suffers trauma, tooth loss or advanced gum (periodontal) disease.... Read more » Winter is coming, and if you are anything like us, you are likely busy preparing for the holidays to celebrate with family and friends. Because this time of year is so busy, it's easy to overindulge in your favorite annual treats while tempted to slack on your daily oral hygiene... Read more » Our team's job is to treat gum disease (gingivitis or periodontal disease). It is one of the ten most common diseases people deal with when it comes to their smiles. It is also the main cause of tooth loss in adults! If you have gum disease, you will need deep... Read more » September is National Gum Care Month, and it is a big deal for your oral health. Good oral health is the foundation to a healthy-looking, self-confident appearance when it comes to your smile. By ensuring healthy teeth and gums – because when it comes to tooth loss, it is not... Read more » Keeping your teeth healthy means you get to keep them longer, hopefully for a lifetime of smiles! But there are times when an adult tooth (or more) may need to be extracted. As periodontists, we work hard to help you keep your permanent teeth in place as long as possible.... Read more » Orthognathic surgery, or jaw surgery, is how our doctors correct the irregularities of the jawbones while also realigning the jaws and the teeth for a better bite and improved appearance. This corrective jaw surgery fixes skeletal abnormalities of the face and the jaw and can also be performed to fix... Read more » Did you know that a big investment you can make in your overall health and self-confidence is to make sure you have a healthy smile? June 15th is National Smile Power Day, and it's a great time to become more aware of the many benefits of having a healthy, confident... Read more » If you have ever experienced a dental abscess, you will likely know it. While not always painful, it often can be until the infection kills the pulp inside the root of the tooth, causing the tooth to lose sensation. Abscesses are an oral condition stemming from a bacterial infection in... Read more » For patients who have suffered from an injury to their teeth, skin, or bones of their face, our highly trained oral and maxillofacial surgeon can safely address your facial injuries so you can once again look and feel like yourself. It is crucial because facial injuries cause not just physical... Read more » Are you having problems with the third molars in your mouth? Also known as wisdom teeth, these permanent adult teeth show up between the ages of 17-25, tucked away in the back of the mouth (both on the top and bottom). They are typically hard to reach with your toothbrush... Read more » Millions of Americans experience tooth loss at some point in their lives, whether from cavities, tooth decay, advanced gum disease, aging, or oral trauma. In the past, these lost teeth would be replaced with dentures or bridges. Thanks to technological advancements, dental implants are quickly becoming a popular tooth replacement... Read more » You probably already know that your skeleton is made of bone, a hard material that makes your body strong. But did you know that inside of your bones there are actual living bone cells that keep your bone structure healthy? These cells also help fix your bones and help them... Read more » Winter is almost here, and sports activities can find a way to bring a dental emergency into your life during the busy holiday season. Whether you are skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, swimming, or surfing, accidents can happen. It can mean running into a tree while sledding, falling on your face... Read more » As your child's smile develops, the last adult teeth to show up are the molars in the back of the mouth, aka the wisdom teeth. These teeth may erupt on the top and bottom of their mouth on both sides. They typically come in anytime between ages 17 and 21.... Read more » If you have ever had a toothache, you already know how much it can hurt. But rather than ignoring the toothache and hoping it will go away on its own, it really should be seen to rule out the need for a root canal to restore a damaged tooth. Most... Read more » September is National Gum Care Month, so let's talk about everything related to gums. This month is a good time to reflect on your dental health and commit to taking better care of your gums. Sometimes, we forget your gums help keep your teeth in their place and functioning at... Read more » When it comes to your jaw, some things can go wrong that may necessitate medical intervention. Specifically, if you have temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), which is one of the most common pain disorders our oral surgeons see. This disorder affects millions of Americans, most often women, although anyone can have... Read more » When it comes to your smile, taking care of your teeth is an investment in your oral health that pays many dividends. With tooth loss, missing teeth can affect you in multiple ways. Even losing just one tooth can cause problems. Some of that is emotional, as people often feel... Read more » Sedation dentistry uses medication to help you relax and sit still comfortably when you have dental work done. Sedation is especially helpful if you have oral surgery by relieving any anxiety and making you comfortable. There are varying degrees of medication sedation that can be used such as light or... Read more » Oral pathology involves diagnosing and treating dental diseases, including tooth decay and gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss and even impact your general health. These diseases can arise in the teeth, the supportive bone, the temporomandibular joints and other soft tissue like the tongue, gums and salivary glands.... Read more » Good oral health is essential for a healthy smile. The mouth is home to colonies of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, and when controlled by daily brushing and flossing, your oral health can thrive. Conversely, consuming a high sugar diet that feeds the bad bacteria creates harmful acids that erode... Read more » More and more people are keeping their natural teeth healthy for a lifetime of beautiful smiles. At any age, a healthy mouth is a valuable asset when it comes to looking and feeling your best. Getting older means taking care of yourself to continue feeling great. Like your body, your... Read more » In honor of February's Gum Disease Awareness Month – a global public awareness campaign for preventing gum disease – our practice wants to help spread the word about this insidious disease. That's because it can destroy your smile if it is left untreated. Fortunately, you can take action to help... Read more » Facial trauma (or maxillofacial trauma) can happen when you are involved in an injury to your face or jawbone. Such injuries may arise from being in a car accident, a fall, sports injury or work, for example. These may be categorized as soft tissue injuries of your skin or gums,... Read more » Winter is here and if you are exposed to the harsher weather, you could find yourself experiencing more cold and canker sores, chapped lips and dry mouth from the colder, drier conditions of the season. The good news is, there are steps you can take to protect your mouth, teeth,... Read more » There are times when a patient needs oral surgery to reshape, smooth, and polish the jawbone when teeth are extracted or lost. Known as an alveoloplasty, this bone leveling is a surgical smoothing and recontouring of the jawbone ridge. Leveling Jawbone for Dentures This bone reshaping can be performed as... Read more » Did you know that wisdom teeth are actually not needed? Much like an appendix, these third molars are superfluous, and some people don't even develop them. Because of this, and because they often lead to problems over time, it is common to remove them before they can cause trouble. These... Read more » September brings the month of National Gum Care, a time to raise awareness for healthy gums everywhere. No matter your age, you should always be striving for great oral care, and this doesn't just mean your teeth. Your gums are just as important when it comes to maintaining a great... Read more » Tooth decay resulting in cavities should be treated as early as possible to prevent complications like dental infections. This is why regularly seeing your dentist is so vital, as cavities can be detected before they grow and damage teeth. Symptoms that might indicate having an infected tooth include intense toothaches,... Read more » For many years, dentures were considered the only solution for replacing multiple or all missing teeth. But thanks to modern technology and advances in the dental implant dentistry, you have the choice of having All-on-4™ or Teeth-in-a-Day® restorations. This surgical and prosthetic process gives you dental implants and replacement teeth... Read more » Our team strongly encourages everyone to floss daily, but do you ever wonder why? Well, flossing is vital for top-notch oral health and smiles. It can help you and your oral health in more ways than you might realize. This means that if you forget to floss, your smile can... Read more » There is no tooth substitute that looks, feels or functions exactly like your own teeth. This is why the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) is committed to creating awareness for saving your natural teeth, dedicating the month of May to root canal awareness as well as recognizing endodontists, the people... Read more » Summer will be here soon with more and more people heading outdoors, increasing the risk of dental injuries. Although our team is at the ready to assist you in the event of an emergency, oral injuries can often be avoided and are preventable with good dental habits. Habits to Avoid... Read more » Oral surgical procedures, whether dental, endodontic or periodontic are routinely done to help patients receive the care they need. One of the most common procedures for patients between 16-24 years old is wisdom tooth removal. For this and other oral treatments, pain management will be used to keep the patient... Read more » There are times when a permanent adult tooth may need to be pulled whether it's due to a severely decayed tooth, infected tooth pulp, severe gum disease or to make room for braces (to prevent overcrowding). A tooth might also be extracted if someone is going to have an organ... Read more » Crown lengthening is a common procedure done under local anesthesia to remove or reshape gum tissue, bone (or both) to expose more of the remaining tooth or teeth. It can be performed on one or more teeth on the gum line. This treatment is often recommended if you have a... Read more » What happens when facial trauma from winter sports and snow accidents lead to facial and maxillary trauma to the hard parts (bones and teeth) and soft tissue (skin and gums) of your body? Whether you are injured from snowmobiling, skiing or snowboarding, or have an accidental fall on the ice... Read more » Periodontal (gum) disease is the number one cause of bone loss in the mouth. If you are experiencing gum disease, you can have chronic bacterial infections that impact your gum tissue as well as the supportive bone material underneath. Once plaque (the sticky bacterial film in the mouth) reaches beneath... Read more » If your dentist or orthodontist has suggested to you that you might benefit from jaw surgery, you are not alone. Misalignment of the jaw can range from mild to severe, and sometimes orthognathic surgery may be needed. While your orthodontist can correct bite problems involving your teeth, surgery may be... Read more » If you have ever lost a tooth, you might have more than just a gap between your teeth. If a lost tooth is not replaced, the bone in the jaw that supported the lost tooth starts to deteriorate. That's because when you chew your food, there's no more stimulation to... Read more » If you find yourself experiencing TMJ symptoms that are mild and infrequent, they may go away on their own. This sometimes can take weeks or months depending on what you do to help your jaw find relief. Of course, this is a good time to alleviate symptoms by temporarily sticking... Read more » Do you have questions concerning your recovery post-op? We have answers to the most common questions we get. Read on for more: How can I prepare for oral surgery? Make sure you have a comfortable recovery place set up at home. Having extra pillows can help you rest more comfortably,... Read more »