If you are experiencing persistent tooth pain, sensitivity to hot or cold, or signs of infection in a tooth, you may wonder whether to see your general dentist or an endodontist. Understanding the difference between the two and recognizing when a specialist is necessary can help preserve your natural teeth... Read more » February is American Heart Month, a time to raise awareness about cardiovascular health and the steps we can take to protect our hearts. While diet, exercise and stress management are commonly discussed, many people overlook the role that oral health plays in heart disease prevention. Specifically, untreated dental infections—often addressed... Read more » As the temperature dips and winter sets in, many people notice a change not only in the weather but also in their dental health. For those already dealing with sensitive teeth, the chill in the air can bring about sudden, sharp discomfort. Understanding how cold weather affects your teeth and... Read more » As an endodontist, my goal is to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums while addressing any concerns about your oral health. One condition I often get questions about is root resorption. While it can sound alarming, understanding what is happening and how we can treat it is the first... Read more » Cracked teeth are a common dental issue that can lead to significant discomfort, especially when left untreated. A crack in a tooth can occur due to several factors, including injury, grinding your teeth or even biting down on something hard. Regardless of how it happens, getting treatment as soon as... Read more » Did you know that root canal therapy, a key endodontic treatment, is a powerful tool for preserving your natural teeth and safeguarding your smile for a lifetime? By choosing to save your tooth rather than opting for extraction, you are making an investment in your long-term dental health, aesthetics and... Read more » Root canal treatment is often associated with fear and discomfort, but modern advancements in dentistry have made it a highly effective and relatively painless procedure. The main goal of a root canal is to save a tooth that is severely damaged or infected, preserving your natural smile and preventing the... Read more » Endodontic treatment is a crucial aspect of dental care that focuses on the health and preservation of the dental pulp and surrounding tissues. Among the various procedures in this field, an apicoectomy stands out as a specialized surgical intervention aimed at saving teeth that would otherwise be lost. This in-depth... Read more » Pulpitis is a dental condition characterized by inflammation of the dental pulp, the innermost part of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. This inflammation can cause significant discomfort and, if left untreated, can lead to more serious dental problems. Understanding the causes, symptoms and treatments of pulpitis is... Read more » Undergoing root canal therapy can be a significant step toward preserving your natural teeth and maintaining your oral health. However, the journey doesn’t end with the procedure. Post-treatment care is crucial to ensure the long-term success of the therapy and to prevent any future complications from arising. Here are some... Read more » Root canal therapy is often associated with severe pain and discomfort, leading to widespread apprehension about this common and popular dental procedure. Root canals are popular primarily because they are an effective method for saving a tooth that might otherwise need to be extracted. Thanks to modern dental advancements and... Read more » When it comes to the field of endodontics, which focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of a tooth’s dental pulp and the surrounding tissues, we are witnessing a significant transformation. Thanks to the advent of groundbreaking technologies and innovations, these modern advancements are not only redefining the way root canal... Read more » In the intricate world of oral health, our journey often begins with the familiar territory of the dentist's chair—home to routine cleanings, fillings and the occasional wisdom tooth removal. Yet, beneath the surface of these common dental experiences lies a specialized realm known as endodontics, a field where practitioners wield... Read more » Dental emergencies can strike unexpectedly, causing severe discomfort and anxiety. Among the various dental issues that can arise, endodontic emergencies, specifically those related to the pulp and nerves inside a problem tooth, demand prompt attention. In this blog, we will explore common endodontic emergencies, discuss how you can respond most... Read more » As we usher in a new year, it's an opportune time to reflect on our ongoing habits and resolutions, particularly those related to our health. Since oral health is an integral part of overall well-being, we’re exploring the often-overlooked but crucial aspect of endodontic retreatment, shedding light on why it... Read more » If you live in a cold climate or plan on vacationing in a chilly one, know that winter can bring with it a unique set of challenges for your oral health. Beyond the familiar issues of chapped lips and dry skin, cold weather can also exacerbate tooth sensitivity, posing potential... Read more » A toothache can be one of the most uncomfortable experiences someone can endure. It's that relentless pain that keeps you up at night, makes you wince when you bite into something cold and grimace when you sip on hot tea. But have you ever wondered what your tooth pain is... Read more » For many people, the mere mention of a root canal can induce and spike their anxiety. The myths and misconceptions surrounding this common dental procedure have contributed to dental anxiety for countless people with troubled teeth. Our experienced endodontic team wants to help you by setting the record straight and... Read more » When it comes to dental care, most of us envision getting routine check-ups, the occasional dental filling, and perhaps the anxiety-inducing root canal. However, there's a lesser-known restorative treatment in dentistry called “pulp capping”, an innovative technique that can prevent the need for more invasive treatments, while preserving your healthy... Read more » When it comes to dental health, preserving your natural teeth is essential. Modern advancements in dentistry have made it possible to save even severely damaged or infected teeth through appropriate treatment. For example, root canal treatment has saved countless teeth from extraction. Still, there are cases where traditional root canal... Read more » Vacations are the perfect time to relax, explore new destinations and create unforgettable memories. If you are dealing with periodontal disease, it's also important to prioritize your oral health while traveling. Neglecting your oral care routine during your trip can worsen your condition and lead to discomfort. To ensure an... Read more » Endodontic microsurgery, also known as apical microsurgery or retrograde endodontic surgery, is a specialized dental procedure that involves using advanced techniques and high-powered magnification to treat root canal problems that cannot be resolved through conventional root canal therapy. This cutting-edge approach has revolutionized the field of endodontics and has numerous... Read more » May is recognized as Root Canal Awareness month, highlighting the importance of good dental health and promoting awareness about root canal therapy. Root canal therapy is a common dental procedure that is often misunderstood. Our endodontic team can assure you that despite its negative reputation, a root canal treatment is... Read more » When it comes to endodontic treatment, do you know the difference between a pulpotomy and a pulpectomy? When it comes to endodontic treatments, it can be easy to get confused by the technical terminology. When it comes to your young child’s smile, one common source of confusion for many parents... Read more » Did you know that endodontists perform an average of 25 root canal treatments in a week, while your general dentist typically does two? Your dentist places dental fillings and cleans your pearly whites, while endodontists focus on diagnosing and treating any persistent problems and pain you are experiencing in your... Read more » Did you know over 80% of Americans get at least one cavity by the time they reach their mid-30s? Or that cavities are one of the most common diseases people of all ages experience? February is both Valentine's Day and National Toothache Day, making it a great opportunity to show... Read more » Most people are familiar with dentists and the role they play when it comes to their oral health. But what do you know about endodontists and the role they play in your dental health? Our endodontic team is highly skilled and not only diagnoses the precise cause of tooth pain... Read more » When you have cavities in your mouth, it is important to treat them because they will only get worse. A simple dental filling can often restore the affected tooth, unless the decay is extensive and you are looking at requiring a root canal to save the tooth. In some cases,... Read more » If you have ever had a toothache, you know that it can make it hard to function or focus on your day-to-day obligations. Once you notice pain in a tooth, pay attention because it means that the tooth root is likely inflamed and irritated. This can quickly lead to infection,... Read more » While root canals aren't in the least funny, some of the myths around them are pretty laughable. But they can still scare you away from getting treatment. And that's the last thing you should do, delay a needed root canal treatment (RCT)! Putting off treatment and avoiding it altogether can... Read more » September is National Gum Care Month, and we're excited to share some tips to keep your smile healthy and strong. Most people think of tooth loss as a result of tooth decay, but did you know that losing teeth is often a result of gum disease? Brushing and flossing daily... Read more » When you have trouble with the soft tissue and nerves inside your teeth, our endodontist can often save those teeth from being lost to decay and infection. As endodontists, we spend our time helping patients with tooth pain, infections and serious dental disease. Our goal is to relieve your pain... Read more » Did you know that over 15 million root canals are done annually, according to the American Association of Endodontists? Breaking that down means that every single day more than 41,000 root canals are done in just one day alone, by either dentists or endodontists. And while a dentist will average... Read more » Did you know that May 11th, 2022 is National Root Canal Appreciation Day? It is a day our endodontic team looks forward to because, in the past, a tooth infection could cause lasting damage. Thanks to modern technology, a simple root canal is all it takes to save the tooth... Read more » Oral Cancer Awareness Week is observed on April 3 - 9, 2022 (thanks to the Head and Neck Cancer Alliance). It is supported by the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery to draw attention to this often fatal disease and how early detection is the key to surviving cancer.... Read more » Endodontics is the practice of intervening when serious tooth pain consumes all of your attention. While dentists help you keep your teeth in their best shape, our highly trained endodontist (a next-level dental specialist) can step in and effectively fix the tissues inside the problem tooth. As members of the... Read more » February is Gum disease awareness month! It is important because more than half of the adults in our country experience gum disease, leading to gum inflammation and infection. This relentless disease can wreak havoc on your oral health and adversely affects not just your gums but your jaw bone density... Read more » Did you know that you can enlist the help of an endodontist if you are experiencing unrelenting tooth pain? Dentists can help you prevent toothaches and even treat them, but there are times when your painful tooth would be better treated by an endodontist. It is because we have advanced... Read more » When it comes to your teeth and gums, it's essential to take good care of them to keep them healthy and strong so you can bite, chew, speak, and smile. Your daily oral hygiene care and routine professional dental cleanings and exams combined help you maintain your teeth and gums... Read more » Halloween will be here before you know it, and your family will have delicious confections in buckets! You might as well call it candy season because of the number of treats offered at every event this season. Everyone is in the mood to celebrate the change of season and indulge... Read more » September is National Gum Care Month, and it is a big deal for your oral health. Good oral health is the foundation to a healthy-looking, self-confident appearance when it comes to your smile. By ensuring healthy teeth and gums – because when it comes to tooth loss, it is not... Read more » When it comes to treating your teeth and gums, you need the best possible care if you want to keep your smile healthy and problem-free. It means practicing good oral hygiene habits daily at home and having regular dental cleanings and exams to spot problems early (when they are easier... Read more » Because of the pandemic (and occasionally dental anxiety just from going to the dentist), patients may find themselves tempted to skip a dental appointment or two, especially if they are not currently having any acute dental problems. But skipping those routine dental cleanings can also put one's oral health and... Read more » Did you know that a big investment you can make in your overall health and self-confidence is to make sure you have a healthy smile? June 15th is National Smile Power Day, and it's a great time to become more aware of the many benefits of having a healthy, confident... Read more » Did you know that good oral health is essential to good overall health? If your smile is riddled with oral infections or diseases, it can spread to other organs in your body. It is because the mouth allows bacteria to enter the bloodstream, where they can spread throughout your body.... Read more » Having a cracked or broken tooth is no joke, especially if it leaves you with a painful toothache. Cracked or broken teeth can happen if the inner workings of your tooth pulp become exposed, whether from the tooth's nerves, blood vessels, or connective tissue. You will want to have it... Read more » Were you aware that if you consistently take good care of your oral health, you can often keep a tooth that has been through a root canal treatment for the rest of your life? Most people envision themselves in dentures at some point, and while there are some pretty amazing... Read more » February is National Gum Disease Awareness Month, and we are here for it! Working daily with gums makes us excited about creating awareness on how best to keep your gums healthy no matter what your age. When we say your smile thrives on good oral care, most patients typically think... Read more » Your oral health is crucial to a healthy, beautiful smile. If you have a tooth that has been damaged (because of fracture, cracks or a deep cavity), harmful oral bacteria can access the inner tooth pulp where an infection can take place. Pain and swelling will likely occur, and over... Read more » If you've never heard of the term "pulp-capping," you are not alone. Although related to endodontic treatment, it is the phrase "root canal" that most people recognize. In a nutshell, pulp capping is a dental procedure that is done to prevent a root canal later. By restoring a tooth that... Read more » Having a root canal treatment performed is easier and better than ever before. You might need to have a root canal done to save a damaged tooth from extraction and replaced with a dental restoration. Your teeth are typically better than a tooth replacement option, which is why your dentist... Read more » If you have ever had a toothache, you already know how much it can hurt. But rather than ignoring the toothache and hoping it will go away on its own, it really should be seen to rule out the need for a root canal to restore a damaged tooth. Most... Read more » September is National Gum Care Month, so let's talk about everything related to gums. This month is a good time to reflect on your dental health and commit to taking better care of your gums. Sometimes, we forget your gums help keep your teeth in their place and functioning at... Read more » What do you know about the difference between nonsurgical root canal treatments, surgical retreatments and dental implants? You are probably like most people and can maybe guess. We are here to answer your questions! Surgical vs. Nonsurgical Root Canal Therapy When our endodontist mentions root canals, a nonsurgical root canal... Read more » If you have ever had a toothache, you will likely remember the pain. It is typically located in or around a tooth and indicates that you have something wrong going on with your teeth or gums. It can also be "referred pain," meaning it's coming from somewhere else in your... Read more » Sedation dentistry uses medication to help you relax and sit still comfortably when you have dental work done. Sedation is especially helpful if you have oral surgery by relieving any anxiety and making you comfortable. There are varying degrees of medication sedation that can be used such as light or... Read more » Healthy teeth aren't damaged, decayed or infected. To keep your teeth healthy means practicing good daily oral hygiene habits and seeing your dentist twice a year for cleanings and exams. But what if a tooth is infected? In most cases, it is best to save a tooth rather than replace... Read more » If you need to have a root canal treatment done on a damaged tooth, you are not alone! Millions of people have a root canal done every year. Dentists who focus their work on a patient's tooth pulp and the surrounding tissues are called endodontists. It means we take a... Read more » Even though your teeth are the hardest substances in your body, even harder than bone, a tooth can become cracked. This arises because of trauma or injury but it can also happen from daily wear and tear from the pressure of chewing and biting down. If a tooth does crack,... Read more » In honor of February's Gum Disease Awareness Month – a global public awareness campaign for preventing gum disease – our practice wants to help spread the word about this insidious disease. That's because it can destroy your smile if it is left untreated. Fortunately, you can take action to help... Read more » When it comes to your oral health, saving your natural tooth is usually the most desirable option whenever possible. That is why preventing tooth decay and cavities is the goal of your daily brushing and flossing oral hygiene care. Still, there are times when a root canal is needed to... Read more » Winter is here and if you are exposed to the harsher weather, you could find yourself experiencing more cold and canker sores, chapped lips and dry mouth from the colder, drier conditions of the season. The good news is, there are steps you can take to protect your mouth, teeth,... Read more » Did you know that only about half of Americans floss their teeth every day? And nearly 20 percent don't floss at all. If you want a healthy smile, we encourage you to floss once a day, every day. You probably already know that the American Dental Association advises flossing your... Read more » Happy October, everyone! It's one of the spookiest seasons of the year, and one of the scariest things we can think of is having problems with our teeth and gums. Since October is National Dental Hygiene Month, we want to promote a healthy mouth for everyone by acknowledging the importance... Read more » September brings the month of National Gum Care, a time to raise awareness for healthy gums everywhere. No matter your age, you should always be striving for great oral care, and this doesn't just mean your teeth. Your gums are just as important when it comes to maintaining a great... Read more » Endodontists have one essential goal – to save teeth. One method we use to save a distressed tooth is called pulp capping. If our endodontist determines that your damaged tooth requires a pulp capping, this root canal alternative isolates the decay from attacking the tooth's pulp chamber to keep the... Read more » Did you know that endodontic therapy could save your life? Studies have shown that an infection from an abscessed tooth can cause serious health problems. This problem is preventable with root canal treatment to prevent the abscess or a simple tooth extraction. When getting to the root of tooth decay,... Read more » Our team strongly encourages everyone to floss daily, but do you ever wonder why? Well, flossing is vital for top-notch oral health and smiles. It can help you and your oral health in more ways than you might realize. This means that if you forget to floss, your smile can... Read more » There is no tooth substitute that looks, feels or functions exactly like your own teeth. This is why the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) is committed to creating awareness for saving your natural teeth, dedicating the month of May to root canal awareness as well as recognizing endodontists, the people... Read more » Summer will be here soon with more and more people heading outdoors, increasing the risk of dental injuries. Although our team is at the ready to assist you in the event of an emergency, oral injuries can often be avoided and are preventable with good dental habits. Habits to Avoid... Read more » Does your child need a root canal treatment, called a pulpotomy, to save a damaged primary tooth? Are you wondering why children even get root canals? The truth is root canals - which save teeth that have a bacterial infection or inflammation in the tooth pulp - prevent primary teeth... Read more » If you've ever experienced a persistent toothache, you know how unpleasant they can be. Sometimes, even if you are diligent about your daily brushing and flossing routine, you may still end up with a painful toothache and natural tooth decay. Usually, when this happens, it's because of a cavity, but... Read more » Did you know that the bacteria in a cavity can cause the nerves to die and kill the tooth? Unlike other areas of your body, the teeth can't regenerate, so if you don't remove the diseased parts of a tooth being destroyed by plaque and bacteria, it will continue to... Read more » Winter recreation and sports, such as snowmobiling, skiing and snowboarding are popular pastimes for individuals and families this time of year. Wearing a helmet and a mouthguard can go a long way to protecting yourself from oral injury when engaging in these activities, but still, accidents do happen, and when... Read more » If you have a cracked or damaged tooth that needs repairing, our team is here to help! We know that with the right treatment, you can get back to your daily routine without the worries of a damaged smile interrupting your day. Who wants a damaged tooth to prevent keep... Read more » Your toothy smile isn't just the pretty white crowns that you see when you look in a mirror. Underneath that enamel lives a network of little canals that comprise the living tissue of the tooth, complete with blood vessels and nerves to nourish it and keep it alive. This inner... Read more » Our goal is to save your natural teeth so that you can keep them for as long as possible. This not only benefits you functionally but aesthetically as well. Keeping your smile intact means your smile stays natural, so you can still eat all your favorite foods, instead of having... Read more » When we perform a root canal, you will have had an X-ray to see the shape of the root canals, and we check for infection in the nearby bone. You will receive a local anesthetic and a dam will be placed in the area surrounding the tooth to keep it... Read more » As endodontic specialists, our job is saving your natural teeth. When you come to us for treatment, you have a greater chance of keeping your teeth and avoiding having to wear false teeth or tooth replacements, such as bridges, implants, or a removable partial denture. If an infected tooth is... Read more »